/* We only need for the key to be an unique tag for looking up the value later.
* Allocated memory provides convenient unique identifiers, so that's why we
- * use the value pointer as the key itself. */
- ptable_hints_store(MY_CXT.tbl, value, h);
+ * use the hint as the key itself. */
+ ptable_hints_store(MY_CXT.tbl, h, h);
- return newSViv(PTR2IV(value));
+ return newSViv(PTR2IV(h));
STATIC SV *indirect_detag(pTHX_ const SV *hint) {
my $tests;
BEGIN { $tests = 18 }
-use Test::More tests => (1 + $tests + 1) + 3 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 1;
+use Test::More tests => (1 + $tests + 1) + 3 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 1;
is_deeply \@w, [ ], 'second require test doesn\'t have more errors';
+ local @main::new;
+ my (@err, @w);
+ sub cb3 { push @err, $_[0] };
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
+ eval <<' TESTREQUIRED3';
+ {
+ package indirect::TestRequired3Z;
+ sub new { push @main::new, __PACKAGE__ }
+ no indirect hook => \&main::cb3;
+ use indirect::TestRequired3X;
+ use indirect::TestRequired3Y;
+ new indirect::TestRequired3Z;
+ }
+ @w = grep !/^warn:Attempt\s+to\s+free\s+unreferenced/, @w if $] <= 5.008003;
+ is $@, '',
+ "pragma leak when reusing callback test doesn't croak prematurely";
+ is_deeply \@w, [ ],
+ "pragma leak when reusing callback test doesn't warn";
+ is_deeply \@err, [ map "indirect::TestRequired3$_", qw/X Z/ ],
+ "pragma leak when reusing callback test caught the right errors";
+ is_deeply \@main::new, [ map "indirect::TestRequired3$_", qw/X Y Z/ ],
+ "pragma leak when reusing callback test ran the three constructors";
eval <<' SNIP';