my $clone = Tikz->functor;
my $dup = $set->$clone;
-If there is already a default rule for one of the C<$spec>s, it is replaced by the new one ; otherwise, the user rule is appended to the list of default rules.
+If there is already a default rule for one of the C<$spec>s, it is replaced by the new one ; otherwise, the user rule is inserted into the list of default rules after all its descendants' rules and before all its ancestors' rules.
# A translator
my $translate = Tikz->functor(
Adds to all subsequently created functors a default rule for the class or role C<$spec>.
-An exception is thrown if there is already a default rule for C<$spec> ; otherwise, the new rule is appended to the current list of default rules.
+An exception is thrown if there is already a default rule for C<$spec> ; otherwise, the new rule is inserted into the current list of default rules after all its descendants' rules and before all its ancestors' rules.
But if C<$spec> begins with C<'+'>, the rule will replace I<all> default rules that apply to subclasses or subroles of C<$spec> (including C<$spec> itself).
Returns true if and only if an existent rule was replaced.
=head2 C<< insert into => \@list, overwrite => $overwrite, replace => $replace >>
Inserts the current rule into the list of rules C<@list>.
+The list is expected to be ordered, in that each rule must come after all the rules that have a target that inherits or consumes the original rule's own target.
-If C<$replace> is false, then the rule will be appended to the C<@list> ; except if there already is an existent entry for the same target, in which case it will be overwritten if C<$overwrite> is true, or an exception will be thrown if it is false.
+If C<$replace> is false, then the rule will be inserted into C<@list> after all the rules applying to the target's subclasses/subroles and before all its superclasses/superroles ; except if there is already an existent entry for the same target, in which case it will be overwritten if C<$overwrite> is true, or an exception will be thrown if it is false.
If C<$replace> is true, then the rule will replace the first rule in the list that is a subclass or that consumes the role denoted by the target.
All the subsequent rules in the list that inherit or consume the target will be removed.
} else { # Replace only an existent rule
my $target = $rule->target;
+ my $last_descendant = undef;
+ my $first_ancestor = undef;
for my $i (0 .. $#$list) {
- my $old_target = $list->[$i]->target;
+ my $old_rule = $list->[$i];
+ my $old_target = $old_rule->target;
if ($old_target eq $target) {
Carp::confess("Default rule already defined for target $target")
unless $overwrite;
splice @$list, $i, 1, $rule;
return 1;
+ } elsif ($rule->handles($old_target)) {
+ $last_descendant = $i;
+ } elsif ($old_rule->handles($target)) {
+ $first_ancestor = $i;
+ my $pos;
+ if (defined $first_ancestor) {
+ Carp::confess("Unsorted rule list")
+ if defined $last_descendant and $first_ancestor <= $last_descendant;
+ $pos = $first_ancestor;
+ } elsif (defined $last_descendant) {
+ $pos = $last_descendant + 1;
+ }
+ if (defined $pos) {
+ splice @$list, $pos, 1, $rule;
+ return 0;
+ }
push @$list, $rule;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5 + 2 * 5;
+use Test::More tests => 10 + 2 * 7;
use LaTeX::TikZ;
\draw (-2cm,1cm) -- (2cm,1cm) ;
+my $special = eval {
+ Tikz->functor(
+ '+LaTeX::TikZ::Mod' => sub { die "mod\n" },
+ '+LaTeX::TikZ::Set' => sub { die "set\n" },
+ );
+is $@, '', 'creating a special functor with + rules doesn\'t croak';
+eval { $seq->$special };
+is $@, "set\n", 'special functor with + rules eats everything properly';
+$special = eval {
+ Tikz->functor(
+ '+LaTeX::TikZ::Mod' => sub { die "mod\n" },
+ '+LaTeX::TikZ::Set' => sub { die "set\n" },
+ 'LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point' => sub { Tikz->point(7) },
+ 'LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Op' => sub { Tikz->raw('moo') },
+ );
+is $@, '', 'creating a special functor with + and normal rules doesn\'t croak';
+my $res = eval { Tikz->point(3, 4)->$special };
+is $@, '', 'special functor with + and normal rules orders its rules properly';
+check $res, 'the result of the special functor', <<'RES';
+\draw (7cm,0cm) ;
+$res = eval { Tikz->raw('hlagh')->$special };
+is $@, '',
+ 'special functor with + and normal rules orders its rules properly again';
+check $res, 'the result of the special functor', <<'RES';
+\draw moo ;
$tikz = eval {
origin => [ -1, 1 ],