my %features = (
threads => \&init_threads,
usleep => \&init_usleep,
+ capture => \&init_capture,
sub import {
system { $perl } $perl, '-T', map("-I$_", @INC), '-e', $code;
+sub init_capture {
+ skip_all 'Cannot capture output on VMS' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ load_or_skip_all 'IO::Handle', '0', [ ];
+ load_or_skip_all 'IO::Select', '0', [ ];
+ load_or_skip_all 'IPC::Open3', '0', [ ];
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ load_or_skip_all 'Socket', '0', [ ];
+ }
+ return capture => \&capture;
+# Inspired from IPC::Cmd
+sub capture {
+ my @cmd = @_;
+ my $want = wantarray;
+ my $fail = sub {
+ my $err = $!;
+ my $ext_err = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? $^E : undef;
+ my $syscall = shift;
+ my $args = join ', ', @_;
+ my $msg = "$syscall($args) failed: ";
+ if (defined $err) {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ my ($err_code, $err_str) = (int $err, "$err");
+ $msg .= "$err_str ($err_code)";
+ }
+ if (defined $ext_err) {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ my ($ext_err_code, $ext_err_str) = (int $ext_err, "$ext_err");
+ $msg .= ", $ext_err_str ($ext_err_code)";
+ }
+ die "$msg\n";
+ };
+ my ($status, $content_out, $content_err);
+ local $@;
+ my $ok = eval {
+ my ($pid, $out, $err);
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ my $pipe = sub {
+ socketpair $_[0], $_[1],
+ &Socket::AF_UNIX, &Socket::SOCK_STREAM, &Socket::PF_UNSPEC
+ or $fail->(qw<socketpair reader writer>);
+ shutdown $_[0], 1 or $fail->(qw<shutdown reader>);
+ shutdown $_[1], 0 or $fail->(qw<shutdown writer>);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ local (*IN_R, *IN_W);
+ local (*OUT_R, *OUT_W);
+ local (*ERR_R, *ERR_W);
+ $pipe->(*IN_R, *IN_W);
+ $pipe->(*OUT_R, *OUT_W);
+ $pipe->(*ERR_R, *ERR_W);
+ $pid = IPC::Open3::open3('>&IN_R', '<&OUT_W', '<&ERR_W', @cmd);
+ close *IN_W or $fail->(qw<close input>);
+ $out = *OUT_R;
+ $err = *ERR_R;
+ } else {
+ my $in = IO::Handle->new;
+ $out = IO::Handle->new;
+ $out->autoflush(1);
+ $err = IO::Handle->new;
+ $err->autoflush(1);
+ $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($in, $out, $err, @cmd);
+ close $in;
+ }
+ # Forward signals to the child (except SIGKILL)
+ my %sig_handlers;
+ foreach my $s (keys %SIG) {
+ $sig_handlers{$s} = sub {
+ kill "$s" => $pid;
+ $SIG{$s} = $sig_handlers{$s};
+ };
+ }
+ local $SIG{$_} = $sig_handlers{$_} for keys %SIG;
+ unless ($want) {
+ close $out or $fail->(qw<close output>);
+ close $err or $fail->(qw<close error>);
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ $status = $?;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new();
+ $sel->add($out, $err);
+ my $fd_out = fileno $out;
+ my $fd_err = fileno $err;
+ my %contents;
+ $contents{$fd_out} = '';
+ $contents{$fd_err} = '';
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ for my $fh (@ready) {
+ my $buf;
+ my $bytes_read = sysread $fh, $buf, 4096;
+ if (not defined $bytes_read) {
+ $fail->('sysread', 'fd(' . fileno($fh) . ')');
+ } elsif ($bytes_read) {
+ $contents{fileno($fh)} .= $buf;
+ } else {
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ close $fh or $fail->('close', 'fd(' . fileno($fh) . ')');
+ last unless $sel->count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ $status = $?;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ # Manual CRLF translation that couldn't be done with sysread.
+ s/\x0D\x0A/\n/g for values %contents;
+ }
+ $content_out = $contents{$fd_out};
+ $content_err = $contents{$fd_err};
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($ok) {
+ return ($status, $content_out, $content_err);
+ } else {
+ my $err = $@;
+ chomp $err;
+ return (undef, $err);
+ }
sub init_threads {
my ($pkg, $threadsafe, $force_var) = @_;
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use VPIT::TestHelpers 'capture';
+use Test::More tests => (4 + 4 * 2 + 2) * 4;
+my $long_length = 32 * 4096;
+sub hexdump {
+ my $s = $_[0];
+ $s =~ s/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_-])/sprintf '\x{%0*X}', (ord($1) <= 0xFF ? 2 : 4), ord $1/eg;
+ return $s;
+my @tests = (
+ {
+ desc => 'STDOUT only',
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', 'print STDOUT qq[hello\n]' ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => "hello\n",
+ err => '',
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc => 'STDERR only',
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', 'print STDERR qq[hi\n]' ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => '',
+ err => "hi\n",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc => 'STDOUT+STDERR',
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', 'print STDOUT qq[sup\n]; print STDERR qq[yo\n]' ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => "sup\n",
+ err => "yo\n",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc => 'long',
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', "sleep 1; print STDOUT q[a] x $long_length; sleep 1; print STDERR q[b] x $long_length; sleep 1; print STDOUT q[c] x $long_length" ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => ('a' x $long_length) . ('c' x $long_length),
+ err => ('b' x $long_length),
+ },
+ },
+for my $eol_spec (qw<0D 0A 0D0A 0A0D>) {
+ (my $eol = $eol_spec) =~ s/(..)/\\x{$1}/g;
+ my $eol_exp;
+ {
+ local $@;
+ $eol_exp = eval qq["$eol"];
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }
+ push @tests, {
+ desc => "End of line $eol",
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', "print STDOUT qq[out$eol]; print STDERR qq[err$eol]" ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => "out$eol_exp",
+ err => "err$eol_exp",
+ },
+ hexcmp => 1,
+ };
+ my $eol_bin_exp = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $eol_spec eq '0D0A')
+ ? chr 0x0A : $eol_exp;
+ push @tests, {
+ desc => "End of line $eol (binary mode)",
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', "binmode *STDOUT; print STDOUT qq[out$eol]; binmode *STDERR; print STDERR qq[err$eol]" ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 0,
+ out => "out$eol_bin_exp",
+ err => "err$eol_bin_exp",
+ },
+ hexcmp => 1,
+ };
+push @tests, {
+ desc => 'Non-existent',
+ cmd => [ 'nonexistentexecutable' ],
+ expect => {
+ status => undef,
+ out => qr/open3.*exec.*failed/,
+ err => undef,
+ },
+push @tests, {
+ desc => 'Exception',
+ cmd => [ $^X, '-e', 'die q[carrot]' ],
+ expect => {
+ status => 255 << 8,
+ out => '',
+ err => qr/carrot at -e/,
+ },
+for my $test (@tests) {
+ my $desc = $test->{desc};
+ my $expected = $test->{expect};
+ local $@;
+ my ($status, $out, $err) = eval { capture @{ $test->{cmd} } };
+ is $@, '', "$desc: did not croak";
+ is $status, $expected->{status}, "$desc: status";
+ my ($exp_out, $exp_err) = @$expected{qw<out err>};
+ if ($test->{hexcmp}) {
+ $_ = hexdump($_) for $out, $err;
+ $exp_out = hexdump($exp_out) unless ref $exp_out;
+ $exp_err = hexdump($exp_err) unless ref $exp_err;
+ }
+ if (ref $exp_out) {
+ like $out, $exp_out, "$desc: out";
+ } else {
+ is $out, $exp_out, "$desc: out";
+ }
+ if (ref $exp_err) {
+ like $err, $exp_err, "$desc: err";
+ } else {
+ is $err, $exp_err, "$desc: err";
+ }