6 use Config qw/%Config/;
8 use Test::More tests => (2 * 14 + 2) + 2 * (2 * 8 + 4) + 3 + 1;
10 use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast dispell MGf_COPY/;
13 use Variable::Magic::TestWatcher;
15 my $is_5130_release = ($] == 5.013 && !$Config{git_describe}) ? 1 : 0;
17 my $wiz = init_watcher
18 [ qw/get set len clear free copy dup local fetch store exists delete/ ],
21 my $n = int rand 1000;
24 watch { cast $a, $wiz } { }, 'cast';
27 # $b has to be set inside the block for the test to pass on 5.8.3 and lower
28 watch { $b = $a } { get => 1 }, 'assign to';
29 is $b, $n, 'scalar: assign to correctly';
31 $b = watch { "X${a}Y" } { get => 1 }, 'interpolate';
32 is $b, "X${n}Y", 'scalar: interpolate correctly';
34 $b = watch { \$a } { }, 'reference';
36 watch { $a = 123; () } { set => 1 }, 'assign to';
38 watch { ++$a; () } { get => 1, set => 1 }, 'increment';
40 watch { --$a; () } { get => 1, set => 1 }, 'decrement';
42 watch { $a *= 1.5; () } { get => 1, set => 1 }, 'multiply in place';
44 watch { $a /= 1.5; () } { get => 1, set => 1 }, 'divide in place';
48 watch { cast $b, $wiz } { }, 'cast 2';
49 } { free => 1 }, 'scope end';
51 watch { undef $a } { set => 1 }, 'undef';
53 watch { dispell $a, $wiz } { }, 'dispell';
59 watch { cast $a[1], $wiz } { }, 'array element: cast';
61 watch { $a[1] = 6; () } { set => 1 }, 'array element: set';
63 $b = watch { $a[1] } { get => ($is_5130_release ? 2 : 1) },'array element: get';
64 is $b, 6, 'scalar: array element: get correctly';
66 watch { $a[0] = 5 } { }, 'array element: set other';
68 $b = watch { $a[2] } { }, 'array element: get other';
69 is $b, 9, 'scalar: array element: get other correctly';
71 $b = watch { exists $a[1] } { }, 'array element: exists';
72 is $b, 1, 'scalar: array element: exists correctly';
74 # $b has to be set inside the block for the test to pass on 5.8.3 and lower
75 watch { $b = delete $a[1] } { get => 1, free => ($] > 5.008005 ? 1 : 0) }, 'array element: delete';
76 is $b, 6, 'scalar: array element: delete correctly';
78 watch { $a[1] = 4 } { }, 'array element: set after delete';
82 my %h = (a => 7, b => 8);
84 watch { cast $h{b}, $wiz } { }, 'hash element: cast';
86 watch { $h{b} = 6; () } { set => 1 }, 'hash element: set';
88 $b = watch { $h{b} } { get => ($is_5130_release ? 2 : 1) }, 'hash element: get';
89 is $b, 6, 'scalar: hash element: get correctly';
91 watch { $h{a} = 5 } { }, 'hash element: set other';
93 $b = watch { $h{a} } { }, 'hash element: get other';
94 is $b, 5, 'scalar: hash element: get other correctly';
96 $b = watch { exists $h{b} } { }, 'hash element: exists';
97 is $b, 1, 'scalar: hash element: exists correctly';
99 $b = watch { delete $h{b} } { get => 1, free => 1 }, 'hash element: delete';
100 is $b, 6, 'scalar: hash element: delete correctly';
102 watch { $h{b} = 4 } { }, 'hash element: set after delete';
108 $SKIP = 'No copy magic for this perl';
110 eval "use Tie::Array";
111 $SKIP = 'Tie::Array required to test clear magic on tied array values' if $@;
114 skip $SKIP => 3 if $SKIP;
115 diag "Using Tie::Array $Tie::Array::VERSION" if defined $Tie::Array::VERSION;
117 tie my @a, 'Tie::StdArray';
121 cast @a, wizard copy => sub { cast $_[3], $wiz; () };
123 is $@, '', 'cast copy magic on tied array';
125 watch { delete $a[0] } [ qw/get clear free/ ], 'delete from tied array';