8 use Variable::Magic qw/cast dispell MGf_COPY/;
11 plan tests => 2 + ((2 * 5 + 3) + (2 * 2 + 1)) + (2 * 9 + 6) + 1;
13 plan skip_all => 'No copy magic for this perl';
17 use Variable::Magic::TestWatcher;
18 use Variable::Magic::TestValue;
20 my $wiz = init_watcher 'copy', 'copy';
23 eval "use Tie::Array";
24 skip 'Tie::Array required to test copy magic on arrays'
25 => (2 * 5 + 3) + (2 * 2 + 1) if $@;
26 diag "Using Tie::Array $Tie::Array::VERSION" if defined $Tie::Array::VERSION;
28 tie my @a, 'Tie::StdArray';
31 my $res = watch { cast @a, $wiz } { }, 'cast on tied array';
32 ok $res, 'copy: cast on tied array succeeded';
34 watch { $a[3] = 13 } { copy => 1 }, 'tied array store';
36 my $s = watch { $a[3] } { copy => 1 }, 'tied array fetch';
37 is $s, 13, 'copy: tied array fetch correctly';
39 $s = watch { exists $a[3] } { copy => 1 }, 'tied array exists';
40 ok $s, 'copy: tied array exists correctly';
42 watch { undef @a } { }, 'tied array undef';
45 tie my @val, 'Tie::StdArray';
48 my $wv = init_value @val, 'copy', 'copy';
50 value { $val[3] = 8 } [ 4 .. 6 ];
53 is_deeply \@val, [ 4 .. 6, 8 ], 'copy: value after';
59 skip 'Tie::Hash required to test copy magic on hashes' => 2 * 9 + 6 if $@;
60 diag "Using Tie::Hash $Tie::Hash::VERSION" if defined $Tie::Hash::VERSION;
62 tie my %h, 'Tie::StdHash';
63 %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
65 my $res = watch { cast %h, $wiz } { }, 'cast on tied hash';
66 ok $res, 'copy: cast on tied hash succeeded';
68 watch { $h{b} = 7 } { copy => 1 }, 'tied hash store';
70 my $s = watch { $h{c} } { copy => 1 }, 'tied hash fetch';
71 is $s, 3, 'copy: tied hash fetch correctly';
73 $s = watch { exists $h{a} } { copy => 1 }, 'tied hash exists';
74 ok $s, 'copy: tied hash exists correctly';
76 $s = watch { delete $h{b} } { copy => 1 }, 'tied hash delete';
77 is $s, 7, 'copy: tied hash delete correctly';
79 watch { my ($k, $v) = each %h } { copy => 1 }, 'tied hash each';
81 my @k = watch { keys %h } { }, 'tied hash keys';
82 is_deeply [ sort @k ], [ qw/a c/ ], 'copy: tied hash keys correctly';
84 my @v = watch { values %h } { copy => 2 }, 'tied hash values';
85 is_deeply [ sort { $a <=> $b } @v ], [ 1, 3 ], 'copy: tied hash values correctly';
87 watch { undef %h } { }, 'tied hash undef';