6 use Test::More tests => 5;
11 my $sc = Scope::Context->new;
13 my $block = Scope::Context->new;
15 ok $up == $sc, '$up == $sc';
16 ok $block != $sc, '$block != $sc';
23 push @scs, Scope::Context->new;
25 cmp_ok $scs[0], '!=', $scs[1], 'different iterations, different contextes';
29 my $here = Scope::Context->new;
30 my $dummy = bless [], 'Scope::Context::Test::DummyClass';
31 for my $rhs ($here->cxt, $dummy) {
33 eval { my $res = $here == $rhs };
34 my $line = __LINE__-1;
35 like $@, qr/^Cannot compare a Scope::Context object with something else at \Q$0\E line $line/, "Scope::Context == overload does not compare with $rhs";