1 package CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo;
6 use File::Copy qw/copy/;
7 use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
8 use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir catfile/;
10 use IPC::Cmd qw/run can_run/;
14 use base qw/CPANPLUS::Dist::Base/;
18 CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo - CPANPLUS backend generating Gentoo ebuilds.
26 our $VERSION = '0.02_01';
30 cpan2dist --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo \
31 --dist-opts overlay=/usr/local/portage \
32 --dist-opts distdir=/usr/portage/distfiles \
33 --dist-opts manifest=yes \
34 --dist-opts keywords=x86 \
39 This module is a CPANPLUS backend that recursively generates Gentoo ebuilds for a given package in the specified overlay (defaults to C</usr/local/portage>), update the manifest, and even emerge it (together with its dependencies) if the user requires it. You need write permissions on the directory where Gentoo fetches its source files (usually C</usr/portage/distfiles>).
41 The generated ebuilds are placed into the section C<perl-gcpanp>. They favour depending on C<perl-core> or C<dev-perl> rather than C<perl-gcpanp>.
45 After installing this module, you should append C<perl-gcpanp> to your F</etc/portage/categories> file.
49 All the methods are inherited from L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Base>. Please refer to its perldoc for precise information on what's done at each step.
53 use constant CATEGORY => 'perl-gcpanp';
55 sub format_available {
56 for my $prog (qw/emerge ebuild/) {
57 unless (can_run($prog)) {
58 error "$prog is required to write ebuilds -- aborting";
67 my $stat = $self->status;
68 my $conf = $self->parent->parent->configure_object;
70 $stat->mk_accessors(qw/name version dist desc uri src license deps
71 eb_name eb_version eb_dir eb_file fetched_arch
72 overlay distdir keywords do_manifest
75 $stat->force($conf->get_conf('force'));
76 $stat->verbose($conf->get_conf('verbose'));
82 'Digest' => 'digest-base',
83 'Locale-Maketext' => 'locale-maketext',
84 'Net-Ping' => 'net-ping',
85 'PathTools' => 'File-Spec',
86 'PodParser' => 'Pod-Parser',
87 'Set-Scalar' => 'set-scalar',
88 'Tie-EncryptedHash' => 'tie-encryptedhash',
93 my $mod = $self->parent;
94 my $stat = $self->status;
95 my $int = $mod->parent;
96 my $conf = $int->configure_object;
100 my $keywords = delete $opts{'keywords'};
101 $keywords = 'x86' unless defined $keywords;
102 $keywords = [ split ' ', $keywords ];
103 $stat->keywords($keywords);
105 my $manifest = delete $opts{'manifest'};
106 $manifest = 1 unless defined $manifest;
107 $manifest = 0 if $manifest =~ /^\s*no?\s*$/i;
108 $stat->do_manifest($manifest);
110 $stat->overlay(delete($opts{'overlay'}) || '/usr/local/portage');
112 $stat->distdir(delete($opts{'distdir'}) || '/usr/portage/distfiles');
114 if ($stat->do_manifest && !-w $stat->distdir) {
115 error 'distdir isn\'t writable -- aborting';
118 $stat->fetched_arch($mod->status->fetch);
120 my $name = $mod->package_name;
123 my $version = $mod->package_version;
124 $stat->version($version);
126 $stat->dist($name . '-' . $version);
128 $version =~ s/[^\d._]+//g;
129 $version =~ s/^[._]*//;
130 $version =~ s/[._]*$//;
131 $version =~ s/[._]*_[._]*/_/g;
133 ($version, my $patch, my @rest) = split /_/, $version;
134 $version .= '_p' . $patch if defined $patch;
135 $version .= join('.', '', @rest) if @rest;
137 $stat->eb_version($version);
139 $stat->eb_name($gentooism{$name} || $name);
141 $stat->eb_dir(catdir($stat->overlay, CATEGORY, $stat->eb_name));
143 my $file = catfile($stat->eb_dir,
144 $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version . '.ebuild');
149 1 while unlink $file;
152 error "Can't force rewriting of $file -- skipping";
155 msg 'Ebuild already generated for ' . $stat->dist . ' -- skipping';
163 $stat->eb_file($file);
165 $self->SUPER::prepare(%opts);
167 my $desc = $mod->description;
168 ($desc = $name) =~ s/-+/::/g unless $desc;
171 $stat->uri('http://search.cpan.org/dist/' . $name);
173 unless ($name =~ /^([^-]+)/) {
174 error 'Wrong distribution name -- aborting';
177 $stat->src('mirror://cpan/modules/by-module/' . $1 . '/' . $mod->package);
179 $stat->license([ qw/Artistic GPL-2/ ]);
181 my $prereqs = $mod->status->prereqs;
182 $prereqs = { map { ($gentooism{$_} || $_) => $prereqs->{$_} } keys %$prereqs };
184 for my $prereq (sort keys %$prereqs) {
185 next if $prereq =~ /^perl(?:-|\z)/;
186 my $obj = $int->module_tree($prereq);
188 error 'Wrong module object -- aborting';
191 next if $obj->package_is_perl_core;
194 if ($prereqs->{$prereq}) {
195 if ($obj->installed_version && $obj->installed_version < $obj->version) {
196 $version = $obj->installed_version;
198 $version = $obj->package_version;
201 push @depends, [ $obj , $version ];
204 $stat->deps(\@depends);
211 my $stat = $self->status;
213 unless ($stat->prepared) {
214 error 'Can\'t create ' . $stat->dist . ' since it was never prepared -- aborting';
218 if ($stat->created) {
219 msg $stat->dist . ' was already created -- skipping';
223 $self->SUPER::create(@_);
225 my $dir = $stat->eb_dir;
227 eval { mkpath $dir };
229 error "mkpath($dir): $@";
234 my $d = "# Generated by CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo\n\ninherit perl-module\n\n";
235 $d .= 'S="${WORKDIR}/' . $stat->dist . "\"\n";
236 $d .= 'DESCRIPTION="' . $stat->desc . "\"\n";
237 $d .= 'HOMEPAGE="' . $stat->uri . "\"\n";
238 $d .= 'SRC_URI="' . $stat->src . "\"\n";
239 $d .= "SLOT=\"0\"\n";
240 $d .= 'LICENSE="|| ( ' . join(' ', sort @{$stat->license}) . " )\"\n";
241 $d .= 'KEYWORDS="' . join(' ', sort @{$stat->keywords}) . "\"\n";
242 $d .= 'DEPEND="' . join "\n",
245 my $a = $_->[0]->package_name;
247 if (defined $_->[1]) {
251 '|| ( ' . join(' ', map "$x$_/$a",
252 qw/perl-core dev-perl perl-gcpan/, CATEGORY)
257 my $file = $stat->eb_file;
258 open my $eb, '>', $file or do {
259 error "open($file): $! -- aborting";
265 if ($stat->do_manifest) {
266 unless (copy $stat->fetched_arch, $stat->distdir) {
267 error "Couldn\'t copy the distribution file to distdir ($!) -- aborting";
268 1 while unlink $file;
272 msg 'Adding Manifest entry for ' . $stat->dist;
273 unless ($self->_run([ 'ebuild', $file, 'manifest' ], 0)) {
274 1 while unlink $file;
284 my $stat = $self->status;
285 my $conf = $self->parent->parent->configure_object;
287 my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
288 my @cmd = ('emerge', '=' . $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version);
289 unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
291 return $self->_run(\@cmd, 1);
296 my $stat = $self->status;
297 my $conf = $self->parent->parent->configure_object;
299 my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
300 my @cmd = ('emerge', '-C', '=' . $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version);
301 unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
303 return $self->_run(\@cmd, 1);
307 my ($self, $cmd, $verbose) = @_;
308 my $stat = $self->status;
310 my ($success, $errmsg, $output) = do {
311 local $ENV{PORTDIR_OVERLAY} = $stat->overlay;
312 local $ENV{PORTAGE_RO_DISTDIRS} = $stat->distdir;
313 run command => $cmd, verbose => $verbose;
317 error "$errmsg -- aborting";
318 if (not $verbose and defined $output and $self->status->verbose) {
319 my $msg = join '', @$output;
330 Gentoo (L<http://gentoo.org>).
332 L<CPANPLUS>, L<IPC::Cmd> (core modules since 5.9.5).
334 L<File::Path> (since 5.001), L<File::Copy> (5.002), L<File::Spec::Functions> (5.00504).
340 L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Base>, L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb>, L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv>.
344 Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
346 You can contact me by mail or on C<irc.perl.org> (vincent).
350 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cpanplus-dist-gentoo at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=CPANPLUS-Dist-Gentoo>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
354 You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
356 perldoc CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo
360 The module is to some extend cargo-culted from L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb> and L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv>.
364 Copyright 2008 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
366 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
370 1; # End of CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo