2 IPC::MorseSignals - Communicate between processes with Morse signals.
8 # In the sender process
9 use IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter;
11 my $deuce = IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter->new(speed => 1024);
12 $deuce->post('HLAGH') for 1 .. 3;
17 # In the receiver process
18 use IPC::MorseSignals::Receiver;
21 my $pants = IPC::MorseSignals::Receiver->new(\%SIG, done => sub {
22 print STDERR "GOT $_[1]\n";
26 This module implements a rare form of IPC by sending Morse-like signals
27 through "SIGUSR1" and "SIGUSR2". Both of those signals are used, so you
28 won't be able to keep them for something else when you use this module.
30 IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter is a base class for emitters ;
31 IPC::MorseSignals::Receiver is a base class for receivers.
33 But, seriously, use something else for your IPC. :)
36 When the same signal is sent several times in a row to a process, the
37 POSIX standard does not guarantee that the relevant signal handler will
38 be called for each of the notifications. This will result in malformed
39 messages if the transfer speed is so high that the operating system does
40 not have the time to call the signal handler for each bit.
43 You need the complete Bit::MorseSignals distribution.
45 Carp (standard since perl 5), POSIX (idem) and Time::HiRes (since perl
46 5.7.3) are also required.
49 IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter, IPC::MorseSignals::Receiver.
51 Bit::MorseSignals, Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter,
52 Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver.
54 perlipc for information about signals in perl.
56 For truly useful IPC, search for shared memory, pipes and semaphores.
59 Vincent Pit, "<perl at profvince.com>", <http://www.profvince.com>.
61 You can contact me by mail or on "irc.perl.org" (vincent).
64 Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-ipc-morsesignals at
65 rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
66 <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=IPC-MorseSignals>. I
67 will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
68 on your bug as I make changes.
71 You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
73 perldoc IPC::MorseSignals
76 Thanks for the inspiration, mofino ! I hope this module will fill all
80 Copyright 2007,2008,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
82 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
83 under the same terms as Perl itself.