use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; use File::Spec; sub validate_exe { my ($name) = @_; my (@candidates, @args); if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # No need to look for args if the name is absolute. @candidates = $name; } else { (my $base, @args) = split ' ', $name; @candidates = map File::Spec->catfile($_, $base), File::Spec->path; } for my $path (@candidates) { my $command = MM->maybe_command($path); if (defined $command) { $command .= " @args" if @args; return $command; } } return; } sub check_exe { my ($desc, $arg_var, $config_var, $env_var) = @_; my $exe; for (@ARGV) { if (/^\Q$arg_var\E=(.*)/) { $exe = validate_exe($1); last if defined $exe; } } if (defined $exe) { print "Forcing the use of $exe as the $desc.\n"; } else { print "Checking for a valid $desc in the PATH... "; $exe = validate_exe($Config{$config_var}); # Only fall back to env if we cannot find the one used to build perl. if (not defined $exe and defined $ENV{$env_var}) { $exe = validate_exe($ENV{$env_var}); } if (defined $exe) { print "$exe\n"; } else { print "none\n"; } } return $exe; } my $cc = check_exe('C compiler', 'CC', 'cc', 'CC'); my $ld; if (defined $cc) { $ld = check_exe('linker', 'LD', 'ld', 'LD'); } sub is_little_endian { my $order = $Config{byteorder}; return 0 unless $order; my $len = length $order; if ($len > 8) { $order = substr $order, 0, 8; $len = 8; } return $order eq (join '', 1 .. $len); } my %PARAMS; my @DEFINES; if (defined $cc and defined $ld) { $PARAMS{C} = [ 'Util.c' ]; $PARAMS{XS} = { 'Util.xs' => 'Util.c' }; $PARAMS{CC} = $cc; $PARAMS{LD} = $ld; my $unit = { bits => 8, size => 1 }; if (not is_little_endian()) { print "Forcing unit size of 8 on non-little-endian systems.\n"; } else { print "Checking unit size in bits... "; my $align = $Config{alignbytes} || 1; my @bits = (8, 16, 32, 64); for my $bits (@bits) { my $size = $Config{"u${bits}size"}; next unless $size; $unit = { bits => $bits, size => $size } if $size && $size <= $align; } print $unit->{bits}, " (actually $unit->{size} bytes for $align bytes alignment).\n"; } my $bits = $unit->{bits}; push @DEFINES, '-DBV_UNIT="' . ($Config{"u${bits}type"} || "U$bits") . '"'; push @DEFINES, "-DSVU_SIZE=$bits"; } else { $PARAMS{C} = [ ]; $PARAMS{XS} = { }; $PARAMS{OBJECT} = ''; } $PARAMS{DEFINE} = join ' ', @DEFINES if @DEFINES; my $dist = 'Scalar-Vec-Util'; (my $name = $dist) =~ s{-}{::}g; (my $file = $dist) =~ s{-}{/}g; $file = "lib/$"; my %PREREQ_PM = ( 'Exporter' => 0, 'Carp' => 0, 'XSLoader' => 0, 'base' => 0, ); my %BUILD_REQUIRES = ( 'Config' => 0, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0, 'File::Spec' => 0, 'Test::More' => 0, %PREREQ_PM, ); my %META = ( configure_requires => { 'Config' => 0, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0, 'File::Spec' => 0, }, build_requires => { %BUILD_REQUIRES, }, dynamic_config => 1, resources => { bugtracker => "$dist", homepage => "$dist/", license => '', repository => "$dist.git", }, ); WriteMakefile( NAME => $name, AUTHOR => 'Vincent Pit ', LICENSE => 'perl', VERSION_FROM => $file, ABSTRACT_FROM => $file, PL_FILES => {}, BUILD_REQUIRES => \%BUILD_REQUIRES, PREREQ_PM => \%PREREQ_PM, MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006', META_MERGE => \%META, dist => { PREOP => "pod2text -u $file > \$(DISTVNAME)/README", COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz' }, clean => { FILES => "$dist-* *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno cover_db Debian_CPANTS.txt*" }, %PARAMS, ); 1; package MY; sub postamble { my $cv = join ' -coverage ', 'cover', qw; <