NAME Regexp::Wildcards - Converts wildcards to regexps. VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Regexp::Wildcards qw/wc2re/; my $re; $re = wc2re 'a{b.,c}*' => 'unix'; $re = wc2re 'a.,b*' => 'win32'; DESCRIPTION This module converts wildcards expressions to Perl regular expressions. It handles the "*" and "?" jokers, as well as Unix bracketed alternatives "{,}", and uses the backspace ("\") as an escape character. Wrappers are provided to mimic the behaviour of Windows and Unix shells. EXPORT Four functions are exported only on request : "wc2re", "wc2re_unix", "wc2re_win32" and "wc2re_jokers". FUNCTIONS "wc2re_unix" This function takes as its only argument the wildcard string to process, and returns the corresponding regular expression (or "undef" if the source is invalid) according to standard Unix wildcard rules. It successively escapes all regexp special characters that doesn't hold any meaning for wildcards, turns jokers into their regexp equivalents, and changes bracketed blocks into alternations. If brackets are unbalanced, it will try to substitute as many of them as possible, and then escape the remaining "{" and "}". "wc2re_win32" Similar to the precedent, but for Windows wildcards. Bracketed blocks are no longer handled (which means that brackets will be escaped), but you can still provide a comma-separated list of items. "wc2re_jokers" This one only handles the "?" and "*" jokers. "wc2re" A generic function that wraps around all the different rules. The first argument is the wildcard expression, and the second one is the type of rules to apply, currently either "unix", "win32" or "jokers". If the type is undefined, it defaults to "unix". SEE ALSO Net::FTPServer has a method for that. Only jokers are translated, and escaping won't preserve them. File::Find::Match::Util has a "wildcar" function that compiles a matcher. Only handles "*". Text::Buffer has the "convertWildcardToRegex" class method that handles jokers. AUTHOR Vincent Pit, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-regexp-wildcards at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Regexp::Wildcards COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2007 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.