use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More;
use Acme::CPANAuthors;
-my $authors = eval { Acme::CPANAuthors->new("You're_using") };
+my $authors = eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ };
+ Acme::CPANAuthors->new("You're_using");
-SKIP: {
- skip $@ => 1 unless defined $authors;
- my $count = $authors->count;
- diag "$count authors found";
- cmp_ok $count, '>', 0, 'there are some authors';
+if ($authors) {
+ plan tests => 5;
+} else {
+ plan skip_all => $@;
+my $count = $authors->count;
+diag "$count authors found";
+cmp_ok $count, '>', 0, 'there are some authors';
+is $authors->name('???'), undef, 'wrong name';
+is $authors->name('VPIT'), 'Vincent Pit', 'we should at least have this module';
+isnt $authors->name('ISHIGAKI'), undef, 'we should at least have Acme::CPANAuthors\' author';
+isnt $authors->name('LBROCARD'), undef, 'we should at least have Parse::CPAN::* author';