my $tests;
BEGIN { $tests = 18 }
-use Test::More tests => 1 + $tests + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 1;
+use Test::More tests => (1 + $tests + 1) + 3 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 1;
use lib 't/lib';
sub expect {
my ($pkg, $file) = @_;
- $file = $file ? quotemeta $file : '\(eval\s+\d+\)';
- return qr/^warn:Indirect\s+call\s+of\s+method\s+"new"\s+on\s+object\s+"$pkg"\s+at\s+$file\s+line\s+\d+/;
+ $file = $file ? quotemeta $file : '\(eval \d+\)';
+ qr/^warn:Indirect call of method "new" on object "$pkg" at $file line \d+/;
my $code = do { local $/; <DATA> };
my (%res, $num, @left);
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
push @left, "[$num] $w";
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; $code";
- is($@, "ok\n", 'DATA compiled fine');
+ eval "return; $code";
+ is $@, '', 'DATA compiled fine';
for (1 .. $tests) {
my $w = $res{$_};
if ($wrong{$_}) {
- like($w, expect("P$_"), "$_ should warn");
+ like $w, expect("P$_"), "$_ should warn";
} else {
- is($w, undef, "$_ shouldn't warn");
+ is $w, undef, "$_ shouldn't warn";
- is(@left, 0, 'nothing left');
+ is @left, 0, 'nothing left';
diag "Extraneous warnings:\n", @left if @left;
- my $w = '';
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $w = 'more than 2 warnings' if $w;
- $w = join '', 'warn:', @_
- };
+ my @w;
- eval 'no indirect; my $x = new Foo';
- like($w, expect('Foo'), "eval 'no indirect; my \$x = new Foo'");
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
+ eval 'return; no indirect; my $x = new Foo';
- $w = '';
+ is $@, '', "eval 'no indirect; my \$x = new Foo'";
+ is @w, 1, 'got one warning';
+ diag join "\n", 'All warnings:', @w if @w > 1;
+ like $w[0], expect('Foo'), 'correct warning';
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
no indirect;
- eval 'my $x = new Bar';
- }
- if ($] < 5.009005) {
- is($w, '', "eval 'no indirect; my \$x = new Bar'");
- } else {
- like($w, expect('Bar'), "no indirect; eval 'my \$x = new Bar'");
+ eval 'return; my $x = new Bar';
+ is $@, '', "no indirect; eval 'my \$x = new Bar'";
+ if ($] < 5.009005) {
+ is @w, 0, 'no warnings caught';
+ pass 'placeholder';
+ } else {
+ is @w, 1, 'got one warning';
+ diag join "\n", 'All warnings:', @w if @w > 1;
+ like $w[0], expect('Bar'), 'correct warning';
+ }
my @w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; no indirect; use indirect::TestRequired1; my \$x = new Foo;";
+ eval "return; no indirect; use indirect::TestRequired1; my \$x = new Foo;";
- is $@, "ok\n", 'first require test doesn\'t croak prematurely';
- my $w = shift @w;
- like $w, expect('Foo'), 'first require test catch errors in current scope';
- is_deeply \@w, [ ], 'first require test doesn\'t propagate into the required file';
+ is $@, '', 'first require test doesn\'t croak prematurely';
+ is @w, 1, 'first require threw only one warning';
+ diag join "\n", 'All warnings:', @w if @w > 1;
+ like $w[0], expect('Foo'), 'first require test catch errors in current scope';
my @w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; no indirect; use indirect::TestRequired2; my \$x = new Bar;";
+ eval "return; no indirect; use indirect::TestRequired2; my \$x = new Bar;";
+ is $@, '', 'second require test doesn\'t croak prematurely';
@w = grep !/^warn:Attempt\s+to\s+free\s+unreferenced/, @w if $] <= 5.008003;
- is $@, "ok\n", 'second require test doesn\'t croak prematurely';
my $w = shift @w;
like $w, expect('Baz', 't/lib/indirect/'),
'second require test caught error for Baz';