Revision history for Lexical-Types
+0.03 2009-03-05 21:15 UTC
+ + Doc : Discuss about using constants for types.
+ + Fix : The PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV] localization logic was refined so that
+ it is kinder to other modules that replace it.
+ + Tst : "my Str ($x, $y)" and "for my Str $x ()" constructs
+ + Tst : uvar magic, magical tags.
0.02 2009-02-25 16:10 UTC
+ Add : Returning an empty list from the mangler skips the wrapping of
the current typed lexical declaration.
Lexical::Types - Extend the semantics of typed lexicals.
- Version 0.02
+ Version 0.03
+ { package Str; }
+ {
+ package My::Types::Str;
+ sub new { bless { }, shift }
+ }
+ use Lexical::Types as => sub { 'My::Types::' . $_[0] => 'new' };
+ my Str $x; # $x is now a My::Types::Str object
- package Str;
+ package My::Types::Int;
- sub TYPEDSCALAR { Some::String::Implementation->new }
+ sub TYPEDSCALAR { bless { }, shift }
use Lexical::Types;
- my Str $x; # $x is now a Some::String::Implementation object
+ use constant Int => 'My::Types::Int';
+ my Int $y; # $y is now a My::Types::Int object
- This module allows you to hook the execution of typed lexicals
+ This pragma allows you to hook the execution of typed lexicals
declarations ("my Str $x"). In particular, it can be used to
automatically tie or bless typed lexicals.
definition will be skipped (thus it won't be altered to trigger
a run-time hook) ;
- use Lexical::Types as => sub { return $_[0] =~ /Str/ ? () : @_ };
- my Str $x; # nothing special
- my Int $y; # calls Int->TYPEDSCALAR
+ use Lexical::Types as => sub { return $_[0] =~ /Str/ ? @_ : () };
+ my Str $y; # calls Str->TYPEDSCALAR
+ my Int $x; # nothing special
* or the desired package and method name, in that order (if any of
those is "undef", the default value will be used instead).
scalar that will be copied into $x.
- Magically called when writing "no Lexical::Types". Turns the module off.
+ Magically called when writing "no Lexical::Types". Turns the pragma off.
You can integrate Lexical::Types in your module so that using it will
sub new_int { ... }
- For "perl" to be able to parse "my Str $x", the package "Str" must be
- defined somewhere, and this even if you use the 'as' option to redirect
- to another package. It's unlikely to find a workaround, as this happens
- deep inside the lexer, far from the reach of an extension.
+ For "perl" to be able to parse "my Str $x", you need :
+ * either the "Str" package to be defined ;
+ * or for "Str" to be a constant sub returning a valid defined package.
+ Those restrictions apply even if you use the 'as' option to redirect to
+ another package, and are unlikely to find a workaround as this happens
+ deep inside the lexer - far from the reach of an extension.
Only one mangler or prefix can be in use at the same time in a given
Inspired by Ricardo Signes.
+ Thanks Florian Ragwitz for suggesting the use of constants for types.
Copyright 2009 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.