=head2 C<EPS>
+The numerical accuracy enforced by L</numeq>, L</numcmp> and L</numround>.
+It is currently set to C<1e-10>.
use constant EPS => 1e-10;
-=head2 C<numeq>
+=head2 C<numeq $x, $y>
+Returns true if and only if C<$x> and C<$y> are equal up to L</EPS>.
sub numeq { abs($_[0] - $_[1]) < EPS }
-=head2 C<numcmp>
+=head2 C<numcmp $x, $y>
+Returns a negative number, zero, or a positive number when C<$x> is respectively smaller than, equal to, or greater than C<$y> up to L</EPS>.
sub numcmp { $_[0] < $_[1] - EPS ? -1 : $_[0] > $_[1] + EPS ? 1 : 0 }
-=head2 C<numround>
+=head2 C<numround $x>
+Returns the closest integer from C<$x> up to L</EPS>.
=head2 C<type_constraint $class>
-Find the type constraint for C<$class> by first trying to load the relevant F<.pm> file.
+Finds the type constraint for C<$class> by first trying to load the relevant F<.pm> file.