- my $fh = select $_;
- $|++;
- select $fh;
my ($plan, $test, $failed, $no_diag, $done_testing);
L</pass>, L</fail>, L</ok>, L</is>, L</isnt>, L</like>, L</unlike> and L</cmp_ok> are all guaranteed to return the truth value of the test.
Their L<Test::More> counterparts behave the same, but it is not documented anywhere.
+L<Test::Leaner> also provides some functions of its own, which are never exported.
+=head2 C<tap_stream [ $fh ]>
+Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the tests are outputted.
+On write, it also turns autoflush on onto C<$fh>.
+Note that it can only be used as a write accessor before you start any thread, as L<threads::shared> cannot reliably share filehandles.
+Defaults to C<STDOUT>.
+sub tap_stream (;*) {
+ if (@_) {
+ $TAP_STREAM = $_[0];
+ my $fh = select $TAP_STREAM;
+ $|++;
+ select $fh;
+ }
+ return $TAP_STREAM;
+tap_stream *STDOUT;
+=head2 C<diag_stream [ $fh ]>
+Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the diagnostics are printed.
+On write, it also turns autoflush on onto C<$fh>.
+Just like L</tap_stream>, it can only be used as a write accessor before you start any thread, as L<threads::shared> cannot reliably share filehandles.
+Defaults to C<STDERR>.
+sub diag_stream (;*) {
+ if (@_) {
+ $DIAG_STREAM = $_[0];
+ my $fh = select $DIAG_STREAM;
+ $|++;
+ select $fh;
+ }
+ return $DIAG_STREAM;
+diag_stream *STDERR;
L<perl> 5.6.