--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use blib 't/Sub-Op-Test';
+use Test::More tests => (4 + 2 * 4) + (2 * 5);
+our $call_foo;
+sub foo { ok $call_foo, 'the preexistent foo was called' }
+our $called;
+ local $/ = "####\n";
+ while (<DATA>) {
+ my ($code, $params) = split /----\s*/, $_;
+ my ($names, $ret, $exp, $seq) = split /\s*#\s*/, $params;
+ my @names = split /\s*,\s*/, $names;
+ my @exp = eval $exp;
+ if ($@) {
+ fail "@names: unable to get expected values: $@";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $calls = @exp;
+ my @seq;
+ if ($seq) {
+ s/^\s*//, s/\s*$// for $seq;
+ @seq = split /\s*,\s*/, $seq;
+ die "calls and seq length mismatch" unless @seq == $calls;
+ } else {
+ @seq = ($names[0]) x $calls;
+ }
+ my $test = "{\n";
+ for my $name (@names) {
+ $test .= <<" INIT"
+ use Sub::Op::Test $name => sub {
+ ++\$called;
+ my \$exp = shift \@exp;
+ is_deeply \\\@_, \$exp, '$name: arguments are correct';
+ my \$seq = shift \@seq;
+ is \$seq, '$name', '$name: sequence is correct';
+ $ret;
+ };
+ }
+ $test .= "{\n$code\n}\n";
+ $test .= "}\n";
+ local $called = 0;
+ eval $test;
+ if ($@) {
+ fail "@names: unable to evaluate test case: $@";
+ diag $test;
+ }
+ is $called, $calls, "@names: the hook was called the right number of times";
+ if ($called < $calls) {
+ fail for $called + 1 .. $calls;
+ }
+ }
+foo # () # [ ]
+foo # () # [ ]
+foo # () # [ 1 ]
+foo 2;
+foo # () # [ 2 ]
+local $call_foo = 1;
+foo # () #
+local $call_foo = 1;
+foo # () #
+local $call_foo = 1;
+foo # () #
+local $call_foo = 1;
+my $foo = \&foo;
+foo # () #
+local $call_foo = 1;
+my $foo = \&foo;
+foo # () #