use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 38 + 4 * 7;
+use Test::More tests => 38 + 30 + 4 * 7;
use Scope::Upper qw/reap UP HERE/;
is $y, 1, 'die - reap inside eval [ok - y]';
+ skip 'Perl 5.10 required to test given/when' => 30 if $] < 5.010;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_1';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ when (1) {
+ local $x = 3;
+ reap \&check => UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/when - reap at given [not yet - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when - reap at given [not yet - y]';
+ }
+ fail 'not reached';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/when - reap at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/when - reap at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_2';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ when (1) {
+ local $x = 3;
+ reap \&check => UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/when/continue - reap at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_3';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ reap \&check => UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default - reap at given [not yet - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default - reap at given [not yet - y]';
+ }
+ fail 'not reached';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default - reap at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default - reap at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_4';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ reap \&check => UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default/continue - reap at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_5';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ given (2) {
+ local $x = 4;
+ when (2) {
+ local $x = 5;
+ reap \&check => UP UP;
+ is $x, 5, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 4, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 3 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [not yet 3 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [ok 1 - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [ok 1 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [ok 2 - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default/given/when - reap at default [ok 2 - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
$y = undef;
local $x = 1;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 44;
+use Test::More tests => 44 + 30;
use Scope::Upper qw/localize UP HERE/;
is $x, 1, 'die - reap inside eval [ok - x]';
is $y, undef, 'die - reap inside eval [ok - y]';
+ skip 'Perl 5.10 required to test given/when' => 30 if $] < 5.010;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_1';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ when (1) {
+ local $x = 3;
+ localize '$y' => 1 => UP UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/when - localize at given [not yet - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when - localize at given [not yet - y]';
+ }
+ fail 'not reached';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/when - localize at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/when - localize at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_2';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ when (1) {
+ local $x = 3;
+ localize '$y' => 1 => UP UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/when/continue - localize at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_3';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ localize '$y' => 1 => UP UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default - localize at given [not yet - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default - localize at given [not yet - y]';
+ }
+ fail 'not reached';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default - localize at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default - localize at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_4';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ localize '$y' => 1 => UP UP;
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [ok - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default/continue - localize at given [ok - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;
+ eval <<' GIVEN_TEST_5';
+ use feature 'switch';
+ local $y;
+ {
+ local $x = 1;
+ given (1) {
+ local $x = 2;
+ default {
+ local $x = 3;
+ given (2) {
+ local $x = 4;
+ when (2) {
+ local $x = 5;
+ localize '$y' => 1 => UP UP UP;
+ is $x, 5, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 1 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 1 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 4, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 2 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 3, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 3 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [not yet 3 - y]';
+ continue;
+ }
+ is $x, 2, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [ok 1 - x]';
+ is $y, 1, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [ok 1 - y]';
+ }
+ is $x, 1, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [ok 2 - x]';
+ is $y, undef, 'given/default/given/when - localize at default [ok 2 - y]';
+ }
+ fail $@ if $@;