sub postamble {
my $cv = join ' -coverage ', 'cover',
- qw/statement branch condition path subroutine time/;
+ qw<statement branch condition path subroutine time>;
cover test_cover:
$cv -test
use B::Keywords;
-use Variable::Magic 0.31 qw/wizard cast dispell getdata/;
+use Variable::Magic 0.31 qw<wizard cast dispell getdata>;
unless (Variable::Magic::VMG_UVAR) {
} = ();
-delete @core{qw/my local/};
+delete @core{qw<my local>};
*_REFCNT_PLACEHOLDERS = eval 'sub () { ' . ($] < 5.011002 ? 0 : 1) . '}'
use strict;
use warnings;
-use lib qw{blib/lib};
+use lib qw<blib/lib>;
my $x = 7;
-my @a = qw/ba na na/;
+my @a = qw<ba na na>;
use subs::auto;
my $invalid = qr/Invalid\s+package\s+name/;
-eval "use subs::auto qw/a b c/";
+eval "use subs::auto qw<a b c>";
like($@, qr|Optional\s+arguments\s+must\s+be\s+passed\s+as\s+keys?\s*/\s*values?\s+pairs?|, 'no even number of args');
eval "use subs::auto in => \\( q{foo::bar} )";
# ... How's my symbol table, Doug Hastings? ...................................
- no strict qw/refs subs/;
+ no strict qw<refs subs>;
is(*{::feh}{CODE}, undef, 'feh isn\'t defined');
is(*{::feh}{CODE}, undef, 'feh isn\'t defined, really');
isnt(*{::yay}{CODE}, undef, 'yay is defined');
seek DATA, 0, 1;
my @fruits = <DATA>;
chomp @fruits;
-is_deeply(\@fruits, [ qw/apple pear banana/ ], 'DATA filehandle ok');
+is_deeply(\@fruits, [ qw<apple pear banana> ], 'DATA filehandle ok');
# ... Retest foo (declared and defined inside) ................................
my $baz;
eval q|
- use warnings qw/FATAL redefine prototype/;
+ use warnings qw<FATAL redefine prototype>;
sub main::baz ($) { $baz = $_[0] }
like($@, qr/Prototype\s+mismatch\s*:\s+sub\s+main::baz\s*:\s+none\s+vs\s+\(\$\)/, 'baz appears as prototyped');
eval q[
package subs::auto::Test;
use subs::auto;
- $res{"${_}2"} = __PACKAGE__->can($_) ? 1 : 0 for qw/foo bar baz qux/;
+ $res{"${_}2"} = __PACKAGE__->can($_) ? 1 : 0 for qw<foo bar baz qux>;
BEGIN { $res{foo} = __PACKAGE__->can('foo') ? 1 : 0; }
sub bar;
eval "use Pod::Coverage $min_pc";
plan skip_all => "Pod::Coverage $min_pc required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
-all_pod_coverage_ok({ also_private => [ qw/unimport/ ] });
+all_pod_coverage_ok({ also_private => [ qw<unimport> ] });