use Test::More tests => 5 * (2 + 2) + 1;
-use Thread::Cleanup;
+ defined and diag "Using threads $_" for $threads::VERSION;
+ defined and diag "Using threads::shared $_" for $threads::shared::VERSION;
-diag "Using threads $threads::VERSION";
-diag "Using threads::shared $threads::shared::VERSION";
+use Thread::Cleanup;
my %called : shared;
my %nums : shared;
use Test::More tests => 5 * (2 + 2 + 1) + 1;
-use Thread::Cleanup;
+ defined and diag "Using threads $_" for $threads::VERSION;
+ defined and diag "Using threads::shared $_" for $threads::shared::VERSION;
-diag "Using threads $threads::VERSION";
-diag "Using threads::shared $threads::shared::VERSION";
+use Thread::Cleanup;
my %called : shared;
my %nums : shared;
use Test::More tests => (($num ** ($depth + 1) - 1) / ($num - 1) - 1 ) * (2 + 2) + 1;
+ defined and diag "Using threads $_" for $threads::VERSION;
+ defined and diag "Using threads::shared $_" for $threads::shared::VERSION;
use Thread::Cleanup;
-diag "Using threads $threads::VERSION";
-diag "Using threads::shared $threads::shared::VERSION";
diag 'This will leak some scalars';
our $x = -1;