--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+ plan skip_all => 'Variable::Magic 0.08 on 5.10 required to test uvar magic'
+ unless eval "use Variable::Magic 0.08; Variable::Magic::VMG_UVAR";
+ package Lexical::Types::Test::Ref;
+ use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/;
+ our $wiz;
+ $wiz = wizard data => sub { +{ } },
+ fetch => sub { ++$_[1]->{fetch}; () },
+ store => sub { ++$_[1]->{store}; () };
+ }
+ my %h = ("_\L$_[2]" => (caller(0))[2]);
+ cast %h, $wiz;
+ $_[1] = \%h;
+ ();
+ }
+{ package Ref; }
+ plan tests => 2 * 11;
+use Lexical::Types as => 'Lexical::Types::Test';
+sub check (&$$;$) {
+ my $got = Variable::Magic::getdata(%{$_[1]}, $Lexical::Types::Test::Ref::wiz);
+ my ($test, $exp, $desc) = @_[0, 2, 3];
+ my $want = wantarray;
+ my @ret;
+ {
+ local @{$got}{qw/fetch store/}; delete @{$got}{qw/fetch store/};
+ if ($want) {
+ @ret = eval { $test->() };
+ } elsif (defined $want) {
+ $ret[0] = eval { $test->() };
+ } else {
+ eval { $test->() };
+ }
+ is_deeply $got, $exp, $desc;
+ }
+ return $want ? @ret : $ret[0];
+for (1 .. 2) {
+ my Ref $x; my $lx = __LINE__;
+ my $y = check { $x->{_ref} } $x, { fetch => 1 }, 'fetch';
+ is $y, $lx, 'fetch correctly';
+ check { $x->{wat} = __LINE__ } $x, { store => 1 }, 'store'; my $l0 = __LINE__;
+ is $x->{wat}, $l0, 'store correctly';
+ my Ref $z = $x; my $lz = __LINE__;
+ $y = check { $x->{_ref} } $x, { fetch => 1 }, 'fetch after being assigned';
+ is $y, $lx, 'fetch after being assigned correctly';
+ $y = check { $z->{_ref} } $z, { fetch => 1 }, 'fetch after being assigned to';
+ is $y, $lx, 'fetch after being assigned to correctly';
+ check { $z->{wat} = $x->{wat} + __LINE__ - $l0 } $z, { fetch => 1, store => 1 }, 'fetch/store';
+ is $z->{wat}, __LINE__-1, 'fetch/store correctly';
+ is $x->{wat}, __LINE__-2, 'fetch/store correctly';