use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 29;
+use Test::More tests => 33;
use Scope::Upper qw/unwind SUB/;
is_deeply \@res, [ qw/j k l/ ], 'unwind in list context at sub across loop iterator to list';
+# --- Prototypes --------------------------------------------------------------
+sub pie { 7, unwind qw/pie good/, $_[0] => SUB }
+sub wlist (@) { return @_ }
+$res = wlist pie 1;
+is $res, 3, 'unwind to list prototype to scalar';
+@res = wlist pie 2;
+is_deeply \@res, [ qw/pie good 2/ ], 'unwind to list prototype to list';
+sub wscalar ($$) { return @_ }
+$res = wscalar pie(6), pie(7);
+is $res, 2, 'unwind to scalar prototype to scalar';
+@res = wscalar pie(8), pie(9);
+is_deeply \@res, [ 8, 9 ], 'unwind to scalar prototype to list';