time times truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unlink unpack unshift
untie use utime values vec wait waitpid wantarray warn when
-push @core,qw/not __LINE__ __FILE__/;
+push @core,qw/not __LINE__ __FILE__ DATA/;
my %core;
@core{@core} = ();
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 65;
+use Test::More tests => 66;
my %_re = (
bareword => sub { qr/^Bareword\s+['"]?\s*$_[0]\s*['"]?\s+not\s+allowed\s+while\s+["']?\s*strict\s+subs\s*['"]?\s+in\s+use\s+at\s+$_[1]\s+line\s+$_[2]/ },
is($buf, "hlagh\n", 'filehandles should\'t be touched');
close DONGS;
+seek DATA, 0, 1;
+my @fruits = <DATA>;
+chomp @fruits;
+is_deeply(\@fruits, [ qw/apple pear banana/ ], 'DATA filehandle ok');
eval { foo 7, 9, { } };
_got_ok('compiling to foo(7,9,{})');
is($foo, 16, 'foo really was executed');
eval { blech };
_got_undefined('blech', __LINE__-1);