skipall 'threads required to test thread safety' unless eval "use threads; 1";
-my $num;
-BEGIN { $num = 20; }
+use Test::More;
+use Scope::Upper qw/unwind UP SU_THREADSAFE/;
-use Test::More tests => $num;
+my $num;
+ skipall 'This Scope::Upper isn\'t thread safe' unless SU_THREADSAFE;
+ plan tests => ($num = 30);
defined and diag "Using threads $_" for $threads::VERSION;
if (eval "use Time::HiRes; 1") {
defined and diag "Using Time::HiRes $_" for $Time::HiRes::VERSION;
*usleep = \&Time::HiRes::usleep;
-use Scope::Upper qw/unwind UP/;
our $z;
sub up1 {
my $tid = threads->tid();
local $z = $tid;