EXTERN_C const regexp_engine engine_plugin;
-#if PERL_VERSION <= 10
-EXTERN_C REGEXP * Plugin_comp(pTHX_ const SV * const, const U32);
+#if REP_HAS_PERL(5, 11, 0)
EXTERN_C REGEXP * Plugin_comp(pTHX_ SV * const, U32);
+EXTERN_C REGEXP * Plugin_comp(pTHX_ const SV * const, const U32);
EXTERN_C I32 Plugin_exec(pTHX_ REGEXP * const, char *, char *,
char *, I32, SV *, void *, U32);
EXTERN_C void * Plugin_dupe(pTHX_ REGEXP * const, CLONE_PARAMS *);
EXTERN_C const regexp_engine engine_plugin;
SV * cb_num_capture_buff_LENGTH;
} *re__engine__Plugin;
-#if PERL_VERSION >= 11
+#if REP_HAS_PERL(5, 11, 0)
# define rxREGEXP(RX) (SvANY(RX))
# define newREGEXP(RX) ((RX) = ((REGEXP*) newSV_type(SVt_REGEXP)))
-#if PERL_VERSION <= 10
-Plugin_comp(pTHX_ const SV * const pattern, const U32 flags)
+#if REP_HAS_PERL(5, 11, 0)
Plugin_comp(pTHX_ SV * const pattern, U32 flags)
+Plugin_comp(pTHX_ const SV * const pattern, const U32 flags)
rx->extflags = flags; /* Flags for perl to use */
rx->engine = RE_ENGINE_PLUGIN; /* Compile to use this engine */
-#if PERL_VERSION <= 10
+#if !REP_HAS_PERL(5, 11, 0)
rx->refcnt = 1; /* Refcount so we won't be destroyed */
/* Precompiled pattern for pp_regcomp to use */