use Term::ANSIColor;
use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
+ my $old_cdi_new = \&CPAN::DistnameInfo::new;
+ die 'CPAN::DistnameInfo is not loaded' unless $old_cdi_new;
+ my $new_cdi_new = sub {
+ my $dist = $old_cdi_new->(@_);
+ $dist->{version} =~ s/-withoutworldwriteables$//;
+ $dist;
+ };
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *CPAN::DistnameInfo::new = $new_cdi_new;
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast;
use constant PORTAGE => '/usr/portage';
use constant TARGET => 'lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Gentoo/';
use constant BACKUP => TARGET . '.bak';
-use constant STATE_FILE => 'gentooisms.sto';
+use constant DATA_FILE => '';
+use constant STATE_FILE => 'gentooisms.state.sto';
-my %gentooism;
-my %is_on_cpan = map { $_ => 1 } qw/
- Business-FedEx-DirectConnect
- CDDB_get
- CursesWidgets
- SpeedyCGI
- WattsUp-Daemon
- frontier-rpc
- gnome2-perl
- gnome2-wnck
+my %is_on_cpan = (
+ 'Audio-CD-disc-cover' => 0,
+ 'WattsUp-Daemon' => 1,
sub p {
my ($indent, $fmt, @args) = @_;
printf $fmt, @args;
-my (@not_on_cpan, %name_mismatch, %version);
+sub timestamp {
+ my $tm = File::Spec->catfile(PORTAGE, 'metadata', 'timestamp.chk');
+ return unless -e $tm;
+ open my $fh, '<', $tm;
+ local $/;
+ <$fh>;
+my $timestamp = timestamp();
+ my $ua;
+ sub cpan_http_test {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ unless (defined $ua) {
+ $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $ua->agent('CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo gentooisms generator/1.0');
+ }
+ my $r = $ua->head(CPAN_MIRROR . $path);
+ return $r && $r->code == 200;
+ }
+my %fetched_uri;
+my (@not_on_cpan, @unfindable, @missing, %name_mismatch, %version);
sub parse_portage_tree {
my $pcp = Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast->new(PACKAGES);
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $ua->agent('CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo gentooisms generator/1.0');
for my $category (qw/perl-core dev-perl/) {
p(0, "Browsing the $category category.\n");
my $pkg_name = (File::Spec->splitdir($pkg_dir))[-1];
+ if (exists $is_on_cpan{$pkg_name} and not $is_on_cpan{$pkg_name}) {
+ p(2, colored("$pkg_name is not a CPAN distribution (forced)", 'bright_red')
+ . "\n");
+ push @not_on_cpan, "$category/$pkg_name";
+ next;
+ }
my $last = reduce { $a->[1] > $b->[1] ? $a : $b }
map [ $_, CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo::Atom->new_from_ebuild($_) ],
glob File::Spec->catfile($pkg_dir, "$pkg_name-*");
my ($ebuild, $atom) = @$last;
p(1, "%s/%s-%s\n", map $atom->$_, qw/category name version/);
- my @cmd = ('ebuild', $ebuild, 'help', '--debug');
- my ($ret, $code);
- (undef, my $err) = capture {
- $ret = system { $cmd[0] } @cmd;
- $code = $?;
- };
- if ($ret != 0 or $code == -1 or $code & 127 or $code >> 8) {
- die "system(\"@cmd\") returned $ret and/or failed with status $code";
- }
+ my $uri;
+ if (exists $fetched_uri{$ebuild}) {
+ $uri = $fetched_uri{$ebuild};
+ } else {
+ my @cmd = ('ebuild', $ebuild, 'help', '--debug');
+ my ($ret, $code);
+ (undef, my $err) = capture {
+ $ret = system { $cmd[0] } @cmd;
+ $code = $?;
+ };
+ if ($ret != 0 or $code == -1 or $code & 127 or $code >> 8) {
+ die "system(\"@cmd\") returned $ret and/or failed with status $code";
+ }
- my ($uri, $fqn_dist, $path);
- while ($err =~ /SRC_URI=((['"]).*?\2|\S+)/gs) {
- $uri = $1;
- $uri =~ s{^(['"])(.*?)\1$}{$2}s;
+ while ($err =~ /SRC_URI=((['"]).*?\2|\S+)/gs) {
+ $uri = $1;
+ $uri =~ s{^(['"])(.*?)\1$}{$2}s;
+ }
+ $fetched_uri{$ebuild} = $uri;
+ Storable::store([
+ $timestamp,
+ \%fetched_uri,
+ ] => DATA_FILE);
+ my ($fqn_dist, $path);
if (defined $uri) {
if ($uri =~ m{cpan.*?/id/(\S+)}) {
$fqn_dist = $1;
$path = "authors/id/$fqn_dist";
+ $is_on_cpan{$pkg_name} = 1;
} elsif ($uri =~ m{mirror://cpan/(\S+)}) {
$path = $1;
- } elsif ($is_on_cpan{$pkg_name} and $uri =~ m{/([^/\s]+)(?:\s|$)}) {
+ $is_on_cpan{$pkg_name} = 1;
+ } elsif ($uri =~ m{/([^/\s]+)(?:\s|$)}) {
my $archive = $1;
my ($top_level) = $archive =~ /^([^-]+)/;
$path = "modules/by-module/$top_level/$archive";
unless (defined $path) {
- p(2, "doesn't seem to be fetching its tarball from a CPAN mirror.\n");
+ p(2, "doesn't seem to be fetching its tarball from a CPAN mirror\n");
p(2, colored("$pkg_name is not a CPAN distribution", 'bright_red') . "\n");
push @not_on_cpan, "$category/$pkg_name";
my $dist;
if (defined $fqn_dist) {
- $dist = eval { $pcp->distribution($fqn_dist) };
- p(2, defined $dist ? "is indexed on the CPAN\n" : 'is not indexed, but ');
- } else {
- p(2, 'is ');
+ p(2, 'is indexed on the CPAN... ');
+ $dist = do {
+ local $@;
+ eval { $pcp->distribution($fqn_dist) }
+ };
+ print defined $dist ? "yes\n" : "no\n";
unless (defined $dist) {
- print 'maybe on a CPAN mirror... ';
- my $r = $ua->head(CPAN_MIRROR . $path);
- if ($r and $r->code == 200) {
+ p(2, 'can directly be found on a CPAN mirror... ');
+ if (cpan_http_test($path)) {
print "yes\n";
+ $dist = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($path);
+ } else {
+ print "no\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($pseudo_dist, $latest_dist);
+ unless (defined $dist) {
+ p(2, 'has the same name as a distribution on the CPAN... ');
+ $path =~ m{([^/\s]+)$} or die 'Could not get the last part of the path';
+ my $archive = $1;
+ $pseudo_dist = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($archive);
+ $latest_dist = do {
+ local $@;
+ eval { $pcp->latest_distribution($pseudo_dist->dist) };
+ };
+ my ($latest_file, $latest_author);
+ if (defined $latest_dist) {
+ $latest_file = $latest_dist->filename;
+ $latest_author = $latest_dist->cpanid;
+ printf "yes, %s by %s\n",
+ $latest_file,
+ (defined $latest_author ? $latest_author : 'unknown');
} else {
print "no\n";
+ }
+ if (defined $latest_author) {
+ my ($au, $a) = $latest_author =~ /^((.).)/ or die 'Author name too short';
+ p(2, 'is in that author\'s CPAN directory... ');
+ my $alternate_path = "authors/id/$a/$au/$latest_author/$archive";
+ if ($alternate_path eq $path) {
+ print "already checked\n";
+ } elsif (cpan_http_test($alternate_path)) {
+ $dist = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($alternate_path);
+ print "yes\n";
+ } else {
+ print "no\n";
+ }
+ unless (defined $dist) {
+ push @missing,
+ "$category/$pkg_name (latest is $latest_file by $latest_author)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (defined $dist) {
+ if ($latest_dist or $is_on_cpan{$pkg_name}) {
+ $dist = $pseudo_dist;
+ unless ($latest_dist) {
+ push @unfindable, "$category/$pkg_name";
+ }
+ p(2, "seems to come from the CPAN anyway\n");
+ } else {
p(2, colored("$pkg_name is not a CPAN distribution", 'bright_red') . "\n");
push @not_on_cpan, "$category/$pkg_name";
- $dist = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($path);
my $dist_name = $dist->dist;
-sub timestamp {
- my $tm = File::Spec->catfile(PORTAGE, 'metadata', 'timestamp.chk');
- return unless -e $tm;
- open my $fh, '<', $tm;
- local $/;
- <$fh>;
my $already_parsed = 0;
-my $timestamp = timestamp();
if (-e STATE_FILE) {
- my $data = Storable::retrieve(STATE_FILE);
- if ($data->[0] eq $timestamp) {
- printf "Data retrieved from %s\n", STATE_FILE;
- @not_on_cpan = @{ $data->[1] };
- %name_mismatch = %{ $data->[2] };
- %version = %{ $data->[3] };
+ my $state = Storable::retrieve(STATE_FILE);
+ if ($state->[0] eq $timestamp) {
+ printf "State retrieved from %s\n", STATE_FILE;
+ @not_on_cpan = @{ $state->[1] };
+ @unfindable = @{ $state->[2] };
+ @missing = @{ $state->[3] };
+ %name_mismatch = %{ $state->[4] };
+ %version = %{ $state->[5] };
$already_parsed = 1;
} else {
- printf "Obsolete data file %s, regenerating data\n", STATE_FILE;
+ printf "Obsolete state file %s, regenerating\n", STATE_FILE;
1 while unlink STATE_FILE;
unless ($already_parsed) {
+ if (-e DATA_FILE) {
+ my $data = Storable::retrieve(DATA_FILE);
+ if ($data->[0] eq $timestamp) {
+ printf "Data retrieved from %s\n", DATA_FILE;
+ %fetched_uri = %{ $data->[1] };
+ } else {
+ printf "Obsolete data file %s, regenerating\n", DATA_FILE;
+ 1 while unlink DATA_FILE;
+ }
+ }
print "\n";
+ \@unfindable,
+ \@missing,
- printf "Data stored to %s\n", STATE_FILE;
+ printf "State stored to %s\n", STATE_FILE;
print "\n";
p(1, "Not on the CPAN:\n");
p(2, "$_\n") for @not_on_cpan;
+p(1, "Alleged to be on the CPAN, but unfindable:\n");
+p(2, "$_\n") for @unfindable;
+p(1, "Only a different version is on the CPAN:\n");
+p(2, "$_\n") for @missing;
p(1, "Name mismatch:\n");
for my $dist_name (sort keys %name_mismatch) {
my $pkg_name = $name_mismatch{$dist_name};