my $target_tc = __PACKAGE__->meta->find_attribute_by_name('target')
-=head2 C<user_constraint>
-An optional user defined code reference which predates checking the target for validity.
-has 'user_constraint' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Maybe[CodeRef]',
=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<< new name => $name, mapper => $mapper, target => $target, [ user_constraint => sub { ... } ] >>
+=head2 C<< new name => $name, mapper => $mapper, target => $target >>
Constructs a type constraint object that will attempt to autocoerce objects that are not valid according to C<$target> by loading the class returned by C<$mapper>.
$args{coercion} = Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion->new;
- my $tc;
$args{constraint} = Sub::Name::subname('_constraint' => sub {
my ($thing) = @_;
# Remember that when ->check is called inside coerce, a return value of 0
# means that coercion should take place, while 1 signifies that the value is
- # already OK.
- # First, try a possible user defined constraint
- my $user = $tc->user_constraint;
- if (defined $user) {
- my $ok = $user->($thing);
- return 1 if $ok;
- }
+ # already OK. Thus we should return true if and only if $thing passes the
+ # target type constraint.
- # Then, it's valid if and only if it passes the target type constraint
- return $tc->target->check($thing);
+ return $target->check($thing);
- $tc = $class->$orig(%args);
+ return $class->$orig(%args);
=head2 C<coerce $thing>