--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Hash-Normalize
+0.01 2017-05-26 15:00 UTC
+ First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "abstract" : "Automatically normalize Unicode hash keys.",
+ "author" : [
+ "Vincent Pit <perl@profvince.com>"
+ ],
+ "dynamic_config" : 0,
+ "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.24, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
+ "license" : [
+ "perl_5"
+ ],
+ "meta-spec" : {
+ "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec",
+ "version" : 2
+ },
+ "name" : "Hash-Normalize",
+ "no_index" : {
+ "directory" : [
+ "t",
+ "inc"
+ ]
+ },
+ "prereqs" : {
+ "build" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Carp" : "0",
+ "Exporter" : "0",
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0",
+ "Test::More" : "0",
+ "Unicode::Normalize" : "0",
+ "Variable::Magic" : "0.51",
+ "base" : "0",
+ "lib" : "0"
+ }
+ },
+ "configure" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
+ }
+ },
+ "runtime" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Carp" : "0",
+ "Exporter" : "0",
+ "Unicode::Normalize" : "0",
+ "Variable::Magic" : "0.51",
+ "base" : "0",
+ "perl" : "5.010"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "release_status" : "stable",
+ "resources" : {
+ "bugtracker" : {
+ "web" : "http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Name=Hash-Normalize"
+ },
+ "homepage" : "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Hash-Normalize/",
+ "license" : [
+ "http://dev.perl.org/licenses/"
+ ],
+ "repository" : {
+ "url" : "http://git.profvince.com/?p=perl%2Fmodules%2FHash-Normalize.git"
+ }
+ },
+ "version" : "0.01",
+ "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 2.93"
--- /dev/null
+abstract: 'Automatically normalize Unicode hash keys.'
+ - 'Vincent Pit <perl@profvince.com>'
+ Carp: '0'
+ Exporter: '0'
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
+ Test::More: '0'
+ Unicode::Normalize: '0'
+ Variable::Magic: '0.51'
+ base: '0'
+ lib: '0'
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.24, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
+license: perl
+ url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
+ version: '1.4'
+name: Hash-Normalize
+ directory:
+ - t
+ - inc
+ Carp: '0'
+ Exporter: '0'
+ Unicode::Normalize: '0'
+ Variable::Magic: '0.51'
+ base: '0'
+ perl: '5.010'
+ bugtracker: http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Name=Hash-Normalize
+ homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Hash-Normalize/
+ license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
+ repository: http://git.profvince.com/?p=perl%2Fmodules%2FHash-Normalize.git
+version: '0.01'
+x_serialization_backend: 'CPAN::Meta::YAML version 0.018'
--- /dev/null
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+my $dist = 'Hash-Normalize';
+(my $name = $dist) =~ s{-}{::}g;
+(my $file = $dist) =~ s{-}{/}g;
+$file = "lib/$file.pm";
+my %PREREQ_PM = (
+ 'Carp' => 0,
+ 'Exporter' => 0,
+ 'Unicode::Normalize' => 0,
+ 'Variable::Magic' => '0.51',
+ 'base' => 0,
+ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
+ 'Test::More' => 0,
+ 'lib' => 0,
+my %META = (
+ configure_requires => {
+ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
+ },
+ build_requires => {
+ },
+ dynamic_config => 0,
+ resources => {
+ bugtracker => "http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Name=$dist",
+ homepage => "http://search.cpan.org/dist/$dist/",
+ license => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
+ repository => "http://git.profvince.com/?p=perl%2Fmodules%2F$dist.git",
+ },
+ NAME => $name,
+ AUTHOR => 'Vincent Pit <perl@profvince.com>',
+ LICENSE => 'perl',
+ VERSION_FROM => $file,
+ ABSTRACT_FROM => $file,
+ PL_FILES => {},
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.010',
+ dist => {
+ PREOP => "pod2text -u $file > \$(DISTVNAME)/README",
+ COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz'
+ },
+ clean => {
+ FILES => "$dist-* *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno cover_db Debian_CPANTS.txt"
+ },
--- /dev/null
+ Hash::Normalize - Automatically normalize Unicode hash keys.
+ Version 0.01
+ use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize>;
+ normalize my %hash, 'NFC';
+ $hash{café} = 'coffee'; # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ print $hash{café}; # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ # 'coffee' is printed
+ print $hash{café}; # NFC, "caf\x{e9}"
+ # 'coffee' is also printed
+ This module provides an utility routine that augments a given Perl hash
+ table so that its keys are automatically normalized following one of the
+ Unicode normalization schemes. All the following actions on this hash
+ will be made regardless of how the key used for the action is
+ normalized.
+ Since this module does not use the "tie" mechanism, normalized hashes
+ are indistinguishable from regular hashes as far as Perl is concerned,
+ but this module also provides "get_normalization" to identify them if
+ necessary.
+ "normalize"
+ normalize %hash;
+ normalize %hash, $mode;
+ Applies the Unicode normalization scheme $mode onto %hash. $mode
+ defaults to 'NFC' if omitted, and should match
+ "/^(?:(?:nf)?k?|fc)[cd]$/i" otherwise.
+ "normalize" will first try to forcefully normalize the existing keys in
+ %hash to the new mode, but it will throw an exception if there are
+ distinct keys that have the same normalization. All the keys
+ subsequently used for fetches, stores, exists, deletes and list
+ assignments are then first passed through the according normalization
+ procedure. "keys %hash" will also return the list of normalized keys.
+ "get_normalization"
+ my $mode = get_normalization %hash;
+ normalize %hash, $mode;
+ Returns the current Unicode normalization scheme in use for %hash, or
+ "undef" if it is a plain hash.
+ Stashes (Perl symbol tables) are implemented as plain hashes, therefore
+ one can use "normalize %Pkg::" on them to make sure that Unicode symbol
+ lookups are made regardless of normalization.
+ package Foo;
+ require Hash::Normalize;
+ # Enforce NFC normalization
+ Hash::Normalize::normalize(%Foo::, 'NFC')
+ }
+ sub café { # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ return 'coffee'
+ }
+ sub coffee_nfc {
+ café() # NFC, "cafe\x{e9}"
+ }
+ sub coffee_nfd {
+ café() # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ }
+ # Both coffee_nfc() and coffee_nfd() return 'coffee'
+ Using a normalized hash is slightly slower than a plain hash, due to the
+ normalization procedure and the overhead of magic.
+ If a hash is initialized from a normalized hash by list assignment
+ ("%new = %normalized"), then the normalization scheme will not be
+ carried over to the new hash, although its keys will initially be
+ normalized like the ones from the original hash.
+ The functions "normalize" and "get_normalization" are only exported on
+ request by specifying their names in the module import list.
+ perl 5.10.
+ Carp, Exporter (core since perl 5).
+ Unicode::Normalize (core since perl 5.8).
+ Variable::Magic 0.51.
+ Vincent Pit, "<perl at profvince.com>", <http://www.profvince.com>.
+ You can contact me by mail or on "irc.perl.org" (vincent).
+ Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-hash-normalize at
+ rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
+ <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Hash-Normalize>. I will
+ be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
+ your bug as I make changes.
+ You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc Hash::Normalize
+ Copyright 2017 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
--- /dev/null
+package Hash::Normalize;
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Hash::Normalize - Automatically normalize Unicode hash keys.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.01
+our $VERSION;
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize>;
+ normalize my %hash, 'NFC';
+ $hash{café} = 'coffee'; # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ print $hash{café}; # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ # 'coffee' is printed
+ print $hash{café}; # NFC, "caf\x{e9}"
+ # 'coffee' is also printed
+This module provides an utility routine that augments a given Perl hash table so that its keys are automatically normalized following one of the Unicode normalization schemes.
+All the following actions on this hash will be made regardless of how the key used for the action is normalized.
+Since this module does not use the C<tie> mechanism, normalized hashes are indistinguishable from regular hashes as far as Perl is concerned, but this module also provides L</get_normalization> to identify them if necessary.
+use Variable::Magic;
+use Unicode::Normalize ();
+=head2 C<normalize>
+ normalize %hash;
+ normalize %hash, $mode;
+Applies the Unicode normalization scheme C<$mode> onto C<%hash>.
+C<$mode> defaults to C<'NFC'> if omitted, and should match C</^(?:(?:nf)?k?|fc)[cd]$/i> otherwise.
+C<normalize> will first try to forcefully normalize the existing keys in C<%hash> to the new mode, but it will throw an exception if there are distinct keys that have the same normalization.
+All the keys subsequently used for fetches, stores, exists, deletes and list assignments are then first passed through the according normalization procedure.
+C<keys %hash> will also return the list of normalized keys.
+sub _remap { $_[2] = Unicode::Normalize::normalize($_[1], "$_[2]"); undef }
+my $wiz = Variable::Magic::wizard(
+ data => sub { $_[1] },
+ fetch => \&_remap,
+ store => \&_remap,
+ exists => \&_remap,
+ delete => \&_remap,
+ copy_key => 1,
+sub _validate_mode {
+ my $mode = shift;
+ $mode = 'nfc' unless defined $mode;
+ if ($mode =~ /^(?:nf)?(k?[cd])$/i) {
+ $mode = uc "NF$1";
+ } elsif ($mode =~ /^(fc[cd])$/i) {
+ $mode = uc "$1";
+ } else {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak('Invalid normalization');
+ }
+ return $mode
+sub normalize (\%;$) {
+ my ($hash, $mode) = @_;
+ my $previous_mode = &get_normalization($hash);
+ my $new_mode = _validate_mode($mode);
+ return $hash if defined $previous_mode and $previous_mode eq $new_mode;
+ &Variable::Magic::dispell($hash, $wiz);
+ if (%$hash) {
+ my %dup;
+ for my $key (keys %$hash) {
+ my $norm = Unicode::Normalize::normalize($new_mode, $key);
+ if (exists $dup{$norm}) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak('Key collision after normalization');
+ }
+ $dup{$norm} = $hash->{$key};
+ }
+ %$hash = %dup;
+ }
+ &Variable::Magic::cast($hash, $wiz, $new_mode);
+ return $hash;
+=head2 C<get_normalization>
+ my $mode = get_normalization %hash;
+ normalize %hash, $mode;
+Returns the current Unicode normalization scheme in use for C<%hash>, or C<undef> if it is a plain hash.
+sub get_normalization (\%) { &Variable::Magic::getdata($_[0], $wiz) }
+Stashes (Perl symbol tables) are implemented as plain hashes, therefore one can use C<normalize %Pkg::> on them to make sure that Unicode symbol lookups are made regardless of normalization.
+ package Foo;
+ require Hash::Normalize;
+ # Enforce NFC normalization
+ Hash::Normalize::normalize(%Foo::, 'NFC')
+ }
+ sub café { # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ return 'coffee'
+ }
+ sub coffee_nfc {
+ café() # NFC, "cafe\x{e9}"
+ }
+ sub coffee_nfd {
+ café() # NFD, "cafe\x{301}"
+ }
+ # Both coffee_nfc() and coffee_nfd() return 'coffee'
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Using a normalized hash is slightly slower than a plain hash, due to the normalization procedure and the overhead of magic.
+If a hash is initialized from a normalized hash by list assignment (C<%new = %normalized>), then the normalization scheme will not be carried over to the new hash, although its keys will initially be normalized like the ones from the original hash.
+=head1 EXPORT
+The functions L</normalize> and L</get_normalization> are only exported on request by specifying their names in the module import list.
+use base 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT = ();
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw<normalize get_normalization>;
+L<perl> 5.10.
+L<Carp>, L<Exporter> (core since perl 5).
+L<Unicode::Normalize> (core since perl 5.8).
+L<Variable::Magic> 0.51.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
+You can contact me by mail or on C<irc.perl.org> (vincent).
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-hash-normalize at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Hash-Normalize>.
+I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc Hash::Normalize
+Copyright 2017 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+1; # End of Hash::Normalize
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use_ok('Hash::Normalize');
+diag("Testing Hash::Normalize $Hash::Normalize::VERSION, Perl $], $^X");
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 2 * 2;
+require Hash::Normalize;
+my %syms = (
+ normalize => '\%;$',
+ get_normalization => '\%',
+for (sort keys %syms) {
+ eval { Hash::Normalize->import($_) };
+ is $@, '', "import $_";
+ is prototype($_), $syms{$_}, "prototype $_";
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize get_normalization>;
+my %h;
+is get_normalization(%h), undef, 'brand new hash is not normalized';
+normalize %h;
+is get_normalization(%h), 'NFC', 'composed normalization by default';
+normalize %h, 'nfd';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'NFD', 'switch normalization to NFD';
+normalize %h, 'd';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'NFD', 'reapply the same normalization';
+normalize %h, 'kc';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'NFKC', 'switch normalization to NFKC';
+normalize %h, 'NFkd';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'NFKD', 'switch normalization to NFKD';
+normalize %h, 'fCc';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'FCC', 'switch normalization to FCC';
+normalize %h, 'FcD';
+is get_normalization(%h), 'FCD', 'switch normalization to FCD';
+eval { normalize %h, 'XYZ' };
+like $@, qr/^Invalid normalization /, 'invalid normalization croaks';
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => (1 + 2 * 3) * 3 + 4;
+use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize>;
+my $cafe_nfc = "caf\x{e9}";
+my $cafe_nfd = "cafe\x{301}";
+my %h1 = (cafe => 1);
+normalize %h1;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h1 ], [ 'cafe' ], 'new hash';
+for my $run (1, 2) {
+ my $r1 = $h1{'cafe'};
+ my $r2 = $h1{$cafe_nfc};
+ my $r3 = $h1{$cafe_nfd};
+ is $r1, 1, "init run $run fetch 1";
+ is $r2, undef, "init run $run fetch 2";
+ is $r3, undef, "init run $run fetch 3";
+$h1{$cafe_nfd} = 2;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h1 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfc ], 'after store 1';
+for my $run (1, 2) {
+ my $r1 = $h1{'cafe'};
+ my $r2 = $h1{$cafe_nfc};
+ my $r3 = $h1{$cafe_nfd};
+ is $r1, 1, "store 1 run $run fetch 1";
+ is $r2, 2, "store 1 run $run fetch 2";
+ is $r3, 2, "store 1 run $run fetch 3";
+$h1{$cafe_nfc} = 3;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h1 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfc ], 'after store 2';
+for my $run (1, 2) {
+ my $r1 = $h1{'cafe'};
+ my $r2 = $h1{$cafe_nfc};
+ my $r3 = $h1{$cafe_nfd};
+ is $r1, 1, "store 2 run $run fetch 1";
+ is $r2, 3, "store 2 run $run fetch 2";
+ is $r3, 3, "store 2 run $run fetch 3";
+my %h2;
+normalize %h2, 'd';
+%h2 = %h1;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h2 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfd ], 'list assign';
+is exists $h1{$cafe_nfd}, 1, 'exists';
+my $val = delete $h1{$cafe_nfd};
+is $val, 3, 'delete';
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h1 ], [ 'cafe' ], 'after delete';
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize>;
+my $cafe_nfc = "caf\x{e9}";
+my $cafe_nfd = "cafe\x{301}";
+my %h1 = (cafe => 1, $cafe_nfc => 2);
+normalize %h1;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h1 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfc ], 'new hash';
+my %h2 = %h1;
+normalize %h2;
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h2 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfc ], 'idempotent renormalization';
+my %h3 = %h1;
+normalize %h3, 'D';
+is_deeply [ sort keys %h3 ], [ 'cafe', $cafe_nfd ], 'true renormalization';
+my %h4 = (cafe => 1, $cafe_nfc => 2, $cafe_nfd => 3);
+my $keys = join ' ', sort keys %h4;
+is scalar(keys %h4), 3, 'plain hash contains 3 keys';
+eval { normalize %h4 };
+like $@, qr/^Key collision after normalization /, 'normalizations collide';
+is join(' ', sort keys %h4), $keys, 'collision happened but hash was untouched'
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Hash::Normalize qw<normalize get_normalization>;
+my $cafe_nfc = "caf\x{e9}";
+my $cafe_nfd = "cafe\x{301}";
+eval <<"CODE";
+package Hash::Normalize::TestPkg;
+BEGIN { Hash::Normalize::normalize(%Hash::Normalize::TestPkg::) }
+sub $cafe_nfd { return 123 }
+sub get_coffee_nfc { $cafe_nfc() + 1 }
+sub get_coffee_nfd { $cafe_nfd() + 2 }
+package Hash::Normalize::TestPkg2;
+our \@ISA;
+ \@ISA = 'Hash::Normalize::TestPkg';
+is $@, '', 'test package compiled properly';
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'eval suffers from The Unicode Bug before perl 5.16' => 4
+ unless "$]" >= 5.016;
+ is Hash::Normalize::TestPkg::get_coffee_nfc(), 124, 'nfc func call';
+ is Hash::Normalize::TestPkg::get_coffee_nfd(), 125, 'nfd func call';
+ is Hash::Normalize::TestPkg2->get_coffee_nfc(), 124, 'nfc meth call';
+ is Hash::Normalize::TestPkg2->get_coffee_nfd(), 125, 'nfd meth call';
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use VPIT::TestHelpers;
+load_or_skip_all('Test::Pod', '1.22', [ ]);
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use VPIT::TestHelpers;
+load_or_skip_all('Test::Pod::Coverage', '1.08', [ ]);
+load_or_skip_all('Pod::Coverage', '0.18' );
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use VPIT::TestHelpers;
+load_or_skip_all('Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes', '1.0', [ ]);
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use VPIT::TestHelpers;
+load_or_skip_all('Test::Portability::Files', undef, [ ]);
--- /dev/null
+package VPIT::TestHelpers;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Config ();
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNTAX
+ use VPIT::TestHelpers (
+ feature1 => \@feature1_args,
+ feature2 => \@feature2_args,
+ );
+sub export_to_pkg {
+ my ($subs, $pkg) = @_;
+ while (my ($name, $code) = each %$subs) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$pkg.'::'.$name} = $code;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub sanitize_prefix {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ if (defined $prefix) {
+ if (length $prefix and $prefix !~ /_$/) {
+ $prefix .= '_';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $prefix = '';
+ }
+ return $prefix;
+my %default_exports = (
+ load_or_skip => \&load_or_skip,
+ load_or_skip_all => \&load_or_skip_all,
+ skip_all => \&skip_all,
+my %features = (
+ threads => \&init_threads,
+ usleep => \&init_usleep,
+ run_perl => \&init_run_perl,
+ capture => \&init_capture,
+sub import {
+ shift;
+ my @opts = @_;
+ my %exports = %default_exports;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#opts; ++$i) {
+ my $feature = $opts[$i];
+ next unless defined $feature;
+ my $args;
+ if ($i < $#opts and defined $opts[$i+1] and ref $opts[$i+1] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ ++$i;
+ $args = $opts[$i];
+ } else {
+ $args = [ ];
+ }
+ my $handler = $features{$feature};
+ die "Unknown feature '$feature'" unless defined $handler;
+ my %syms = $handler->(@$args);
+ $exports{$_} = $syms{$_} for sort keys %syms;
+ }
+ export_to_pkg \%exports => scalar caller;
+my $test_sub = sub {
+ my $sub = shift;
+ my $stash;
+ if ($INC{'Test/Leaner.pm'}) {
+ $stash = \%Test::Leaner::;
+ } else {
+ require Test::More;
+ $stash = \%Test::More::;
+ }
+ my $glob = $stash->{$sub};
+ return $glob ? *$glob{CODE} : undef;
+sub skip { $test_sub->('skip')->(@_) }
+sub skip_all { $test_sub->('plan')->(skip_all => $_[0]) }
+sub diag {
+ my $diag = $test_sub->('diag');
+ $diag->($_) for @_;
+our $TODO;
+local $TODO;
+sub load {
+ my ($pkg, $ver, $imports) = @_;
+ my $spec = $ver && $ver !~ /^[0._]*$/ ? "$pkg $ver" : $pkg;
+ my $err;
+ local $@;
+ if (eval "use $spec (); 1") {
+ $ver = do { no strict 'refs'; ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} };
+ $ver = 'undef' unless defined $ver;
+ if ($imports) {
+ my @imports = @$imports;
+ my $caller = (caller 1)[0];
+ local $@;
+ my $res = eval <<"IMPORTER";
+ $caller;
+BEGIN { \$pkg->import(\@imports) }
+ $err = "Could not import '@imports' from $pkg $ver: $@" unless $res;
+ }
+ } else {
+ (my $file = "$pkg.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ delete $INC{$file};
+ $err = "Could not load $spec";
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ return wantarray ? (0, $err) : 0;
+ } else {
+ diag "Using $pkg $ver";
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub load_or_skip {
+ my ($pkg, $ver, $imports, $tests) = @_;
+ die 'You must specify how many tests to skip' unless defined $tests;
+ my ($loaded, $err) = load($pkg, $ver, $imports);
+ skip $err => $tests unless $loaded;
+ return $loaded;
+sub load_or_skip_all {
+ my ($pkg, $ver, $imports) = @_;
+ my ($loaded, $err) = load($pkg, $ver, $imports);
+ skip_all $err unless $loaded;
+ return $loaded;
+=head1 FEATURES
+=head2 C<run_perl>
+=over 4
+=item *
+Import :
+ use VPIT::TestHelpers run_perl => [ $p ]
+where :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<$p> is prefixed to the constants exported by this feature (defaults to C<''>).
+=item *
+Dependencies :
+=over 8
+=item -
+=item *
+Exports :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<run_perl $code>
+=item -
+C<run_perl_file $file>
+=item -
+C<RUN_PERL_FAILED> (possibly prefixed by C<$p>)
+sub fresh_perl_env (&) {
+ my $handler = shift;
+ my ($SystemRoot, $PATH) = @ENV{qw<SystemRoot PATH>};
+ my $ld_name = $Config::Config{ldlibpthname};
+ my $ldlibpth = $ENV{$ld_name};
+ local %ENV;
+ $ENV{$ld_name} = $ldlibpth if defined $ldlibpth;
+ $ENV{SystemRoot} = $SystemRoot if $^O eq 'MSWin32' and defined $SystemRoot;
+ $ENV{PATH} = $PATH if $^O eq 'cygwin' and defined $PATH;
+ my $perl = $^X;
+ unless (-e $perl and -x $perl) {
+ $perl = $Config::Config{perlpath};
+ unless (-e $perl and -x $perl) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return $handler->($perl, '-T', map("-I$_", @INC));
+sub init_run_perl {
+ my $p = sanitize_prefix(shift);
+ # This is only required for run_perl_file(), so it is not needed for the
+ # threads feature which only calls run_perl() - don't forget to update its
+ # requirements if this ever changes.
+ require File::Spec;
+ return (
+ run_perl => \&run_perl,
+ run_perl_file => \&run_perl_file,
+ "${p}RUN_PERL_FAILED" => sub () { 'Could not execute perl subprocess' },
+ );
+sub run_perl {
+ my $code = shift;
+ if ($code =~ /"/) {
+ die 'Double quotes in evaluated code are not portable';
+ }
+ fresh_perl_env {
+ my ($perl, @perl_args) = @_;
+ system { $perl } $perl, @perl_args, '-e', $code;
+ };
+sub run_perl_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
+ unless (-e $file and -r _) {
+ die 'Could not run perl file';
+ }
+ fresh_perl_env {
+ my ($perl, @perl_args) = @_;
+ system { $perl } $perl, @perl_args, $file;
+ };
+=head2 C<capture>
+=over 4
+=item *
+Import :
+ use VPIT::TestHelpers capture => [ $p ];
+where :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<$p> is prefixed to the constants exported by this feature (defaults to C<''>).
+=item *
+Dependencies :
+=over 8
+=item -
+Neither VMS nor OS/2
+=item -
+=item -
+=item -
+=item -
+On MSWin32 : L<Socket>
+=item *
+Exports :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<capture @command>
+=item -
+C<CAPTURE_FAILED $details> (possibly prefixed by C<$p>)
+=item -
+C<capture_perl $code>
+=item -
+C<CAPTURE_PERL_FAILED $details> (possibly prefixed by C<$p>)
+sub init_capture {
+ my $p = sanitize_prefix(shift);
+ skip_all 'Cannot capture output on VMS' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ skip_all 'Cannot capture output on OS/2' if $^O eq 'os2';
+ load_or_skip_all 'IO::Handle', '0', [ ];
+ load_or_skip_all 'IO::Select', '0', [ ];
+ load_or_skip_all 'IPC::Open3', '0', [ ];
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ load_or_skip_all 'Socket', '0', [ ];
+ }
+ return (
+ capture => \&capture,
+ "${p}CAPTURE_FAILED" => \&capture_failed_msg,
+ capture_perl => \&capture_perl,
+ "${p}CAPTURE_PERL_FAILED" => \&capture_perl_failed_msg,
+ );
+# Inspired from IPC::Cmd
+sub capture {
+ my @cmd = @_;
+ my $want = wantarray;
+ my $fail = sub {
+ my $err = $!;
+ my $ext_err = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? $^E : undef;
+ my $syscall = shift;
+ my $args = join ', ', @_;
+ my $msg = "$syscall($args) failed: ";
+ if (defined $err) {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ my ($err_code, $err_str) = (int $err, "$err");
+ $msg .= "$err_str ($err_code)";
+ }
+ if (defined $ext_err) {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ my ($ext_err_code, $ext_err_str) = (int $ext_err, "$ext_err");
+ $msg .= ", $ext_err_str ($ext_err_code)";
+ }
+ die "$msg\n";
+ };
+ my ($status, $content_out, $content_err);
+ local $@;
+ my $ok = eval {
+ my ($pid, $out, $err);
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ my $pipe = sub {
+ socketpair $_[0], $_[1],
+ &Socket::AF_UNIX, &Socket::SOCK_STREAM, &Socket::PF_UNSPEC
+ or $fail->(qw<socketpair reader writer>);
+ shutdown $_[0], 1 or $fail->(qw<shutdown reader>);
+ shutdown $_[1], 0 or $fail->(qw<shutdown writer>);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ local (*IN_R, *IN_W);
+ local (*OUT_R, *OUT_W);
+ local (*ERR_R, *ERR_W);
+ $pipe->(*IN_R, *IN_W);
+ $pipe->(*OUT_R, *OUT_W);
+ $pipe->(*ERR_R, *ERR_W);
+ $pid = IPC::Open3::open3('>&IN_R', '<&OUT_W', '<&ERR_W', @cmd);
+ close *IN_W or $fail->(qw<close input>);
+ $out = *OUT_R;
+ $err = *ERR_R;
+ } else {
+ my $in = IO::Handle->new;
+ $out = IO::Handle->new;
+ $out->autoflush(1);
+ $err = IO::Handle->new;
+ $err->autoflush(1);
+ $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($in, $out, $err, @cmd);
+ close $in;
+ }
+ # Forward signals to the child (except SIGKILL)
+ my %sig_handlers;
+ foreach my $s (keys %SIG) {
+ $sig_handlers{$s} = sub {
+ kill "$s" => $pid;
+ $SIG{$s} = $sig_handlers{$s};
+ };
+ }
+ local $SIG{$_} = $sig_handlers{$_} for keys %SIG;
+ unless ($want) {
+ close $out or $fail->(qw<close output>);
+ close $err or $fail->(qw<close error>);
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ $status = $?;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new();
+ $sel->add($out, $err);
+ my $fd_out = fileno $out;
+ my $fd_err = fileno $err;
+ my %contents;
+ $contents{$fd_out} = '';
+ $contents{$fd_err} = '';
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ for my $fh (@ready) {
+ my $buf;
+ my $bytes_read = sysread $fh, $buf, 4096;
+ if (not defined $bytes_read) {
+ $fail->('sysread', 'fd(' . fileno($fh) . ')');
+ } elsif ($bytes_read) {
+ $contents{fileno($fh)} .= $buf;
+ } else {
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ close $fh or $fail->('close', 'fd(' . fileno($fh) . ')');
+ last unless $sel->count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ $status = $?;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ # Manual CRLF translation that couldn't be done with sysread.
+ s/\x0D\x0A/\n/g for values %contents;
+ }
+ $content_out = $contents{$fd_out};
+ $content_err = $contents{$fd_err};
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ("$]" < 5.014 and $ok and ($status >> 8) == 255 and defined $content_err
+ and $content_err =~ /^open3/) {
+ # Before perl commit 8960aa87 (between 5.12 and 5.14), exceptions in open3
+ # could be reported to STDERR instead of being propagated, so work around
+ # this.
+ $ok = 0;
+ $@ = $content_err;
+ }
+ if ($ok) {
+ return ($status, $content_out, $content_err);
+ } else {
+ my $err = $@;
+ chomp $err;
+ return (undef, $err);
+ }
+sub capture_failed_msg {
+ my $details = shift;
+ my $msg = 'Could not capture command output';
+ $msg .= " ($details)" if defined $details;
+ return $msg;
+sub capture_perl {
+ my $code = shift;
+ if ($code =~ /"/) {
+ die 'Double quotes in evaluated code are not portable';
+ }
+ fresh_perl_env {
+ my @perl = @_;
+ capture @perl, '-e', $code;
+ };
+sub capture_perl_failed_msg {
+ my $details = shift;
+ my $msg = 'Could not capture perl output';
+ $msg .= " ($details)" if defined $details;
+ return $msg;
+=head2 C<threads>
+=over 4
+=item *
+Import :
+ use VPIT::TestHelpers threads => [
+ $pkg, $threadsafe_var, $force_var
+ ];
+where :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<$pkg> is the target package name that will be exercised by this test ;
+=item -
+C<$threadsafe_var> is the name of an optional variable in C<$pkg> that evaluates to true if and only if the module claims to be thread safe (not checked if either C<$threadsafe_var> or C<$pkg> is C<undef>) ;
+=item -
+C<$force_var> is the name of the environment variable that can be used to force the thread tests (defaults to C<PERL_FORCE_TEST_THREADS>).
+=item *
+Dependencies :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<perl> 5.13.4
+=item -
+=item -
+L<threads> 1.67
+=item -
+L<threads::shared> 1.14
+=item *
+Exports :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<spawn $coderef>
+=item *
+Notes :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<< exit => 'threads_only' >> is passed to C<< threads->import >>.
+sub init_threads {
+ my ($pkg, $threadsafe_var, $force_var) = @_;
+ skip_all 'This perl wasn\'t built to support threads'
+ unless $Config::Config{useithreads};
+ if (defined $pkg and defined $threadsafe_var) {
+ my $threadsafe;
+ # run_perl() doesn't actually require anything
+ my $stat = run_perl("require POSIX; require $pkg; exit($threadsafe_var ? POSIX::EXIT_SUCCESS() : POSIX::EXIT_FAILURE())");
+ if (defined $stat) {
+ require POSIX;
+ my $res = $stat >> 8;
+ if ($res == POSIX::EXIT_SUCCESS()) {
+ $threadsafe = 1;
+ } elsif ($res == POSIX::EXIT_FAILURE()) {
+ $threadsafe = !1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not defined $threadsafe) {
+ skip_all "Could not detect if $pkg is thread safe or not";
+ } elsif (not $threadsafe) {
+ skip_all "This $pkg is not thread safe";
+ }
+ }
+ $force_var = 'PERL_FORCE_TEST_THREADS' unless defined $force_var;
+ my $force = $ENV{$force_var} ? 1 : !1;
+ skip_all 'perl 5.13.4 required to test thread safety'
+ unless $force or "$]" >= 5.013_004;
+ unless ($INC{'threads.pm'}) {
+ my $test_module;
+ if ($INC{'Test/Leaner.pm'}) {
+ $test_module = 'Test::Leaner';
+ } elsif ($INC{'Test/More.pm'}) {
+ $test_module = 'Test::More';
+ }
+ die "$test_module was loaded too soon" if defined $test_module;
+ }
+ load_or_skip_all 'threads', $force ? '0' : '1.67', [
+ exit => 'threads_only',
+ ];
+ load_or_skip_all 'threads::shared', $force ? '0' : '1.14', [ ];
+ diag "Threads testing forced by \$ENV{$force_var}" if $force;
+ return spawn => \&spawn;
+sub spawn {
+ local $@;
+ my @diag;
+ my $thread = eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @diag, "Thread creation warning: @_" };
+ threads->create(@_);
+ };
+ push @diag, "Thread creation error: $@" if $@;
+ diag @diag;
+ return $thread ? $thread : ();
+=head2 C<usleep>
+=over 4
+=item *
+Import :
+ use VPIT::TestHelpers 'usleep' => [ @impls ];
+where :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<@impls> is the list of desired implementations (which may be C<'Time::HiRes'>, C<'select'> or C<'sleep'>), in the order they should be checked.
+When the list is empty, it defaults to all of them.
+=item *
+Dependencies : none
+=item *
+Exports :
+=over 8
+=item -
+C<usleep $microseconds>
+sub init_usleep {
+ my (@impls) = @_;
+ my %impls = (
+ 'Time::HiRes' => sub {
+ if (do { local $@; eval { require Time::HiRes; 1 } }) {
+ defined and diag "Using usleep() from Time::HiRes $_"
+ for $Time::HiRes::VERSION;
+ return \&Time::HiRes::usleep;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ },
+ 'select' => sub {
+ if ($Config::Config{d_select}) {
+ diag 'Using select()-based fallback usleep()';
+ return sub ($) {
+ my $s = $_[0];
+ my $r = 0;
+ while ($s > 0) {
+ my ($found, $t) = select(undef, undef, undef, $s / 1e6);
+ last unless defined $t;
+ $t = int($t * 1e6);
+ $s -= $t;
+ $r += $t;
+ }
+ return $r;
+ };
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ },
+ 'sleep' => sub {
+ diag 'Using sleep()-based fallback usleep()';
+ return sub ($) {
+ my $ms = int $_[0];
+ my $s = int($ms / 1e6) + ($ms % 1e6 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
+ my $t = sleep $s;
+ return $t * 1e6;
+ };
+ },
+ );
+ @impls = qw<Time::HiRes select sleep> unless @impls;
+ my $usleep;
+ for my $impl (@impls) {
+ next unless defined $impl and $impls{$impl};
+ $usleep = $impls{$impl}->();
+ last if defined $usleep;
+ }
+ skip_all "Could not find a suitable usleep() implementation among: @impls"
+ unless $usleep;
+ return usleep => $usleep;
+=head1 CLASSES
+=head2 C<VPIT::TestHelpers::Guard>
+Syntax :
+ {
+ my $guard = VPIT::TestHelpers::Guard->new($coderef);
+ ...
+ } # $codref called here
+package VPIT::TestHelpers::Guard;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $code) = @_;
+ bless { code => $code }, $class;
+sub DESTROY { $_[0]->{code}->() }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
+Copyright 2012,2013,2014,2015 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.