CV *callback;
CV *renamed;
+ AV *args;
PERL_SI *si;
PERL_SI *old_curstackinfo;
bool old_catch;
OP *old_op;
+ OP *goto_op;
+ CV *goto_code;
+ U32 goto_perldb;
} su_uplevel_ud;
STATIC su_uplevel_ud *su_uplevel_ud_new(pTHX) {
return cv;
+#if SU_HAS_PERL(5, 8, 0)
+STATIC int su_uplevel_guard_free(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC *mg) {
+ MAGIC *omg = (MAGIC *) mg->mg_ptr;
+ su_uplevel_ud *sud = (su_uplevel_ud *) omg->mg_ptr;
+ AV *args;
+ /* This code should be triggered by the FREETMPS in the first
+ * nextstate/dbstate op of the goto'd code. Its job is to reset the sub
+ * arguments to what the uplevel'd code was called with. */
+ if (PL_op != CvSTART(sud->goto_code))
+ croak("su_uplevel_guard_free() was called at an incorrect time");
+ sud->goto_code = NULL;
+ /* get_db_sub() has called save_item() on the SV member of the fake GV we
+ * used to replace PL_DBsub, so we can't kill it yet. Since set magic will
+ * be called when the item is restored, we save the fake GV so that we can
+ * correctly drop its refcount just after the restore. */
+ omg->mg_obj = MUTABLE_SV(PL_DBsub);
+ PL_DBsub = NULL;
+ args = sud->args;
+ if (args) {
+ I32 items = AvFILLp(args);
+ AV *argarray;
+ dSP;
+ EXTEND(SP, items + 2);
+ Copy(AvARRAY(args), SP + 1, items + 1, SV *);
+ cx = cxstack + cxstack_ix;
+ argarray = cx->blk_sub.argarray;
+ av_extend(argarray, items);
+ Copy(AvARRAY(args), AvARRAY(argarray), items + 1, SV *);
+ AvFILLp(argarray) = items;
+ }
+ return 0;
+STATIC MGVTBL su_uplevel_guard_vtbl = {
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ su_uplevel_guard_free
+STATIC int su_uplevel_dbsv_get(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC *mg) {
+ su_uplevel_ud *sud = (su_uplevel_ud *) mg->mg_ptr;
+ SV *guard;
+ /* This code should be called at the very end of pp_goto, after the
+ * SAVETMPS enclosing the sub was isseud and the member is set.
+ * It creates a magical mortal guard that will be destroyed soon at the next
+ * FREETMPS. */
+ if (PL_op != sud->goto_op)
+ croak("su_uplevel_dbsv_get() was called at an incorrect time");
+ sud->goto_op = NULL;
+ sud->goto_code = cxstack[cxstack_ix];
+ PL_perldb = sud->goto_perldb;
+ guard = sv_newmortal();
+ sv_magicext(guard, 0, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &su_uplevel_guard_vtbl,
+ (const char *) mg, 0);
+ return 0;
+STATIC int su_uplevel_dbsv_set(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC *mg) {
+ su_uplevel_ud *sud = (su_uplevel_ud *) mg->mg_ptr;
+ SV *guard;
+ /* This handler is supposed to be executed when the saved GvSV(PL_DBsub)
+ * is restored, which happens when the goto'd code terminates. Its aim is
+ * just to clean up after our hack. */
+ if (sud->goto_op)
+ croak("su_uplevel_dbsv_set() called before su_uplevel_dbsv_get");
+ if (sud->goto_code)
+ croak("su_uplevel_dbsv_set() called before su_uplevel_goto_2_free");
+ /* Don't free the current magical SV right now, because the mg_*() calls above
+ * us may still need it. */
+ sv_2mortal(sv);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(mg->mg_obj);
+ return 0;
+STATIC MGVTBL su_uplevel_dbsv_vtbl = {
+ su_uplevel_dbsv_get,
+ su_uplevel_dbsv_set,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+#ifndef GvSVn
+# define GvSVn(gv) (*(GvGP(gv)->gp_sv ? \
+ &(GvGP(gv)->gp_sv) : \
+ &(GvGP(gv_SVadd(gv))->gp_sv)))
+# else
+# define GvSVn(gv) GvSV(gv)
+# endif
+STATIC void su_uplevel_goto_handler(pTHX_ void *ud_) {
+ su_uplevel_ud *sud = ud_;
+ if (PL_op && PL_op->op_type == OP_GOTO && !PL_DBsub) {
+ SV *dbsv;
+ sud->goto_op = PL_op;
+ sud->goto_code = NULL;
+ sud->goto_perldb = PL_perldb;
+ PL_DBsub = (GV *) newSV(0);
+ gv_init(PL_DBsub, NULL, "", 0, 0);
+ PL_perldb = PERLDBf_SUB;
+ dbsv = GvSVn(PL_DBsub);
+ sv_magicext(dbsv, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &su_uplevel_dbsv_vtbl,
+ (const char *) sud, 0);
+ SvREFCNT_inc(dbsv);
+ }
+#else /* SU_HAS_PERL(5, 8, 0) */
+STATIC void su_uplevel_goto_handler(pTHX_ void *ud_) {
+ su_uplevel_ud *sud = ud_;
+ if (PL_op && PL_op->op_type == OP_GOTO) {
+ /* Don't let the last sub context in an mixed state while we throw an
+ * exception, as this may cause double free errors (the member
+ * is still the renamed CV). Let our su_uplevel_restore() properly handle the
+ * destruction. */
+ cxstack[cxstack_ix] = NULL;
+ croak("Can't goto to an uplevel'd stack frame on perl 5.6");
+ }
+#endif /* !SU_HAS_PERL(5, 8, 0) */
STATIC I32 su_uplevel(pTHX_ CV *callback, I32 cxix, I32 args) {
#define su_uplevel(C, I, A) su_uplevel(aTHX_ (C), (I), (A))
su_uplevel_ud *sud;
sud->died = 1;
sud->callback = NULL;
sud->renamed = NULL;
+ sud->args = NULL;
SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X(su_uplevel_restore, sud);
si = sud->si;
} else {
+ sud->args = GvAV(PL_defgv);
+ SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X(su_uplevel_goto_handler, sud);
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 9 + 4 * 7 + 3 + 2 + 6;
+use Test::More tests => 9 + 4 * 7 + 3 + ((5 * 4 * 4) * 3 + 1) + 2 + 6;
use Scope::Upper qw<uplevel HERE>;
is $s, 'xyz', 'aliasing, two layers 2';
+# goto
+SKIP: {
+ if ("$]" < 5.008) {
+ my $cb = sub { fail "should not be executed" };
+ local $@;
+ eval { sub { uplevel { goto $cb } HERE }->() };
+ like $@, qr/^Can't goto to an uplevel'd stack frame on perl 5\.6/,
+ "goto croaks";
+ skip "goto to an uplevel'd stack frame does not work on perl 5\.6"
+ => ((5 * 4 * 4) * 3 + 1) - 1;
+ }
+ my @args = (
+ [ [ ], [ 'm' ] ],
+ [ [ 'a' ], [ ] ],
+ [ [ 'b' ], [ 'n' ] ],
+ [ [ 'c' ], [ 'o', 'p' ] ],
+ [ [ 'd', 'e' ], [ 'q' ] ],
+ );
+ for my $args (@args) {
+ my ($out, $in) = @$args;
+ my @out = @$out;
+ my @in = @$in;
+ for my $reify_out (0, 1) {
+ for my $reify_in (0, 1) {
+ my $desc;
+ my $base_test = sub {
+ if ($reify_in) {
+ is_deeply \@_, $in, "$desc: \@_ inside";
+ } else {
+ is "@_", "@in", "$desc: \@_ inside";
+ }
+ };
+ my $goto_test = sub { goto $base_test };
+ my $uplevel_test = sub { &uplevel($base_test, @_, HERE) };
+ my $goto_uplevel_test = sub { &uplevel($goto_test, @_, HERE) };
+ my @tests = (
+ [ 'goto' => sub { goto $base_test } ],
+ [ 'goto in goto' => sub { goto $goto_test } ],
+ [ 'uplevel in goto' => sub { goto $uplevel_test } ],
+ [ 'goto in uplevel in goto' => sub { goto $goto_uplevel_test } ],
+ );
+ for my $test (@tests) {
+ ($desc, my $cb) = @$test;
+ $desc .= ' (' . @out . ' out, ' . @in . ' in';
+ $desc .= ', reify out' if $reify_out;
+ $desc .= ', reify in' if $reify_in;
+ $desc .= ')';
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ sub {
+ &uplevel($cb, @in, HERE);
+ if ($reify_out) {
+ is_deeply \@_, $out, "$desc: \@_ outside";
+ } else {
+ is "@_", "@out", "$desc: \@_ outside";
+ }
+ }->(@out);
+ };
+ is $@, '', "$desc: no error";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub {
+ my $s = 'caesar';
+ my $cb = sub {
+ $_[0] = 'brutus';
+ };
+ sub {
+ uplevel {
+ goto $cb;
+ } $_[0], HERE;
+ }->($s);
+ is $s, 'brutus', 'aliasing and goto';
+ }->('dummy');
# Magic