use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 33 + (2 * 2 + 1);
+use Test::More tests => 39 + (2 * 2 + 1);
use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast dispell VMG_COMPAT_SCALAR_LENGTH_NOLEN/;
is $b, $d, 'len: get utf8 scalar length correctly';
+ our $c;
+ # length magic on scalars needs also get magic to be triggered.
+ my $wiz = wizard get => sub { 0 },
+ len => sub { $d = $_[2]; ++$c; return $_[2] };
+ {
+ my $x = "banana";
+ cast $x, $wiz;
+ local $c = 0;
+ pos($x) = 2;
+ is $c, 1, 'len: pos scalar triggers magic correctly';
+ is $d, 6, 'len: pos scalar have correct default length';
+ is $x, 'banana', 'len: pos scalar works correctly'
+ }
+ {
+ my $x = "hl\x{20AB}gh"; # Force utf8 on string
+ cast $x, $wiz;
+ local $c = 0;
+ substr($x, 2, 1) = 'a';
+ is $c, 1, 'len: substr utf8 scalar triggers magic correctly';
+ is $d, 5, 'len: substr utf8 scalar have correct default length';
+ is $x, 'hlagh', 'len: substr utf8 scalar correctly';
+ }
my @val = (4 .. 6);