use strict;
use warnings;
+use Config qw/%Config/;
use Test::More;
use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast dispell VMG_UVAR/;
if (VMG_UVAR) {
- plan tests => 2 * 9 + 7 + 4 + 1;
+ plan tests => 2 * 9 + 7 + 12 + 1;
} else {
plan skip_all => 'No nice uvar magic for this perl';
check { $x = delete $h{z} } { delete => 1 }, 'delete non-existing key';
ok !defined $x, 'uvar: delete non-existing key correctly';
-my $wiz2 = wizard 'fetch' => sub { 0 };
+my $wiz2 = wizard fetch => sub { 0 };
my %h2 = (a => 37, b => 2, c => 3);
cast %h2, $wiz2;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die };
$x = $h2{a};
-is $@, '', 'uvar: fetch with incomplete magic';
+is $@, '', 'uvar: fetch with incomplete magic doesn\'t croak';
is $x, 37, 'uvar: fetch with incomplete magic correctly';
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die };
$h2{a} = 73;
-is $@, '', 'uvar: store with incomplete magic';
+is $@, '', 'uvar: store with incomplete magic doesn\'t croak';
is $h2{a}, 73, 'uvar: store with incomplete magic correctly';
+my $wiz3 = wizard store => sub { ++$_[2]; 0 };
+my %h3 = (a => 3);
+cast %h3, $wiz3;
+for my $i (1 .. 2) {
+ eval { my $key = 'a'; $h3{$key} = 3 + $i };
+ is $@, '', "uvar: change key in store doesn't croak ($i)";
+ is_deeply \%h3, { a => 3, b => 3 + $i },
+ "uvar: change key in store correcty ($i)";
+my $ro_bare_hk = $] >= 5.010 && $Config{useithreads};
+diag 'This perl has readonly bare hash keys' if $ro_bare_hk;
+for my $i (1 .. 2) {
+ eval { $h3{b} = 5 + $i };
+ if ($ro_bare_hk) {
+ like $@, qr/Modification\s+of\s+a\s+read-only\s+value/,
+ "uvar: change readonly key in store croaks ($i)";
+ is_deeply \%h3, { a => 3, b => 5 },
+ "uvar: change readonly key in store correcty ($i)";
+ } else {
+ is $@, '', "uvar: change readonly key in store croaks ($i)";
+ is_deeply \%h3, { a => 3, b => 5, c => 6, (d => 7) x ($i >= 2) },
+ "uvar: change readonly key in store correcty ($i)";
+ }