-A set of utilities to manipulate bits in vec strings. Highly optimized XS routines are used when available, but straightforward pure perl replacements are also provided for platforms without a C compiler.
+A set of utilities to manipulate bits in vec strings.
+Highly optimized XS routines are used when available, but straightforward pure perl replacements are also provided for platforms without a C compiler.
-This module doesn't reimplement bit vectors. It can be used on the very same scalars that C<vec> builds, or actually on any Perl string (C<SVt_PV>).
+This module doesn't reimplement bit vectors.
+It can be used on the very same scalars that C<vec> builds, or actually on any Perl string (C<SVt_PV>).
=head2 C<SVU_SIZE>
-Size in bits of the unit used for moves. The higher this value is, the faster the XS functions are. It's usually C<CHAR_BIT * $Config{alignbytes}>, except on non-little-endian architectures where it currently falls back to C<CHAR_BIT> (e.g. SPARC).
+Size in bits of the unit used for moves.
+The higher this value is, the faster the XS functions are.
+It's usually C<CHAR_BIT * $Config{alignbytes}>, except on non-little-endian architectures where it currently falls back to C<CHAR_BIT> (e.g. SPARC).
=head2 C<vfill $vec, $start, $length, $bit>
-Starting at C<$start> in C<$vec>, fills C<$length> bits with C<$bit>. Grows C<$vec> if necessary.
+Starting at C<$start> in C<$vec>, fills C<$length> bits with C<$bit>.
+Grows C<$vec> if necessary.
=head2 C<< vcopy $from => $from_start, $to => $to_start, $length >>
-Copies C<$length> bits starting at C<$from_start> in C<$from> to C<$to_start> in C<$to>. If C<$from_start + $length> is too long for C<$from>, zeros are copied past C<$length>. Grows C<$to> if necessary.
+Copies C<$length> bits starting at C<$from_start> in C<$from> to C<$to_start> in C<$to>.
+If C<$from_start + $length> is too long for C<$from>, zeros are copied past C<$length>.
+Grows C<$to> if necessary.
=head2 C<< veq $v1 => $v1_start, $v2 => $v2_start, $length >>
-Returns true if the C<$length> bits starting at C<$v1_start> in C<$v1> and C<$v2_start> in C<$v2> are equal, and false otherwise. If needed, C<$length> is decreased to fit inside C<$v1> and C<$v2> boundaries.
+Returns true if the C<$length> bits starting at C<$v1_start> in C<$v1> and C<$v2_start> in C<$v2> are equal, and false otherwise.
+If needed, C<$length> is decreased to fit inside C<$v1> and C<$v2> boundaries.
=head1 EXPORT
-The functions L</vfill>, L</vcopy> and L</veq> are only exported on request. All of them are exported by the tags C<':funcs'> and C<':all'>.
+The functions L</vfill>, L</vcopy> and L</veq> are only exported on request.
+All of them are exported by the tags C<':funcs'> and C<':all'>.
-The constants L</SVU_PP> and L</SVU_SIZE> are also only exported on request. They are all exported by the tags C<':consts'> and C<':all'>.
+The constants L</SVU_PP> and L</SVU_SIZE> are also only exported on request.
+They are all exported by the tags C<':consts'> and C<':all'>.
-The following timings were obtained by running the C<samples/bench.pl> script. The C<_pp> entries are the pure Perl versions, while C<_bv> are L<Bit::Vector> versions.
+The following timings were obtained by running the C<samples/bench.pl> script.
+The C<_pp> entries are the pure Perl versions, whereas C<_bv> are L<Bit::Vector> versions.
=over 4
=head1 CAVEATS
-Please report architectures where we can't use the alignment as the move unit. I'll add exceptions for them.
+Please report architectures where we can't use the alignment as the move unit.
+I'll add exceptions for them.
=head1 BUGS
-Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-scalar-vec-util at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Scalar-Vec-Util>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-scalar-vec-util at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Scalar-Vec-Util>.
+I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT