Revision history for Scope-Upper
+0.04 2009-01-11 18:40 UTC
+ + Add : unwind(@things, $level), that returns to an upper context.
+ + Add : want_at($level), that gives the wantarray for $level.
+ + Add : Control words, to reliably get the level of the n-th upper
+ subroutine or eval scope. TOPLEVEL was renamed to TOP.
+ + Fix : Tests with 5.6.
+ + Tst : Reordering and factoring some of the stress tests so that they
+ aren't needlessly ran several times.
0.03 2009-01-04 15:55 UTC
+ Add : localize_delete(), that localize array/hash elements in upper
Scope::Upper - Act on upper scopes.
- Version 0.03
+ Version 0.04
package X;
} # "pie: done" is printed
+ package Z;
+ use Scope::Upper qw/unwind want_at :words/;
+ sub try (&) {
+ my @result = shift->();
+ my $cx = SUB UP SUB;
+ unwind +(want_at($cx) ? @result : scalar @result) => $cx;
+ }
+ ...
+ sub zap {
+ try {
+ return @things; # returns to try() and then outside zap()
+ }
+ }
+ my @what = zap(); # @what contains @things
This module lets you defer actions that will take place when the control
flow returns into an upper scope. Currently, you can hook an upper scope
in the upper scope. It's actually more powerful, as &func won't even
"exists" anymore. $key is ignored.
+ "unwind @values, $level"
+ Returns @values *from* the context indicated by $level, i.e. from the
+ subroutine, eval or format just above $level. The upper level isn't
+ coerced onto @values, which is hence always evaluated in list context.
+ "want_at $level"
+ Like "wantarray", but for the subroutine/eval/format context just above
+ $level.
+ "TOP"
Returns the level that currently represents the highest scope.
+ "HERE"
+ The current level - i.e. 0.
+ "UP $from"
+ The level of the scope just above $from.
+ "DOWN $from"
+ The level of the scope just below $from.
+ "SUB $from"
+ The level of the closest subroutine context above $from.
+ "EVAL $from"
+ The level of the closest eval context above $from.
+ If $from is omitted in any of those functions, the current level is used
+ as the reference level.
+ "CALLER $stack"
+ The level corresponding to the stack referenced by "caller $stack".
- The functions "reap", "localize", "localize_elem", "localize_delete" and
- "TOPLEVEL" are only exported on request, either individually or by the
- tags ':funcs' and ':all'.
+ The functions "reap", "localize", "localize_elem", "localize_delete",
+ "unwind" and "want_at" are only exported on request, either individually
+ or by the tags ':funcs' and ':all'.
+ Same goes for the words "TOP", "HERE", "UP", "DOWN", "SUB", "EVAL" and
+ "CALLER" that are only exported on request, individually or by the tags
+ ':words' and ':all'.
Be careful that local variables are restored in the reverse order in