use B qw/class ppname svref_2object OPf_KIDS/;
+use Test::More; use Data::Dumper;
=head1 NAME
Sub::Nary - Try to count how many elements a subroutine can return in list context.
$VERSION = '0.02';
+our $DEBUG = 0;
use Sub::Nary;
=over 4
-=item * All the returning points in the same subroutine (i.e. all the explicit C<return> and the last computed value) are considered equally possible.
+=item * When branching, each branch is considered equally possible.
For example, the subroutine
-it is considered to return C<1> (when the two tests fail, the last computed value is returned, which here is C<< $x > 0.9 >> evaluated in the scalar context of the test), C<2> or C<3> arguments each with probability C<1/3>.
+it is considered to return C<3> scalars with probability C<1/2>, C<2> with probability C<1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4> and C<1> (when the two tests fail, the last computed value is returned, which here is C<< $x > 0.9 >> evaluated in the scalar context of the test) with remaining probability C<1/4>.
=item * The total probability law for a given returning point is the convolution product of the probabilities of its list elements.
my $sub = shift;
$self->{cv} = [ ];
- return $self->enter(svref_2object($sub));
+ return ($self->enter(svref_2object($sub)))[1];
sub name ($) {
+ local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
my $n = $_[0]->name;
$n eq 'null' ? substr(ppname($_[0]->targ), 3) : $n
+sub zero ($) {
+ my $r = $_[0];
+ return 1 unless defined $r;
+ return $r eq '0' unless ref $r;
+ return $r->{0} and 1 == scalar keys %$r;
+sub list ($) {
+ my $r = $_[0];
+ return 0 unless defined $r;
+ return $r eq 'list' unless ref $r;
+ return $r->{list} and 1 == scalar keys %$r;
+sub count ($) {
+ my $r = $_[0];
+ return 0 unless defined $r;
+ return 1 unless ref $r;
+ sum values %$r;
+sub normalize ($) {
+ my $r = $_[0];
+ return unless defined $r;
+ return { 0 => 1 } unless keys %$r;
+ my $total = count $r;
+ return { map { $_ => $r->{$_} / $total } keys %$r };
+sub scale {
+ my ($c, $r) = @_;
+ return unless defined $r;
+ return (ref $r) ? { map { $_ => $r->{$_} * $c } keys %$r } : { $r => $c };
sub combine {
reduce {{
my %res;
sub power {
my ($p, $n, $c) = @_;
- my $s = sum values %$p;
- return { 0 => $s * $c } unless $n;
+ return unless defined $p;
+ return { 0 => $c } unless $n;
if ($n eq 'list') {
my $z = delete $p->{0};
return { 'list' => $c } unless $z;
return { 0 => $c } if $z == 1;
- return { 0 => $c * $z, list => $c * ($s - $z) };
+ return { 0 => $c * $z, list => $c * (1 - $z) };
my $r = combine map { { %$p } } 1 .. $n;
$r->{$_} *= $c for keys %$r;
my %ops;
$ops{$_} = 1 for scalops;
-$ops{$_} = 0 for qw/stub nextstate/;
+$ops{$_} = 0 for qw/stub nextstate pushmark iter unstack/;
$ops{$_} = 1 for qw/padsv/;
$ops{$_} = 'list' for qw/padav/;
$ops{$_} = 'list' for qw/padhv rv2hv/;
sub enter {
my ($self, $cv) = @_;
- return 'list' if class($cv) ne 'CV';
+ return undef, 'list' if class($cv) ne 'CV';
my $op = $cv->ROOT;
my $tag = tag($op);
- return { %{$self->{cache}->{$tag}} } if exists $self->{cache}->{$tag};
+ return undef, { %{$self->{cache}->{$tag}} } if exists $self->{cache}->{$tag};
# Anything can happen with recursion
for (@{$self->{cv}}) {
- return 'list' if $tag == tag($_->ROOT);
+ return undef, 'list' if $tag == tag($_->ROOT);
unshift @{$self->{cv}}, $cv;
- (my $r, undef) = $self->expect_any($op->first);
+ my $r = add $self->inspect($op->first);
shift @{$self->{cv}};
- $r = { $r => 1} unless ref $r;
- my $total = sum values %$r;
- $r = { map { $_ => $r->{$_} / $total } keys %$r };
+ $r = { $r => 1 } unless ref $r;
$self->{cache}->{$tag} = { %$r };
- return $r;
+ return undef, $r;
-sub expect_return {
- my ($self, $op) = @_;
- return ($self->expect_kids($op))[0] => 1 if name($op) eq 'return';
- if ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS) {
- for ($op = $op->first; not null $op; $op = $op->sibling) {
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sub expect_any {
+sub inspect {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
my $n = name($op);
- return ($self->expect_kids($op))[0] => 1 if $n eq 'return';
+ diag "@ $n" if $DEBUG;
+ return add($self->inspect_kids($op)), undef if $n eq 'return';
my $meth = $self->can('pp_' . $n);
return $self->$meth($op) if $meth;
if (exists $ops{$n}) {
- my $r = $ops{$n};
- $r = { %$r } if ref $r;
- return $r => 0;
+ my $l = $ops{$n};
+ $l = { %$l } if ref $l;
+ return undef, $l;
if (class($op) eq 'LOGOP' and not null $op->first) {
my @res;
- my ($p, $r);
- my $op = $op->first;
- ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
+ diag "? logop\n" if $DEBUG;
+ my $op = $op->first;
+ my ($r1, $l1) = $self->inspect($op);
+ return $r1, $l1 if $r1 and zero $l1;
+ my $c = count $l1;
$op = $op->sibling;
- push @res, ($self->expect_any($op))[0];
+ my ($r2, $l2) = $self->inspect($op);
- # If the logop has no else branch, it can also return the *scalar* result of
- # the conditional
$op = $op->sibling;
+ my ($r3, $l3);
if (null $op) {
- push @res, 1;
+ # If the logop has no else branch, it can also return the *scalar* result of
+ # the conditional
+ $l3 = { 1 => $c };
} else {
- push @res, ($self->expect_any($op))[0];
+ ($r3, $l3) = $self->inspect($op);
- return (add @res) => 0;
+ my $r = add $r1, scale $c / 2, add $r2, $r3;
+ my $l = scale $c / 2, add $l2, $l3;
+ return $r, $l
- return $self->expect_kids($op);
+ return $self->inspect_kids($op);
-sub expect_kids {
+sub inspect_kids {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
- return 0 unless $op->flags & OPf_KIDS;
+ return undef, 0 unless $op->flags & OPf_KIDS;
+ $op = $op->first;
+ return undef, 0 if null $op;
+ if (name($op) eq 'pushmark') {
+ $op = $op->sibling;
+ return undef, 0 if null $op;
+ }
- my @res = (0);
- my ($p, $r);
- for ($op = $op->first; not null $op; $op = $op->sibling) {
+ my ($r, @l);
+ my $c = 1;
+ for (; not null $op; $op = $op->sibling) {
my $n = name($op);
- next if $n eq 'pushmark';
- if ($n eq 'nextstate'
- and not null(($op = $op->sibling)->sibling)) {
- ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- } else {
- ($p, $r) = $self->expect_any($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- push @res, $p;
+ if ($n eq 'nextstate') {
+ @l = ();
+ next;
+ if ($n eq 'lineseq') {
+ @l = ();
+ $op = $op->first;
+ redo;
+ }
+ diag "> $n ($c)" if $DEBUG;
+ my ($rc, $lc) = $self->inspect($op);
+ $r = add $r, scale $c, $rc if defined $rc;
+ if ($rc and not defined $lc) {
+ @l = ();
+ last;
+ }
+ push @l, scale $c, $lc;
+ $c *= count $lc if defined $lc;
- return (combine @res) => 0;
+ my $l = combine @l;
+ return $r, $l;
# Stolen from B::Deparse
sub pp_entersub {
- my ($self, $op, $exp) = @_;
+ my ($self, $op) = @_;
- my $next = $op;
- while ($next->flags & OPf_KIDS) {
- $next = $next->first;
+ $op = $op->first while $op->flags & OPf_KIDS;
+ return undef, 0 if null $op;
+ if (name($op) eq 'pushmark') {
+ $op = $op->sibling;
+ return undef, 0 if null $op;
- while (not null $next) {
- $op = $next;
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($op, $exp);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- $next = $op->sibling;
+ my $r;
+ my $c = 1;
+ for (; not null $op->sibling; $op = $op->sibling) {
+ my $n = name($op);
+ next if $n eq 'nextstate';
+ diag "* $n" if $DEBUG;
+ my ($rc, $lc) = $self->inspect($op);
+ $r = add $r, scale $c, $rc if defined $rc;
+ if (zero $lc) {
+ $c = 1 - count $r;
+ return $r, $c ? { 0 => $c } : undef
+ }
+ $c *= count $lc;
if (name($op) eq 'rv2cv') {
$n = name($op)
} while ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS and { map { $_ => 1 } qw/null leave/ }->{$n});
- return 'list' unless { map { $_ => 1 } qw/gv refgen/ }->{$n};
+ return 'list', undef unless { map { $_ => 1 } qw/gv refgen/ }->{$n};
local $self->{sub} = 1;
- return $self->expect_any($op, $exp);
+ my ($rc, $lc) = $self->inspect($op);
+ return $r, scale $c, $lc;
} else {
# Method call ?
- return 'list';
+ return $r, { 'list' => $c };
sub pp_gv {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
- return $self->{sub} ? $self->enter($self->gv_or_padgv($op)->CV) : 1
+ return $self->{sub} ? $self->enter($self->gv_or_padgv($op)->CV) : (undef, 1)
sub pp_anoncode {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
- return $self->{sub} ? $self->enter($self->const_sv($op)) : 1
+ return $self->{sub} ? $self->enter($self->const_sv($op)) : (undef, 1)
sub pp_goto {
$n = $nn;
- return 'list';
+ return undef, 'list';
sub pp_const {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
+ return undef, 0 unless $op->isa('B::SVOP');
my $sv = $self->const_sv($op);
- my $c = class($sv);
+ my $n = 1;
+ my $c = class($sv);
if ($c eq 'AV') {
- return $sv->FILL + 1;
+ $n = $sv->FILL + 1
} elsif ($c eq 'HV') {
- return 2 * $sv->FILL;
+ $n = 2 * $sv->FILL
- return 1;
+ return undef, $n
-sub pp_aslice { $_[0]->expect_any($_[1]->first->sibling) }
+sub pp_aslice { $_[0]->inspect($_[1]->first->sibling) }
sub pp_hslice;
*pp_hslice = *pp_aslice{CODE};
-sub pp_lslice { $_[0]->expect_any($_[1]->first) }
+sub pp_lslice { $_[0]->inspect($_[1]->first) }
sub pp_rv2av {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
$op = $op->first;
- return (name($op) eq 'const') ? $self->expect_any($op) : 'list';
+ my ($r, $l) = $self->inspect($op);
+ if (name($op) ne 'const') {
+ my $c = 1 - count $r;
+ $l = $c ? { list => $c } : 0;
+ }
+ return $r, $l;
sub pp_aassign {
$op = $op->first;
# Can't assign to return
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_any($op->sibling);
- return $p => 0 if not exists $p->{list};
+ my $l = ($self->inspect($op->sibling))[1];
+ return undef, $l if not exists $l->{list};
- $self->expect_any($op);
+ $self->inspect($op);
-sub pp_leaveloop { $_[0]->expect_return($_[1]->first->sibling) }
+sub pp_leaveloop {
+ my ($self, $op) = @_;
+ diag "* leaveloop" if $DEBUG;
+ $op = $op->first;
+ my ($r1, $l1);
+ if (name($op) eq 'enteriter') {
+ ($r1, $l1) = $self->inspect($op);
+ return $r1, $l1 if $r1 and zero $l1;
+ }
+ $op = $op->sibling;
+ my $r = (name($op->first) eq 'and') ? ($self->inspect($op->first->first->sibling))[0]
+ : ($self->inspect($op))[0];
+ my $c = 1 - count $r;
+ diag "& leaveloop" if $DEBUG;
+ return $r, $c ? { 0 => $c } : undef;
sub pp_flip {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
$op = $op->first;
- return 'list' if name($op) ne 'range';
+ return $self->inspect($op) if name($op) ne 'range';
+ my ($r, $l);
my $begin = $op->first;
if (name($begin) eq 'const') {
my $end = $begin->sibling;
if (name($end) eq 'const') {
- $begin = $self->const_sv($begin);
- $end = $self->const_sv($end);
- no warnings 'numeric';
- return int(${$end->object_2svref}) - int(${$begin->object_2svref}) + 1;
+ $begin = $self->const_sv($begin);
+ $end = $self->const_sv($end);
+ {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ $begin = int ${$begin->object_2svref};
+ $end = int ${$end->object_2svref};
+ }
+ return undef, $end - $begin + 1;
} else {
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($end);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
+ ($r, $l) = $self->inspect($end);
} else {
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_return($begin);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
+ ($r, $l) = $self->inspect($begin);
- return 'list'
+ my $c = 1 - count $r;
+ return $r, ($l && $c) ? { 'list' => $c } : undef
sub pp_grepwhile {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
$op = $op->first;
- return 'list' if name($op) ne 'grepstart';
+ return $self->inspect($op) if name($op) ne 'grepstart';
$op = $op->first->sibling;
- my ($p, $r) = $self->expect_any($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- $op = $op->sibling;
- ($p, $r) = $self->expect_any($op);
- return $p => 1 if $r;
- return 'list';
+ my ($r2, $l2) = $self->inspect($op->sibling);
+ return $r2, $l2 if $r2 and zero $l2;
+ diag Dumper [ $r2, $l2 ] if $DEBUG;
+ my $c = count $l2; # First one to happen
+ my ($r1, $l1) = $self->inspect($op);
+ diag Dumper [ $r1, $l1 ] if $DEBUG;
+ return (add $r2, scale $c, $r1), undef if $r1 and zero $l1 and not zero $l2;
+ return { 'list' => 1 }, undef if list $l2;
+ $l2 = { $l2 => 1 } unless ref $l2;
+ my $r = add $r2, scale $c,
+ normalize
+ add map { power $r1, $_, $l2->{$_} } keys %$l2;
+ $c = 1 - count $r;
+ return $r, $c ? { ((zero $l2) ? 0 : 'list') => $c } : undef;
sub pp_mapwhile {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
$op = $op->first;
- return 'list' if name($op) ne 'mapstart';
+ return $self->inspect($op) if name($op) ne 'mapstart';
$op = $op->first->sibling;
- my ($p1, $r) = $self->expect_any($op);
- return $p1 => 1 if $r;
- $op = $op->sibling;
- (my $p2, $r) = $self->expect_any($op);
- return $p2 => 1 if $r;
- $p2 = { $p2 => 1 } unless ref $p2;
- return add map { power $p1, $_, $p2->{$_} } keys %$p2;
+ my ($r2, $l2) = $self->inspect($op->sibling);
+ return $r2, $l2 if $r2 and zero $l2;
+ my $c = count $l2; # First one to happen
+ my ($r1, $l1) = $self->inspect($op);
+ return (add $r2, scale $c, $r1), undef if $r1 and zero $l1 and not zero $l2;
+ diag Dumper [ [ $r1, $l1 ], [ $r2, $l2 ] ] if $DEBUG;
+ $l2 = { $l2 => 1 } unless ref $l2;
+ my $r = add $r2, scale $c,
+ normalize
+ add map { power $r1, $_, $l2->{$_} } keys %$l2;
+ $c = 1 - count $r;
+ my $l = scale $c, normalize add map { power $l1, $_, $l2->{$_} } keys %$l2;
+ return $r, $l;
=head1 EXPORT
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 62;
+use Test::More tests => 72;
use Sub::Nary;
my ($x, $y, @a, %h);
+my $exp_2 = { 1 => 0.5, 2 => 0.5 };
my @tests = (
[ sub { return }, 0 ],
[ sub { return () }, 0 ],
[ sub { eval 'return 1, 2' }, 'list' ],
- [ sub { grep { return 2, 4 } 5 .. 10 }, 2 ],
- [ sub { grep { $_ > 1 } do { return 2, 4; 5 .. 10 } }, 2 ],
- [ sub { map { return 2, 4 } 5 .. 10 }, 2 ],
- [ sub { map { $_ + 1 } do { return 2, 4; 5 .. 10 } }, 2 ],
+ [ sub { grep { return 2, 4 } 5 .. 10 }, 2 ],
+ [ sub { grep { $_ > 1 } do { return 2, 4; 5 .. 10 } }, 2 ],
+ [ sub { grep { return 2, 4 } () }, 0 ],
+ [ sub { grep { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } 7 .. 8 }, $exp_2 ],
+ [ sub { grep { $_ > 1 } do { return $x ? 7 : (8, 9) } }, $exp_2 ],
+ [ sub { grep { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } do { return 3 .. 5 if $x; } },
+ { 3 => 0.5, 1 => 0.25, 2 => 0.25 } ],
+ [ sub { grep { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } do { return 3 .. 5 if $x; () } },
+ { 3 => 0.5, 0 => 0.5 } ],
+ [ sub { map { return 2, 4 } 5 .. 10 }, 2 ],
+ [ sub { map { $_ + 1 } do { return 2, 4; 5 .. 10 } }, 2 ],
+ [ sub { map { return 2, 4 } () }, 0 ],
+ [ sub { map { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } 7 .. 8 }, $exp_2 ],
+ [ sub { map { $_ > 1 } do { return $x ? 7 : (8, 9) } }, $exp_2 ],
+ [ sub { map { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } do { return 3 .. 5 if $x; } },
+ { 3 => 0.5, 1 => 0.25, 2 => 0.25 } ],
+ [ sub { map { return $_ ? 2 : (3, 4) } do { return 3 .. 5 if $x; () } },
+ { 3 => 0.5, 0 => 0.5 } ],
my $i = 1;