Revision history for Test-Leaner
+0.03 2011-07-18 13:20 UTC
+ + Chg : The fallback interface will croak if you try to import a symbol
+ of Test::More that is not implemented in Test::Leaner.
+ + Fix : The fallback interface should now handle the 'import' parameter
+ properly.
+ + Doc : Document that is_deeply() returns the result of the test, that
+ isnt() honors 'ne' overloading, and that isn't() is not aliased
+ to isnt().
0.02 2010-12-29 17:00 UTC
+ Add : You can fall back to use Test::More by setting the
PERL_TEST_LEANER_USES_TEST_MORE environment variable.
---- #YAML:1.0
-name: Test-Leaner
-version: 0.02
-abstract: A slimmer Test::More for when you favor performance over completeness.
+abstract: 'A slimmer Test::More for when you favor performance over completeness.'
- - Vincent Pit <>
-license: perl
-distribution_type: module
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+ - 'Vincent Pit <>'
- Exporter: 0
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
- Test::More: 0
+ Exporter: 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+ Test::More: 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.58, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.110930001'
+license: perl
+ url:
+ version: 1.4
+name: Test-Leaner
+ directory:
+ - t
+ - inc
- Exporter: 0
- perl: 5.006
- Test::More: 0
+ Exporter: 0
+ Test::More: 0
+ perl: 5.006
- bugtracker:
- homepage:
- license:
- repository:
- directory:
- - t
- - inc
-generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.56
- url:
- version: 1.4
-dynamic_config: 0
+ bugtracker:
+ homepage:
+ license:
+ repository:
+version: 0.03
- Version 0.02
+ Version 0.03
use Test::Leaner tests => 10_000;
* Stringification isn't forced on the test operands. However, "ok"
honors 'bool' overloading, "is" and "is_deeply" honor 'eq'
- overloading (and just that one) and "cmp_ok" honors whichever
- overloading category corresponds to the specified operator.
+ overloading (and just that one), "isnt" honors 'ne' overloading, and
+ "cmp_ok" honors whichever overloading category corresponds to the
+ specified operator.
- * "pass", "fail", "ok", "is", "isnt", "like", "unlike" and "cmp_ok"
- are all guaranteed to return the truth value of the test.
+ * "pass", "fail", "ok", "is", "isnt", "like", "unlike", "cmp_ok" and
+ "is_deeply" are all guaranteed to return the truth value of the
+ test.
+ * "isn't" (the sub "t" in package "isn") is not aliased to "isnt".
* "like" and "unlike" don't special case regular expressions that are
passed as '/.../' strings. A string regexp argument is always
- treated as a the source of the regexp, making "like $text, $rx" and
+ treated as the source of the regexp, making "like $text, $rx" and
"like $text, qr[$rx]" equivalent to each other and to "cmp_ok $text,
'=~', $rx" (and likewise for "unlike").
* The tests don't output any kind of default diagnostic in case of
failure ; the rationale being that if you have a large number of
tests and a lot of them are failing, then you don't want to be
- flooded by diagnostics.
+ flooded by diagnostics. Moreover, this allows a much faster variant
+ of "is_deeply".
* "use_ok", "require_ok", "can_ok", "isa_ok", "new_ok", "subtest",
"explain", "TODO" blocks and "todo_skip" are not implemented.
If this environment variable is set, Test::Leaner will replace its
functions by those from Test::More. Moreover, the symbols that are
- imported you "use Test::Leaner" will be those from Test::More, but you
- can still only import the symbols originally defined in Test::Leaner
+ imported when you "use Test::Leaner" will be those from Test::More, but
+ you can still only import the symbols originally defined in Test::Leaner
(hence the functions from Test::More that are not implemented in
Test::Leaner will not be imported). If your version of Test::More is too
old and doesn't have some symbols (like "note" or "done_testing"), they
perldoc Test::Leaner
- Copyright 2010 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+ Copyright 2010,2011 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.