local $@;
eval { require Config };
die 'OS unsupported' if $@;
- Config->import(qw/%Config/);
+ Config->import(qw<%Config>);
my $is_gcc_34 = 0;
print "Checking if this is gcc 3.4 on Windows trying to link against an import library... ";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and not grep /^LD[A-Z]*=/, @ARGV) {
- my ($libperl, $gccversion) = map $_ || '', @Config{qw/libperl gccversion/};
+ my ($libperl, $gccversion) = map $_ || '', @Config{qw<libperl gccversion>};
if ($gccversion =~ /^3\.4\.[0-9]+/ and $libperl =~ s/\.lib$//) {
$is_gcc_34 = 1;
- my ($lddlflags, $ldflags) = @Config{qw/lddlflags ldflags/};
+ my ($lddlflags, $ldflags) = @Config{qw<lddlflags ldflags>};
$_ ||= '', s/-L(?:".*?"|\S+)//g for $lddlflags, $ldflags;
$libperl = "-l$libperl";
my $libdirs = join ' ',
map { s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*")/\\$1/g; qq[-L"$_"] }
- @Config{qw/bin sitebin/};
+ @Config{qw<bin sitebin>};
$macro{LDDLFLAGS} = "$lddlflags $libdirs $libperl";
$macro{LDFLAGS} = "$ldflags $libdirs $libperl";
$macro{PERL_ARCHIVE} = '',
Each call to C<unimport> adds the specified features to the ones already in use in the current lexical scope.
-When C<@opts> is empty, it defaults to C<qw/fetch exists delete/>.
+When C<@opts> is empty, it defaults to C<< qw<fetch exists delete> >>.
sub unimport {
my $hint = _detag($^H{+(__PACKAGE__)}) || 0;
- @_ = qw/fetch exists delete/ unless @_;
+ @_ = qw<fetch exists delete> unless @_;
$hint |= $bits{$_} for grep exists $bits{$_}, @_;
$^H |= 0x00020000;
$^H{+(__PACKAGE__)} = _tag($hint);
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Benchmark qw/:hireswallclock cmpthese/;
+use Benchmark qw<:hireswallclock cmpthese>;
use blib;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Fatal qw/open close/;
-use Text::Balanced qw/extract_bracketed/;
+use Fatal qw<open close>;
+use Text::Balanced qw<extract_bracketed>;
open my $hash_t, '<', 't/20-hash.t';
open my $array_t, '>', 't/30-array.t';
my @r;
no autovivification;
- @r = @{$x}{qw/a b/} for 1 .. $n;
+ @r = @{$x}{qw<a b>} for 1 .. $n;
is_deeply $x, undef, 'numerous slices from an undef lexical';
my @r;
no autovivification;
- @r = @{$x->{a}}{qw/b c/} for 1 .. $n;
+ @r = @{$x->{a}}{qw<b c>} for 1 .. $n;
is_deeply $x, { a => undef }, 'numerous slices from a 1-level hashref lexical';
my @r;
no autovivification;
- @r = @{$x}{qw/a b/} for 1 .. $n;
+ @r = @{$x}{qw<a b>} for 1 .. $n;
is_deeply $x, undef, 'numerous slices from an undef global';
my @r;
no autovivification;
- @r = @{$x->{a}}{qw/b c/} for 1 .. $n;
+ @r = @{$x->{a}}{qw<b c>} for 1 .. $n;
is_deeply $x, { a => undef }, 'numerous slices from a 1-level hashref global';
my $x;
my $res = eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, join '', 'warn:', @_ };
- no autovivification qw/warn fetch/;
+ no autovivification qw<warn fetch>;
is @w, 1, 'warned only once';
my $bd = B::Deparse->new;
- no autovivification qw/fetch strict/;
+ no autovivification qw<fetch strict>;
sub blech { my $key = $_[0]->{key} }
Test::More::plan(skip_all => $msg);
-use Config qw/%Config/;
+use Config qw<%Config>;
Test::More::plan(skip_all => $msg);
-use Config qw/%Config/;
+use Config qw<%Config>;
package autovivification::TestRequired4::a0;
-no autovivification qw/strict fetch/;
+no autovivification qw<strict fetch>;
use autovivification::TestRequired4::b0;
sub error {
local $@;
package autovivification::TestRequired5::a0;
-no autovivification qw/strict fetch/;
+no autovivification qw<strict fetch>;
use autovivification::TestRequired5::b0;
sub error {
local $@;