use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::Valgrind::Command;
use Test::Valgrind::Tool;
my $dummy_action = Test::Valgrind::Action::Dummy->new();
-my $sess = eval { Test::Valgrind::Session->new(
- min_version => $tool->requires_version,
-) };
-if (my $err = $@) {
- $err =~ s/^(Empty valgrind candidates list|No appropriate valgrind executable could be found)\s+at.*/$1/;
- plan skip_all => $err;
-} else {
- plan tests => 4;
+SKIP: {
+ my $sess = eval { Test::Valgrind::Session->new(
+ min_version => $tool->requires_version,
+ ) };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ if ($err =~ /^(Empty valgrind candidates list|No appropriate valgrind executable could be found)\s+at.*/) {
+ $err = $1;
+ }
+ skip $err => 2;
+ }
-my $file = $sess->def_supp_file;
-my $VERSION = quotemeta $Test::Valgrind::Session::VERSION;
-my $exp = qr!$VERSION/memcheck-\d+(?:\.\d+)*-[0-9a-f]{32}\.supp$!;
-like $file, $exp, 'default suppression file is correctly named';
-my $res = open my $supp_fh, '<', $file;
-my $err = $!;
-ok $res, 'default suppression file can be opened';
-diag "open($file): $err" unless $res;
-if ($res) {
- my ($count, $non_empty, $perl_related) = (0, 0, 0);
- my ($in, $valid_frames, $seen_perl);
- while (<$supp_fh>) {
- chomp;
- s/^\s*//;
- s/\s*$//;
- if (!$in && $_ eq '{') {
- $in = 1;
- $valid_frames = 0;
- $seen_perl = 0;
- } elsif ($in) {
- if ($_ eq '}') {
- ++$count;
- ++$non_empty if $valid_frames;
- ++$perl_related if $seen_perl;
- $in = 0;
- } else {
- ++$valid_frames if /^\s*fun:/;
- ++$seen_perl if /^\s*fun:Perl_/;
+ $sess->command($cmd);
+ $sess->tool($tool);
+ my $file = $sess->def_supp_file;
+ my $VERSION = quotemeta $Test::Valgrind::Session::VERSION;
+ my $exp = qr!$VERSION/memcheck-\d+(?:\.\d+)*-[0-9a-f]{32}\.supp$!;
+ like $file, $exp, 'default suppression file is correctly named';
+ my $res = open my $supp_fh, '<', $file;
+ my $err = $!;
+ ok $res, 'default suppression file can be opened';
+ diag "open($file): $err" unless $res;
+ if ($res) {
+ my ($count, $non_empty, $perl_related) = (0, 0, 0);
+ my ($in, $valid_frames, $seen_perl);
+ while (<$supp_fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s*//;
+ s/\s*$//;
+ if (!$in && $_ eq '{') {
+ $in = 1;
+ $valid_frames = 0;
+ $seen_perl = 0;
+ } elsif ($in) {
+ if ($_ eq '}') {
+ ++$count;
+ ++$non_empty if $valid_frames;
+ ++$perl_related if $seen_perl;
+ $in = 0;
+ } else {
+ ++$valid_frames if /^\s*fun:/;
+ ++$seen_perl if /^\s*fun:Perl_/;
+ }
+ diag "The default suppression file contains $count suppressions, of which $non_empty are not empty and $perl_related apply to perl";
+ close $supp_fh;
- diag "The default suppression file contains $count suppressions, of which $non_empty are not empty and $perl_related apply to perl";
- close $supp_fh;
+delete $ENV{PATH};
my $dummy_vg = Test::Valgrind::FakeValgrind->new();
skip $dummy_vg => 2 unless ref $dummy_vg;