This class inherits L<Test::Valgrind::Command>.
-=head2 C<< new perl => $^X, inc => \@INC, ... >>
+=head2 C<< new perl => $^X, inc => \@INC, taint_mode => $taint_mode, ... >>
-Your usual constructor.
+The package constructor, which takes several options :
+=over 4
+=item *
The C<perl> option specifies which C<perl> executable will run the arugment list given in C<args>.
-It defaults to C<$^X>.
+Defaults to C<$^X>.
+=item *
C<inc> is a reference to an array of paths that will be passed as C<-I> to the invoked command.
-It defaults to C<@INC>.
+Defaults to C<@INC>.
+=item *
+C<$taint_mode> is a boolean that specifies if the script should be run under taint mode.
+Defaults to false.
Other arguments are passed straight to C<< Test::Valgrind::Command->new >>.
my %args = @_;
- my $perl = delete($args{perl}) || $^X;
- my $inc = delete($args{inc}) || [ @INC ];
+ my $perl = delete $args{perl} || $^X;
+ my $inc = delete $args{inc} || [ @INC ];
$class->_croak('Invalid INC list') unless ref $inc eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $taint_mode = delete $args{taint_mode};
my $trainer_file = delete $args{trainer_file};
my $self = bless $class->SUPER::new(%args), $class;
- $self->{perl} = $perl;
- $self->{inc} = $inc;
+ $self->{perl} = $perl;
+ $self->{inc} = $inc;
+ $self->{taint_mode} = $taint_mode;
$self->{trainer_file} = $trainer_file;
return $self;
sub inc { @{$_[0]->{inc} || []} }
+=head2 C<taint_mode>
+Read-only accessor for the C<taint_mode> option.
+sub taint_mode { $_[0]->{taint_mode} }
sub args {
my $self = shift;
return $self->perl,
+ (('-T') x!! $self->taint_mode),
map("-I$_", $self->inc),
=head2 C<< new file => $file, [ taint_mode => $taint_mode ], ... >>
-Your usual constructor.
+The package constructor, which takes several options :
+=over 4
+=item *
C<$file> is the path to the C<perl> script you want to run.
-C<$taint_mode> is a boolean that specifies if the script should be run under taint mode.
-If C<undef> is passed (which is the default), the constructor will try to infer it from the shebang line of the script.
+This option is mandatory.
+=item *
+C<$taint_mode> is actually handled by the parent class L<Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl>, but it gets special handling in this subclass : if C<undef> is passed (which is the default), the constructor will try to infer its right value from the shebang line of the script.
Other arguments are passed straight to C<< Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl->new >>.
my %args = @_;
- my $file = delete $args{file};
+ my $file = delete $args{file};
$class->_croak('Invalid script file') unless $file and -e $file;
- my $taint_mode = delete $args{taint_mode};
- my $self = bless $class->SUPER::new(%args), $class;
- $self->{file} = $file;
+ my $taint_mode = delete $args{taint_mode};
if (not defined $taint_mode and open my $fh, '<', $file) {
my $first = <$fh>;
close $fh;
$taint_mode = 0 unless defined $taint_mode;
- $self->{taint_mode} = $taint_mode;
+ my $self = bless $class->SUPER::new(
+ taint_mode => $taint_mode,
+ %args,
+ ), $class;
+ $self->{file} = $file;
return $self;
Read-only accessor for the C<file> option.
-=head2 C<taint_mode>
-Read-only accessor for the C<taint_mode> option.
-eval "sub $_ { \$_[0]->{$_} }" for qw/file taint_mode/;
+sub file { $_[0]->{file} }
sub args {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::args(@_),
- (('-T') x!! $self->taint_mode),