-This module provides an object model for TikZ, a graphical tookit for LaTeX.
+This module provides an object model for TikZ, a graphical toolkit for LaTeX.
It allows you to build structures representing geometrical figures, apply a wide set of modifiers on them, transform them globally with functors, and print them in the context of an existing TeX document.
-Traditionnaly, in TikZ, there are two ways of grouping elements, or I<ops>, together :
+Traditionally, in TikZ, there are two ways of grouping elements, or I<ops>, together :
=over 4
=head3 C<< Tikz->closed_polyline(@points) >>
-Creates a L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Polyline> object that cycles through successive elemnts of C<@points>.
+Creates a L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Polyline> object that cycles through successive elements of C<@points>.
my $diamond = Tikz->closed_polyline(
Tikz->point(0, 1),