+/* --- Unique context ID global storage ------------------------------------ */
+/* ... Sequence ID counter ................................................. */
+typedef struct {
+ UV *seqs;
+ STRLEN size;
+} su_uv_array;
+STATIC su_uv_array su_uid_seq_counter;
+STATIC perl_mutex su_uid_seq_counter_mutex;
+#else /* USE_ITHREADS */
+#define SU_LOCK(M)
+#define SU_UNLOCK(M)
+#endif /* !USE_ITHREADS */
+STATIC UV su_uid_seq_next(pTHX_ UV depth) {
+#define su_uid_seq_next(D) su_uid_seq_next(aTHX_ (D))
+ UV seq;
+ UV *seqs;
+ SU_LOCK(&su_uid_seq_counter_mutex);
+ seqs = su_uid_seq_counter.seqs;
+ if (depth >= su_uid_seq_counter.size) {
+ UV i;
+ seqs = PerlMemShared_realloc(seqs, (depth + 1) * sizeof(UV));
+ for (i = su_uid_seq_counter.size; i <= depth; ++i)
+ seqs[i] = 0;
+ su_uid_seq_counter.seqs = seqs;
+ su_uid_seq_counter.size = depth + 1;
+ }
+ seq = ++seqs[depth];
+ SU_UNLOCK(&su_uid_seq_counter_mutex);
+ return seq;
+/* ... UID storage ......................................................... */
+typedef struct {
+ UV seq;
+ U32 flags;
+} su_uid;
+#define SU_UID_ACTIVE 1
+STATIC UV su_uid_depth(pTHX_ I32 cxix) {
+#define su_uid_depth(I) su_uid_depth(aTHX_ (I))
+ const PERL_SI *si;
+ UV depth;
+ depth = cxix;
+ for (si = PL_curstackinfo->si_prev; si; si = si->si_prev)
+ depth += si->si_cxix + 1;
+ return depth;
+typedef struct {
+ su_uid **map;
+ STRLEN used;
+ STRLEN alloc;
+} su_uid_storage;
+STATIC void su_uid_storage_dup(pTHX_ su_uid_storage *new_cxt, const su_uid_storage *old_cxt, UV max_depth) {
+#define su_uid_storage_dup(N, O, D) su_uid_storage_dup(aTHX_ (N), (O), (D))
+ su_uid **old_map = old_cxt->map;
+ if (old_map) {
+ su_uid **new_map = new_cxt->map;
+ STRLEN old_used = old_cxt->used;
+ STRLEN old_alloc = old_cxt->alloc;
+ STRLEN new_used, new_alloc;
+ new_used = max_depth < old_used ? max_depth : old_used;
+ new_cxt->used = new_used;
+ if (new_used <= new_cxt->alloc)
+ new_alloc = new_cxt->alloc;
+ else {
+ new_alloc = new_used;
+ Renew(new_map, new_alloc, su_uid *);
+ for (i = new_cxt->alloc; i < new_alloc; ++i)
+ new_map[i] = NULL;
+ new_cxt->map = new_map;
+ new_cxt->alloc = new_alloc;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < new_alloc; ++i) {
+ su_uid *new_uid = new_map[i];
+ if (i < new_used) { /* => i < max_depth && i < old_used */
+ su_uid *old_uid = old_map[i];
+ if (old_uid && (old_uid->flags & SU_UID_ACTIVE)) {
+ if (!new_uid) {
+ Newx(new_uid, 1, su_uid);
+ new_map[i] = new_uid;
+ }
+ *new_uid = *old_uid;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (new_uid)
+ new_uid->flags &= ~SU_UID_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
/* --- unwind() global storage --------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct {
bool old_catch;
OP *old_op;
+ su_uid_storage new_uid_storage, old_uid_storage;
} su_uplevel_ud;
STATIC su_uplevel_ud *su_uplevel_ud_new(pTHX) {
Newx(sud, 1, su_uplevel_ud);
sud->next = NULL;
+ sud->new_uid_storage.map = NULL;
+ sud->new_uid_storage.used = 0;
+ sud->new_uid_storage.alloc = 0;
Newx(si, 1, PERL_SI);
si->si_stack = newAV();
+ if (sud->new_uid_storage.map) {
+ su_uid **map = sud->new_uid_storage.map;
+ STRLEN alloc = sud->new_uid_storage.alloc;
+ for (i = 0; i < alloc; ++i)
+ Safefree(map[i]);
+ Safefree(map);
+ }
char *stack_placeholder;
su_unwind_storage unwind_storage;
su_uplevel_storage uplevel_storage;
+ su_uid_storage uid_storage;
} my_cxt_t;
#define SU_UPLEVEL_SAVE(f, t) STMT_START { sud->old_##f = PL_##f; PL_##f = (t); } STMT_END
#define SU_UPLEVEL_RESTORE(f) STMT_START { PL_##f = sud->old_##f; } STMT_END
-STATIC su_uplevel_ud *su_uplevel_storage_new(pTHX) {
-#define su_uplevel_storage_new() su_uplevel_storage_new(aTHX)
+STATIC su_uplevel_ud *su_uplevel_storage_new(pTHX_ I32 cxix) {
+#define su_uplevel_storage_new(I) su_uplevel_storage_new(aTHX_ (I))
su_uplevel_ud *sud;
+ UV depth;
sud = MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root;
sud->next = MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.top;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.top = sud;
+ depth = su_uid_depth(cxix);
+ su_uid_storage_dup(&sud->new_uid_storage, &MY_CXT.uid_storage, depth);
+ sud->old_uid_storage = MY_CXT.uid_storage;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage = sud->new_uid_storage;
return sud;
#define su_uplevel_storage_delete(S) su_uplevel_storage_delete(aTHX_ (S))
+ sud->new_uid_storage = MY_CXT.uid_storage;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage = sud->old_uid_storage;
+ {
+ su_uid **map;
+ UV i, alloc;
+ map = sud->new_uid_storage.map;
+ alloc = sud->new_uid_storage.alloc;
+ for (i = 0; i < alloc; ++i) {
+ if (map[i])
+ map[i]->flags &= SU_UID_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ }
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.top = sud->next;
if (MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.count >= SU_UPLEVEL_STORAGE_SIZE) {
+ sud->new_uid_storage = MY_CXT.uid_storage;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage = sud->old_uid_storage;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.top = sud->next;
sud->next = MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root = sud;
old_mark = AvFILLp(PL_curstack) = PL_stack_sp - PL_stack_base;
- sud = su_uplevel_storage_new();
+ sud = su_uplevel_storage_new(cxix);
sud->cxix = cxix;
sud->died = 1;
return ret;
+/* --- Unique context ID --------------------------------------------------- */
+STATIC su_uid *su_uid_storage_fetch(pTHX_ UV depth) {
+#define su_uid_storage_fetch(D) su_uid_storage_fetch(aTHX_ (D))
+ su_uid **map, *uid;
+ STRLEN alloc;
+ dMY_CXT;
+ map = MY_CXT.uid_storage.map;
+ alloc = MY_CXT.uid_storage.alloc;
+ if (depth >= alloc) {
+ Renew(map, depth + 1, su_uid *);
+ for (i = alloc; i <= depth; ++i)
+ map[i] = NULL;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.map = map;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.alloc = depth + 1;
+ }
+ uid = map[depth];
+ if (!uid) {
+ Newx(uid, 1, su_uid);
+ uid->seq = 0;
+ uid->flags = 0;
+ map[depth] = uid;
+ }
+ if (depth >= MY_CXT.uid_storage.used)
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.used = depth + 1;
+ return uid;
+STATIC int su_uid_storage_check(pTHX_ UV depth, UV seq) {
+#define su_uid_storage_check(D, S) su_uid_storage_check(aTHX_ (D), (S))
+ su_uid *uid;
+ dMY_CXT;
+ if (depth >= MY_CXT.uid_storage.used)
+ return 0;
+ uid = MY_CXT.uid_storage.map[depth];
+ return uid && (uid->seq == seq) && (uid->flags & SU_UID_ACTIVE);
+STATIC void su_uid_drop(pTHX_ void *ud_) {
+ su_uid *uid = ud_;
+ uid->flags &= ~SU_UID_ACTIVE;
+STATIC void su_uid_bump(pTHX_ void *ud_) {
+ su_ud_reap *ud = ud_;
+ SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X(su_uid_drop, ud->cb);
+STATIC SV *su_uid_get(pTHX_ I32 cxix) {
+#define su_uid_get(I) su_uid_get(aTHX_ (I))
+ su_uid *uid;
+ SV *uid_sv;
+ UV depth;
+ depth = su_uid_depth(cxix);
+ uid = su_uid_storage_fetch(depth);
+ if (!(uid->flags & SU_UID_ACTIVE)) {
+ su_ud_reap *ud;
+ uid->seq = su_uid_seq_next(depth);
+ uid->flags |= SU_UID_ACTIVE;
+ Newx(ud, 1, su_ud_reap);
+ SU_UD_HANDLER(ud) = su_uid_bump;
+ ud->cb = (SV *) uid;
+ su_init(ud, cxix, SU_SAVE_DESTRUCTOR_SIZE);
+ }
+ uid_sv = sv_newmortal();
+ sv_setpvf(uid_sv, "%"UVuf"-%"UVuf, depth, uid->seq);
+ return uid_sv;
+#ifdef grok_number
+#define su_grok_number(S, L, VP) grok_number((S), (L), (VP))
+#else /* grok_number */
+#define IS_NUMBER_IN_UV 0x1
+STATIC int su_grok_number(pTHX_ const char *s, STRLEN len, UV *valuep) {
+#define su_grok_number(S, L, VP) su_grok_number(aTHX_ (S), (L), (VP))
+ SV *tmpsv;
+ /* This crude check should be good enough for a fallback implementation.
+ * Better be too strict than too lax. */
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (!isDIGIT(s[i]))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tmpsv = sv_newmortal();
+ sv_setpvn(tmpsv, s, len);
+ *valuep = sv_2uv(tmpsv);
+ return IS_NUMBER_IN_UV;
+#endif /* !grok_number */
+STATIC int su_uid_validate(pTHX_ SV *uid) {
+#define su_uid_validate(U) su_uid_validate(aTHX_ (U))
+ const char *s;
+ STRLEN len, p = 0;
+ UV depth, seq;
+ int type;
+ s = SvPV_const(uid, len);
+ while (p < len && s[p] != '-')
+ ++p;
+ if (p >= len)
+ croak("UID contains only one part");
+ type = su_grok_number(s, p, &depth);
+ if (type != IS_NUMBER_IN_UV)
+ croak("First UID part is not an unsigned integer");
+ ++p; /* Skip '-'. As we used to have p < len, len - (p + 1) >= 0. */
+ type = su_grok_number(s + p, len - p, &seq);
+ if (type != IS_NUMBER_IN_UV)
+ croak("Second UID part is not an unsigned integer");
+ return su_uid_storage_check(depth, seq);
/* --- Interpreter setup/teardown ------------------------------------------ */
STATIC void su_teardown(pTHX_ void *param) {
su_uplevel_ud *cur;
+ su_uid **map;
+ map = MY_CXT.uid_storage.map;
+ if (map) {
+ for (i = 0; i < MY_CXT.uid_storage.used; ++i)
+ Safefree(map[i]);
+ Safefree(map);
+ }
cur = MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root;
if (cur) {
su_uplevel_ud *prev;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root = NULL;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.count = 0;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.map = NULL;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.used = 0;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage.alloc = 0;
call_atexit(su_teardown, NULL);
HV *stash;
+ MUTEX_INIT(&su_uid_seq_counter_mutex);
+ su_uid_seq_counter.seqs = NULL;
+ su_uid_seq_counter.size = 0;
stash = gv_stashpv(__PACKAGE__, 1);
newCONSTSUB(stash, "TOP", newSViv(0));
+ su_uid_storage new_cxt;
+ {
+ dMY_CXT;
+ new_cxt.map = NULL;
+ new_cxt.used = 0;
+ new_cxt.alloc = 0;
+ su_uid_storage_dup(&new_cxt, &MY_CXT.uid_storage, MY_CXT.uid_storage.used);
+ }
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.top = NULL;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.root = NULL;
MY_CXT.uplevel_storage.count = 0;
+ MY_CXT.uid_storage = new_cxt;
} while (--cxix >= 0);
croak("Can't uplevel outside a subroutine");
+ I32 cxix;
+ SV *uid;
+ uid = su_uid_get(cxix);
+ EXTEND(SP, 1);
+ PUSHs(uid);
+validate_uid(SV *uid)
+ SV *ret;
+ ret = su_uid_validate(uid) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ EXTEND(SP, 1);
+ PUSHs(ret);
target('hello'); # "hello from Uplevel::target()"
+L</uid> and L</validate_uid> :
+ use Scope::Upper qw<uid validate_uid>;
+ my $uid;
+ {
+ $uid = uid();
+ {
+ if ($uid eq uid(UP)) { # yes
+ ...
+ }
+ if (validate_uid($uid)) { # yes
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (validate_uid($uid)) { # no
+ ...
+ }
This module lets you defer actions I<at run-time> that will take place when the control flow returns into an upper scope.
=item *
-execute a subroutine in the setting of an upper subroutine stack frame with L</uplevel>.
+execute a subroutine in the setting of an upper subroutine stack frame with L</uplevel> ;
+=item *
+uniquely identify contextes with L</uid> and L</validate_uid>.
Albeit the three exceptions listed above, it passes all the tests of L<Sub::Uplevel>.
+=head2 C<uid $context>
+Returns an unique identifier (UID) for the context (or dynamic scope) pointed by C<$context>, or for the current context if C<$context> is omitted.
+This UID will only be valid for the life time of the context it represents, and another UID will be generated next time the same scope is executed.
+ my $uid;
+ {
+ $uid = uid;
+ if ($uid eq uid()) { # yes, this is the same context
+ ...
+ }
+ {
+ if ($uid eq uid()) { # no, we are one scope below
+ ...
+ }
+ if ($uid eq uid(UP)) { # yes, UP points to the same scope as $uid
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # $uid is now invalid
+ {
+ if ($uid eq uid()) { # no, this is another block
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+For example, each loop iteration gets its own UID :
+ my %uids;
+ for (1 .. 5) {
+ my $uid = uid;
+ $uids{$uid} = $_;
+ }
+ # %uids has 5 entries
+The UIDs are not guaranteed to be numbers, so you must use the C<eq> operator to compare them.
+To check whether a given UID is valid, you can use the L</validate_uid> function.
+=head2 C<validate_uid $uid>
+Returns true if and only if C<$uid> is the UID of a currently valid context (that is, it designates a scope that is higher than the current one in the call stack).
+ my $uid;
+ {
+ $uid = uid();
+ if (validate_uid($uid)) { # yes
+ ...
+ }
+ {
+ if (validate_uid($uid)) { # yes
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (validate_uid($uid)) { # no
+ ...
+ }
localize localize_elem localize_delete
unwind want_at
+ uid validate_uid
> ],
consts => [ qw<SU_THREADSAFE> ],
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 2 * 15;
+use Test::More tests => 2 * 17;
require Scope::Upper;
unwind => undef,
want_at => ';$',
uplevel => '&@',
+ uid => ';$',
+ validate_uid => '$',
TOP => '',
HERE => '',
UP => ';$',
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 5;
+use Scope::Upper qw<uid HERE UP>;
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ my $here = uid;
+ };
+ is $@, '', 'uid() does not croak';
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ my $here = uid HERE;
+ };
+ is $@, '', 'uid(HERE) does not croak';
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ my $up = uid UP;
+ };
+ is $@, '', 'uid(UP) does not croak';
+ my $here = uid;
+ is $here, uid(), '$here eq uid()';
+ is $here, uid(HERE), '$here eq uid(HERE)';
+ {
+ is $here, uid(UP), '$here eq uid(UP) (in block)';
+ }
+ sub {
+ is $here, uid(UP), '$here eq uid(UP) (in sub)';
+ }->();
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ is $here, uid(UP), '$here eq uid(UP) (in eval block)';
+ };
+ eval q{
+ is $here, uid(UP), '$here eq uid(UP) (in eval string)';
+ };
+ my $here;
+ {
+ {
+ $here = uid(UP);
+ isnt $here, uid(), 'uid(UP) != uid(HERE)';
+ }
+ is $here, uid(), '$here defined in an older block is now OK';
+ }
+ isnt $here, uid(), '$here defined in an older block is no longer OK';
+ {
+ isnt $here, uid(), '$here defined in an older block has been overwritten';
+ }
+ my $first;
+ for (1, 2) {
+ if ($_ == 1) {
+ $first = uid();
+ } else {
+ isnt $first, uid(), 'a new UID for each loop iteration';
+ }
+ }
+ my $top;
+ my $uid;
+ sub Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor::DESTROY {
+ $uid = uid;
+ isnt $uid, $top, '$uid is not the outside UID';
+ {
+ is uid(UP), $uid, 'uid(UP) in block in destructor is correct';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $guard = bless [], 'Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor';
+ $top = uid;
+ }
+ isnt $uid, undef, '$uid was set in the destructor';
+ {
+ isnt $uid, uid(), '$uid is no longer valid (in block)';
+ sub {
+ isnt $uid, uid(), '$uid is no longer valid (in sub in block)';
+ }->();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 9;
+use Scope::Upper qw<uid validate_uid HERE UP>;
+ local $@;
+ my $here = uid;
+ eval {
+ validate_uid($here);
+ };
+ is $@, '', 'validate_uid(uid) does not croak';
+ local $@;
+ my $here = uid;
+ eval {
+ validate_uid('123');
+ };
+ my $line = __LINE__-2;
+ like $@, qr/^UID contains only one part at \Q$0\E line $line/,
+ 'validate_uid("123") croaks';
+for my $wrong ('1.23-4', 'abc-5') {
+ local $@;
+ my $here = uid;
+ eval {
+ validate_uid($wrong);
+ };
+ my $line = __LINE__-2;
+ like $@, qr/^First UID part is not an unsigned integer at \Q$0\E line $line/,
+ "validate_uid(\"$wrong\") croaks";
+for my $wrong ('67-8.9', '001-def') {
+ local $@;
+ my $here = uid;
+ eval {
+ validate_uid($wrong);
+ };
+ my $line = __LINE__-2;
+ like $@, qr/^Second UID part is not an unsigned integer at \Q$0\E line $line/,
+ "validate_uid(\"$wrong\") croaks";
+ my $here = uid;
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (same scope)';
+ {
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (in block)';
+ }
+ sub {
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (in sub)';
+ }->();
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (in eval block)';
+ };
+ eval q{
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (in eval string)';
+ };
+ my $here;
+ {
+ {
+ $here = uid(UP);
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (below)';
+ }
+ ok validate_uid($here), '$here is valid (exact)';
+ }
+ ok !validate_uid($here), '$here is invalid (above)';
+ {
+ ok !validate_uid($here), '$here is invalid (new block)';
+ }
+ my $first;
+ for (1, 2) {
+ if ($_ == 1) {
+ $first = uid();
+ } else {
+ ok !validate_uid($first), 'a new UID for each loop iteration';
+ }
+ }
+ my $top;
+ my $uid;
+ sub Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor::DESTROY {
+ ok !validate_uid($top),
+ '$top defined after the guard is not valid in destructor';
+ $uid = uid;
+ ok validate_uid($uid), '$uid is valid in destructor';
+ my $up;
+ {
+ $up = uid;
+ ok validate_uid($up), '$up is valid in destructor';
+ }
+ ok !validate_uid($up), '$up is no longer valid in destructor';
+ }
+ {
+ my $guard = bless [], 'Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor';
+ $top = uid;
+ ok validate_uid($top), '$top defined after the guard is valid in block';
+ }
+ ok !validate_uid($top), '$top is no longer valid outside of the block';
+ ok !validate_uid($uid), '$uid is no longer valid outside of the destructor';
+ sub Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor2::DESTROY {
+ ok validate_uid($top), '$top defined before the guard is valid in destructor';
+ }
+ {
+ $top = uid;
+ my $guard = bless [], 'Scope::Upper::TestUIDDestructor2';
+ ok validate_uid($top), '$top defined before the guard is valid in block';
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 2 * 32 + 2 * 21;
+use Scope::Upper qw<uplevel uid validate_uid UP>;
+for my $run (1, 2) {
+ sub {
+ my $above_uid = uid;
+ my $there = "in the sub above the target (run $run)";
+ my $uplevel_uid = sub {
+ my $target_uid = uid;
+ my $there = "in the target sub (run $run)";
+ my $uplevel_uid = sub {
+ my $between_uid = uid;
+ my $there = "in the sub between the target and the source (run $run)";
+ my $uplevel_uid = sub {
+ my $source_uid = uid;
+ my $there = "in the source sub (run $run)";
+ my $uplevel_uid = uplevel {
+ my $uplevel_uid = uid;
+ my $there = "in the uplevel callback (run $run)";
+ my $invalid = 'temporarily invalid';
+ ok validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is valid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($source_uid), "\$source_uid is $invalid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($between_uid), "\$between_uid is $invalid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($target_uid), "\$target_uid is $invalid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is valid $there";
+ isnt $uplevel_uid, $source_uid, "\$uplevel_uid != \$source_uid $there";
+ isnt $uplevel_uid, $between_uid, "\$uplevel_uid != \$between_uid $there";
+ isnt $uplevel_uid, $target_uid, "\$uplevel_uid != \$target_uid $there";
+ isnt $uplevel_uid, $above_uid, "\$uplevel_uid != \$above_uid $there";
+ {
+ my $here = uid;
+ isnt $here, $source_uid, "\$here != \$source_uid in block $there";
+ isnt $here, $between_uid, "\$here != \$between_uid in block $there";
+ isnt $here, $target_uid, "\$here != \$target_uid in block $there";
+ isnt $here, $above_uid, "\$here != \$above_uid in block $there";
+ }
+ is uid(UP), $above_uid, "uid(UP) == \$above_uid $there";
+ return $uplevel_uid;
+ } UP UP;
+ ok !validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($source_uid), "\$source_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($between_uid), "\$between_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($target_uid), "\$target_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is still valid $there";
+ return $uplevel_uid;
+ }->();
+ ok !validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($between_uid), "\$between_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($target_uid), "\$target_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is still valid $there";
+ return $uplevel_uid;
+ }->();
+ ok !validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($target_uid), "\$target_uid is valid again $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is still valid $there";
+ return $uplevel_uid;
+ }->();
+ ok !validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is still valid $there";
+ sub {
+ my $here = uid;
+ my $there = "in a new sub at replacing the target";
+ ok !validate_uid($uplevel_uid), "\$uplevel_uid is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($above_uid), "\$above_uid is still valid $there";
+ isnt $here, $uplevel_uid, "\$here != \$uplevel_uid $there";
+ is uid(UP), $above_uid, "uid(UP) == \$above_uid $there";
+ }->();
+ }->();
+for my $run (1, 2) {
+ sub {
+ my $first_sub = uid;
+ my $there = "in the first sub (run $run)";
+ my $invalid = 'temporarily invalid';
+ uplevel {
+ my $first_uplevel = uid;
+ my $there = "in the first uplevel (run $run)";
+ ok !validate_uid($first_sub), "\$first_sub is $invalid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($first_uplevel), "\$first_uplevel is valid $there";
+ isnt $first_uplevel, $first_sub, "\$first_uplevel != \$first_sub $there";
+ isnt uid(UP), $first_sub, "uid(UP) != \$first_sub $there";
+ my ($second_sub, $second_uplevel) = sub {
+ my $second_sub = uid;
+ my $there = "in the second sub (run $run)";
+ my $second_uplevel = uplevel {
+ my $second_uplevel = uid;
+ my $there = "in the second uplevel (run $run)";
+ ok !validate_uid($first_sub), "\$first_sub is $invalid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($first_uplevel), "\$first_uplevel is valid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($second_sub), "\$second_sub is $invalid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($second_uplevel), "\$second_uplevel is valid $there";
+ isnt $second_uplevel, $second_sub,
+ "\$second_uplevel != \$second_sub $there";
+ is uid(UP), $first_uplevel, "uid(UP) == \$first_uplevel $there";
+ return $second_uplevel;
+ };
+ return $second_sub, $second_uplevel;
+ }->();
+ ok validate_uid($first_uplevel), "\$first_uplevel is still valid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($second_sub), "\$second_sub is no longer valid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($second_uplevel),
+ "\$second_uplevel is no longer valid $there";
+ uplevel {
+ my $third_uplevel = uid;
+ my $there = "in the third uplevel (run $run)";
+ ok !validate_uid($first_uplevel), "\$first_uplevel is $invalid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($second_sub), "\$second_sub is no longer valid $there";
+ ok !validate_uid($second_uplevel),
+ "\$second_uplevel is no longer valid $there";
+ ok validate_uid($third_uplevel), "\$third_uplevel is valid $there";
+ isnt $third_uplevel, $first_uplevel,
+ "\$third_uplevel != \$first_uplevel $there";
+ isnt $third_uplevel, $second_sub, "\$third_uplevel != \$second_sub $there";
+ isnt $third_uplevel, $second_uplevel,
+ "\$third_uplevel != \$second_uplevel $there";
+ isnt uid(UP), $first_sub, "uid(UP) != \$first_sub $there";
+ }
+ }
+ }->();
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub skipall {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ require Test::More;
+ Test::More::plan(skip_all => $msg);
+use Config qw<%Config>;
+ my $force = $ENV{PERL_SCOPE_UPPER_TEST_THREADS} ? 1 : !1;
+ my $t_v = $force ? '0' : '1.67';
+ skipall 'This perl wasn\'t built to support threads'
+ unless $Config{useithreads};
+ skipall 'perl 5.13.4 required to test thread safety'
+ unless $force or "$]" >= 5.013004;
+ skipall "threads $t_v required to test thread safety"
+ unless eval "use threads $t_v; 1";
+use Test::More;
+use Scope::Upper qw<uid validate_uid UP HERE SU_THREADSAFE>;
+my $num;
+ skipall 'This Scope::Upper isn\'t thread safe' unless SU_THREADSAFE;
+ plan tests => ($num = 30) * 5 + 1;
+ defined and diag "Using threads $_" for $threads::VERSION;
+ if (eval "use Time::HiRes; 1") {
+ defined and diag "Using Time::HiRes $_" for $Time::HiRes::VERSION;
+ *usleep = \&Time::HiRes::usleep;
+ } else {
+ diag 'Using fallback usleep';
+ *usleep = sub {
+ my $s = int($_[0] / 2.5e5);
+ sleep $s if $s;
+ };
+ }
+my $top = uid;
+sub cb {
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ my $here = uid;
+ my $up;
+ {
+ $up = uid HERE;
+ is uid(UP), $here, "uid(UP) == \$here in block (in thread $tid)";
+ }
+ is uid(UP), $top, "uid(UP) == \$top (in thread $tid)";
+ usleep rand(1e6);
+ ok validate_uid($here), "\$here is valid (in thread $tid)";
+ ok !validate_uid($up), "\$up is no longer valid (in thread $tid)";
+ return $here;
+my %uids;
+for my $thread (map threads->create(\&cb), 1 .. $num) {
+ my $tid = $thread->tid;
+ my $uid = $thread->join;
+ ++$uids{$uid};
+ ok !validate_uid($uid), "\$here is no longer valid (out of thread $tid)";
+is scalar(keys %uids), $num, 'all the UIDs were different';
--- /dev/null
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Leaner 'no_plan';
+use Scope::Upper qw<uplevel uid validate_uid CALLER>;
+my $max_level = 10;
+our $inner_uplevels;
+sub rec {
+ my $n = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my @uids = @_;
+ if ($n > 0) {
+ my @args = ($n - 1 => ($level, $target) => @uids);
+ if ($inner_uplevels) {
+ return uplevel {
+ rec(@args, uid());
+ };
+ } else {
+ return rec(@args, uid());
+ }
+ }
+ my $desc = "level=$level, target=$target, inner_uplevels=$inner_uplevels";
+ uplevel {
+ for my $i (1 .. $target) {
+ my $j = $level - $i;
+ ok !validate_uid($uids[$j]), "UID $j is invalid for $desc";
+ }
+ for my $i ($target + 1 .. $level) {
+ my $j = $level - $i;
+ ok validate_uid($uids[$j]), "UID $j is valid for $desc";
+ }
+ } CALLER($target);
+ local $inner_uplevels = 0;
+ for my $level (1 .. $max_level) {
+ for my $target (1 .. $level) {
+ rec($level => ($level, $target));
+ }
+ }
+ local $inner_uplevels = 1;
+ for my $level (1 .. $max_level) {
+ for my $target (1 .. $level) {
+ rec($level => ($level, $target));
+ }
+ }