void *next;
I32 cxix;
+ bool died;
CV *target;
+ I32 target_depth;
CV *callback;
- bool died;
PERL_SI *si;
PERL_SI *old_curstackinfo;
AV *old_mainstack;
- I32 old_depth;
COP *old_curcop;
bool old_catch;
if (sud->died) {
- CV *target_cv = sud->target;
+ CV *target = sud->target;
I32 levels = 0, i;
/* When we die, the depth of the target CV is not updated because of the
register const PERL_CONTEXT *cx = cxstack + i;
if (CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_SUB) {
- if (cx->blk_sub.cv == target_cv)
+ if (cx->blk_sub.cv == target)
switch (CxTYPE(cx)) {
case CXt_SUB:
- if (cx->blk_sub.cv == target_cv)
+ if (cx->blk_sub.cv == target)
case CXt_EVAL:
- CvDEPTH(target_cv) = sud->old_depth - levels;
+ CvDEPTH(target) = sud->target_depth - levels;
PL_curstackinfo->si_cxix = i - 1;
#if !SU_HAS_PERL(5, 13, 1)
return cv;
-STATIC I32 su_uplevel(pTHX_ CV *cv, I32 cxix, I32 args) {
+STATIC I32 su_uplevel(pTHX_ CV *callback, I32 cxix, I32 args) {
#define su_uplevel(C, I, A) su_uplevel(aTHX_ (C), (I), (A))
su_uplevel_ud *sud;
const PERL_CONTEXT *cx = cxstack + cxix;
PERL_SI *si;
PERL_SI *cur = PL_curstackinfo;
SV **old_stack_sp;
- CV *target_cv;
+ CV *target;
UNOP sub_op;
I32 gimme;
I32 old_mark, new_mark;
sud->cxix = cxix;
sud->died = 1;
- sud->callback = cv;
+ sud->callback = callback;
SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X(su_uplevel_restore, sud);
si = sud->si;
Copy(cur->si_cxstack, si->si_cxstack, cxix, PERL_CONTEXT);
SU_POISON(si->si_cxstack + cxix, si->si_cxmax + 1 - cxix, PERL_CONTEXT);
- target_cv = cx->blk_sub.cv;
- sud->target = (CV *) SvREFCNT_inc(target_cv);
- sud->old_depth = CvDEPTH(target_cv);
+ target = cx->blk_sub.cv;
+ sud->target = (CV *) SvREFCNT_inc(target);
+ sud->target_depth = CvDEPTH(target);
/* blk_oldcop is essentially needed for caller() and stack traces. It has no
* run-time implication, since PL_curcop will be overwritten as soon as we
/* Both SP and old_stack_sp point just before the CV. */
Copy(old_stack_sp + 2, SP + 1, args, SV *);
SP += args;
- PUSHs((SV *) cv);
+ PUSHs((SV *) callback);
Zero(&sub_op, 1, UNOP);
CV *renamed_cv;
- renamed_cv = su_cv_clone(cv, CvGV(target_cv));
+ renamed_cv = su_cv_clone(callback, CvGV(target));
sub_cx = cxstack + cxstack_ix;
sub_cx->blk_sub.cv = renamed_cv;