Revision history for indirect
+0.06 2008-10-11 16:45 UTC
+ + Doc : Nits.
+ + Tst : Test "no indirect 'anything'", "foo Class->bar", and indirect
+ uses of exec() and system().
0.05 2008-10-02 14:40 UTC
+ Chg : Now the old check function is always called before storing an op
into the map.
indirect - Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax.
- Version 0.05
+ Version 0.06
no indirect;
if (defied $foo) { ... } # croaks, note the typo
- When enabled (or disabled as some may prefer, since you actually turn it
- on by calling "no indirect"), this pragma warns about indirect object
- syntax constructs that may have slipped into your code. This syntax is
- now considered harmful, since its parsing has many quirks and its use is
- error prone (when "sub" isn't defined, "sub $x" is actually interpreted
- as "$x->sub").
+ When enabled (or disabled as some may prefer to say, since you actually
+ turn it on by calling "no indirect"), this pragma warns about indirect
+ object syntax constructs that may have slipped into your code. This
+ syntax is now considered harmful, since its parsing has many quirks and
+ its use is error prone (when "sub" isn't defined, "sub $x" is actually
+ interpreted as "$x->sub").
It currently does not warn when the object is enclosed between braces
(like "meth { $obj } @args") or for core functions ("print" or "say").
"unimport @opts"
- Magically called when "no indirect @args" is encountered. Turns the
+ Magically called when "no indirect @opts" is encountered. Turns the
module on. If @opts contains ':fatal', the module will croak on the
first indirect syntax met.
Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.
- You can contact me by mail or on #perl @ FreeNode (vincent or
- Prof_Vince).
+ You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent).
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-indirect at