use Config qw/%Config/;
use Cwd qw/cwd/;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile path/;
-use List::Util qw/first/;
use App::Rgit::Utils qw/:codes/;
use App::Rgit;
-our $VERSION = '0.03';
+our $VERSION;
+ $VERSION = '0.03';
+my %opts;
+my $cmd;
- if (-t && eval { use Term::ReadKey; 1 }) {
- *policy = sub {
- my ($cmd, $conf, $repo, $status, $signal) = @_;
- return NEXT unless $status;
- print STDERR "[a]bort, [i]gnore, [I]gnore all, [r]etry, open [s]hell ?";
- ReadMode 4;
- my $key = ReadKey 0;
- ReadMode 1;
- print STDERR "\n";
- my %codes = (
- 'a' => LAST,
- 'i' => NEXT,
- 'I' => NEXT | SAVE,
- 'r' => REDO,
- 's' => LAST,
- );
- $key = 'a' unless defined $key;
- my $code = $codes{$key};
- $code = $codes{a} unless defined $code;
- return $code;
- };
- } else {
- *policy = sub {
- my ($cmd, $conf, $repo, $status, $signal) = @_;
- return NEXT unless $status;
- return LAST;
- };
+ @ARGV = grep {
+ defined $cmd ? $_
+ : ( /^-([IKV]+)$/ ? do { $opts{$_} = 1 for split //, $1; () }
+ : do { $cmd = $_ unless /^-/; $_ } )
+ } @ARGV;
+ warn "rgit $VERSION\n" if $opts{V};
+ $cmd = ' ' unless defined $cmd;
+ if (-t && $opts{I}) {
+ if (eval "require Term::ReadKey; 1") {
+ Term::ReadKey->import;
+ *policy = sub {
+ my ($cmd, $conf, $repo, $status, $signal) = @_;
+ return NEXT unless $status;
+ print STDERR 'The command failed for ' . $repo->work . "\n";
+ print STDERR "[a]bort, [i]gnore, [I]gnore all, [r]etry ?";
+ ReadMode(4);
+ my $key = ReadKey(0);
+ ReadMode(1);
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ my %codes = (
+ 'a' => LAST,
+ 'i' => NEXT,
+ 'I' => NEXT | SAVE,
+ 'r' => REDO,
+ );
+ $key = 'a' unless defined $key;
+ my $code = $codes{$key};
+ $code = $codes{a} unless defined $code;
+ return $code;
+ };
+ } else {
+ warn "You have to install Term::ReadKey to use the interactive mode.\n";
+ }
+ *policy = sub { NEXT } if $opts{K} and not defined *policy{CODE};
+ *policy = sub {
+ my ($cmd, $conf, $repo, $status, $signal) = @_;
+ return NEXT unless $status;
+ return LAST;
+ } unless defined *policy{CODE};
setpgrp 0, 0 if $Config{d_setpgrp};
-my $cmd = first { !/^-/ } @ARGV;
-$cmd = ' ' unless defined $cmd;
my $git = $ENV{GIT_EXEC_PATH};
unless (defined $git) {
for (path) {
You can specify which C<git> executable to use with the C<GIT_EXEC_PATH> environment variable.
+C<rgit> takes its options as the capital switches that comes before the git command.
+It's possible to bundle them together.
+They are removed from the argument list before calling C<git>.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Keep processing on error.
+The default policy is to stop whenever an error occured.
+=item *
+Enables interactive mode.
+Requires L<Term::ReadKey> to be installed.
+This lets you choose interactively what to do when one of the commands returns a non-zero status.
+=item *
+Outputs the version.
Execute C<git gc> on all the repositories below the current directory :
-The core modules L<Carp>, L<Cwd>, L<Exporter>, L<File::Find>, L<File::Spec::Functions>, L<List::Util> and L<POSIX>.
+The core modules L<Carp>, L<Cwd>, L<Exporter>, L<File::Find>, L<File::Spec::Functions> and L<POSIX>.