use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 12 * (5 + 6) + 4 + 5;
+use Test::More tests => 13 * (3 + 4) + 5;
use Config qw/%Config/;
our @o;
my @tests = (
- [ 'len', '@c', undef, 'my $x = @c', [ 'padav', 'B::OP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c[0]', undef, 'my $x = $c[0]', [ $aelem, 'B::OP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$o[0]', undef, 'my $x = $o[0]', [ 'aelemfast', $aelem_op ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', undef, '++$c', [ 'preinc', 'B::UNOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', '$c = 1', '$c ** 2', [ 'pow', 'B::BINOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', undef, 'my $x = $c', [ 'sassign', 'B::BINOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', undef, '1 if $c', [ 'and', 'B::LOGOP' ] ],
- [ 'set', '$c', undef, 'bless \$c, "main"', [ 'bless', 'B::LISTOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', '$c = ""', '$c =~ /x/', [ 'match', 'B::PMOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', '$c = "Variable::Magic::TestPkg"',
- '$c->foo()', [ 'method_named', 'B::SVOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', '$c = ""', '$c =~ y/x/y/', [ 'trans', 'B::PVOP' ] ],
- [ 'get', '$c', '$c = 1', '1 for 1 .. $c', [ 'enteriter', 'B::LOOP' ] ],
+ [ 'len', '@c', 'my @c', 'my $x = @c', [ 'padav', 'B::OP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c[0]', 'my @c', 'my $x = $c[0]', [ $aelem, 'B::OP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$o[0]', 'local @o', 'my $x = $o[0]', [ 'aelemfast', $aelem_op ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = 1', '++$c', [ 'preinc', 'B::UNOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = 1', '$c ** 2', [ 'pow', 'B::BINOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = 1', 'my $x = $c', [ 'sassign', 'B::BINOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = 1', '1 if $c', [ 'and', 'B::LOGOP' ] ],
+ [ 'set', '$c', 'my $c = 1', 'bless \$c, "main"',
+ [ 'bless', 'B::LISTOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = ""','$c =~ /x/', [ 'match', 'B::PMOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = "Variable::Magic::TestPkg"',
+ '$c->foo()', [ 'method_named', 'B::SVOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = ""','$c =~ y/x/y/', [ 'trans', 'B::PVOP' ] ],
+ [ 'get', '$c', 'my $c = 1', '1 for 1 .. $c',
+ [ 'enteriter', 'B::LOOP' ] ],
+ [ 'free','$c', 'my $c = 1', 'last', [ 'last', 'B::OP' ] ],
+our $done;
for (@tests) {
my ($key, $var, $init, $test, $exp) = @$_;
for my $op_info (VMG_OP_INFO_NAME, VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT) {
- our $done;
- my ($c, @c);
my $wiz;
# We must test for the $op correctness inside the callback because, if we
local $done = 0;
- eval $init if defined $init;
- eval "cast $var, \$wiz";
- is $@, '', "$key cast with op_info == $op_info doesn't croak";
+ my $testcase = "{ $init; cast $var, \$wiz; $test }";
- eval $test;
+ eval $testcase;
is $@, '', "$key magic with op_info == $op_info doesn't croak";
- eval "dispell $var, \$wiz";
- is $@, '', "$key dispell with op_info == $op_info doesn't croak";
+ diag $testcase if $@;
- my $c;
- my $op_info = VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT;
- my $wiz = eval {
- wizard free => sub {
- my $op = $_[-1];
- my $desc = "free magic with op_info == $op_info";
- isa_ok $op, 'B::OP', $desc;
- is $op->name, 'leaveloop', "$desc gets the right op info";
- ();
- }, op_info => $op_info;
- };
- is $@, '', "get wizard with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak";
- eval { cast $c, $wiz };
- is $@, '', "get cast with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak";
my $c;