--- /dev/null
+ CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo - CPANPLUS backend generating Gentoo ebuilds.
+ Version 0.01
+ cpan2dist --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo \
+ --dist-opts overlay=/usr/local/portage \
+ --dist-opts distdir=/usr/portage/distfiles \
+ --dist-opts manifest=yes \
+ Any::Module You::Like
+ This module is a CPANPLUS backend that recursively generates Gentoo
+ ebuilds for a given package in the specified overlay (defaults to
+ "/usr/local/portage"), update the manifest, and even emerge it (together
+ with its dependencies) if the user requires it. You need write
+ permissions on the directory where Gentoo fetches its source files
+ (usually "/usr/portage/distfiles").
+ The generated ebuilds are placed into the section "perl-cpanp". They
+ favour depending on "perl-core" or "dev-perl" rather than "perl-cpanp".
+ All the methods are inherited from CPANPLUS::Dist::Base. Please refer to
+ its perldoc for precise information on what's done at each step.
+ Gentoo (<http://gentoo.org>).
+ CPANPLUS, IPC::Cmd (core modules since 5.9.5).
+ File::Path (since 5.001), File::Copy (5.002), File::Spec::Functions
+ (5.00504).
+ cpan2dist.
+ CPANPLUS::Dist::Base, CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb, CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv.
+ Vincent Pit, "<perl at profvince.com>", <http://www.profvince.com>.
+ Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cpanplus-dist-gentoo
+ at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
+ <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=CPANPLUS-Dist-Gentoo>. I
+ will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
+ on your bug as I make changes.
+ You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo
+ The module is to some extend cargo-culted from CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb and
+ CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv.
+ Copyright 2008 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
--- /dev/null
+package CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Copy qw/copy/;
+use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
+use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir catfile/;
+use IPC::Cmd qw/run can_run/;
+use CPANPLUS::Error;
+use base qw/CPANPLUS::Dist::Base/;
+=head1 NAME
+CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo - CPANPLUS backend generating Gentoo ebuilds.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.01
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ cpan2dist --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo \
+ --dist-opts overlay=/usr/local/portage \
+ --dist-opts distdir=/usr/portage/distfiles \
+ --dist-opts manifest=yes \
+ Any::Module You::Like
+This module is a CPANPLUS backend that recursively generates Gentoo ebuilds for a given package in the specified overlay (defaults to C</usr/local/portage>), update the manifest, and even emerge it (together with its dependencies) if the user requires it. You need write permissions on the directory where Gentoo fetches its source files (usually C</usr/portage/distfiles>).
+The generated ebuilds are placed into the section C<perl-cpanp>. They favour depending on C<perl-core> or C<dev-perl> rather than C<perl-cpanp>.
+=head1 METHODS
+All the methods are inherited from L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Base>. Please refer to its perldoc for precise information on what's done at each step.
+sub format_available {
+ for my $prog (qw/emerge ebuild/) {
+ unless (can_run($prog)) {
+ error "$prog is required to write ebuilds -- aborting";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+my $overlay;
+sub init {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $stat = $self->status;
+ $stat->mk_accessors(qw/name version dist desc uri src license deps
+ eb_name eb_version eb_dir eb_file distdir fetched_arch
+ do_manifest/);
+ return 1;
+my %gentooism = (
+ 'Digest' => 'digest-base',
+ 'Locale-Maketext' => 'locale-maketext',
+ 'Net-Ping' => 'net-ping',
+ 'PathTools' => 'File-Spec',
+ 'PodParser' => 'Pod-Parser',
+sub prepare {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mod = $self->parent;
+ my $stat = $self->status;
+ my $int = $mod->parent;
+ my $conf = $int->configure_object;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $manifest = delete($opts{'manifest'});
+ $manifest = 0 if not defined $manifest or $manifest =~ /^\s*no?\s*$/i;
+ $stat->do_manifest($manifest);
+ my $overlay = catdir(delete($opts{'overlay'}) || '/usr/local/portage',
+ 'perl-cpanp');
+ $stat->distdir(delete($opts{'distdir'}) || '/usr/portage/distfiles');
+ if ($stat->do_manifest && !-w $stat->distdir) {
+ error 'distdir isn\'t writable -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $stat->fetched_arch($mod->status->fetch);
+ my $name = $mod->package_name;
+ $stat->name($name);
+ my $version = $mod->package_version;
+ $stat->version($version);
+ $stat->dist($name . '-' . $version);
+ my $f = 1;
+ $version =~ s/_+/$f ? do { $f = 0; '_p' } : ''/ge;
+ 1 while $version =~ s/(_p[^.]*)\.+/$1/;
+ $stat->eb_version($version);
+ $stat->eb_name($gentooism{$stat->name} || $stat->name);
+ $stat->eb_dir(catdir($overlay, $stat->eb_name));
+ $stat->eb_file(catfile($stat->eb_dir,
+ $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version . '.ebuild'));
+ if (-r $stat->eb_file) {
+ msg 'Ebuild already generated for ' . $stat->dist . ' -- skipping';
+ $stat->prepared(1);
+ $stat->created(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::prepare(%opts);
+ my $desc = $mod->description;
+ ($desc = $name) =~ s/-+/::/g unless $desc;
+ $stat->desc($desc);
+ $stat->uri('http://search.cpan.org/dist/' . $name);
+ unless ($name =~ /^([^-]+)/) {
+ error 'Wrong distribution name -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $stat->src('mirror://cpan/modules/by-module/' . $1 . '/' . $mod->package);
+ $stat->license([ qw/Artistic GPL-2/ ]);
+ my $prereqs = $mod->status->prereqs;
+ my @depends;
+ for my $prereq (sort keys %$prereqs) {
+ my $obj = $int->module_tree($prereq);
+ unless ($obj) {
+ error 'Wrong module object -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ next if $obj->package_is_perl_core;
+ {
+ my $version;
+ if ($prereqs->{$prereq}) {
+ if ($obj->installed_version && $obj->installed_version < $obj->version) {
+ $version = $obj->installed_version;
+ } else {
+ $version = $obj->package_version;
+ }
+ }
+ push @depends, [ $obj , $version ];
+ }
+ }
+ $stat->deps(\@depends);
+ return 1;
+sub create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stat = $self->status;
+ unless ($stat->prepared) {
+ error 'Can\'t create ' . $stat->dist . ' since it was never prepared -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($stat->created) {
+ msg $stat->dist . ' was already created -- skipping';
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::create(@_);
+ my $dir = $stat->eb_dir;
+ print STDERR "@@@ mkdir $dir\n";
+ unless (-d $dir) {
+ eval { mkpath $dir };
+ if ($@) {
+ error "mkpath($dir): $@";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my $d = "# Generated by CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo\n\ninherit perl-module\n\n";
+ $d .= 'S="${WORKDIR}/' . $stat->dist . "\"\n";
+ $d .= 'DESCRIPTION="' . $stat->desc . "\"\n";
+ $d .= 'HOMEPAGE="' . $stat->uri . "\"\n";
+ $d .= 'SRC_URI="' . $stat->src . "\"\n";
+ $d .= "SLOT=\"0\"\n";
+ $d .= 'LICENSE="|| ( ' . join(' ', sort @{$stat->license}) . " )\"\n";
+ $d .= 'DEPEND="' . join "\n",
+ 'dev-lang/perl',
+ map {
+ my $a = $_->[0]->package_name;
+ my $x = '';
+ if (defined $_->[1]) {
+ $x = '>=';
+ $a .= '-' . $_->[1];
+ }
+ '|| ( ' . join(' ', map "$x$_/$a",
+ qw/perl-core dev-perl perl-cpanp/) # perl-gcpan ?
+ . ' )';
+ } @{$stat->deps};
+ $d .= "\"\n";
+ my $file = $stat->eb_file;
+ open my $eb, '>', $file or do {
+ error "open($file): $! -- aborting";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ print $eb $d;
+ close $eb;
+ if ($stat->do_manifest) {
+ unless (copy $stat->fetched_arch, $stat->distdir) {
+ error "Couldn\'t copy the distribution file to distdir ($!) -- aborting";
+ 1 while unlink $file;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ msg 'Adding Manifest entry for ' . $stat->dist;
+ unless (scalar run command => [ 'ebuild', $file, 'manifest' ], verbose => 0) {
+ error 'ebuild manifest failed -- aborting';
+ 1 while unlink $file;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub install {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stat = $self->status;
+ my $conf = $self->parent->parent->configure_object;
+ my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
+ my @cmd = 'emerge', '=' . $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version;
+ unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
+ unless (run command => \@cmd, verbose => 1) {
+ error 'emerge failed -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub uninstall {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stat = $self->status;
+ my $conf = $self->parent->parent->configure_object;
+ my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
+ my @cmd = 'emerge', '=' . $stat->eb_name . '-' . $stat->eb_version;
+ unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
+ unless (run command => \@cmd, verbose => 1) {
+ error 'emerge -C failed -- aborting';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+Gentoo (L<http://gentoo.org>).
+L<CPANPLUS>, L<IPC::Cmd> (core modules since 5.9.5).
+L<File::Path> (since 5.001), L<File::Copy> (5.002), L<File::Spec::Functions> (5.00504).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Base>, L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb>, L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cpanplus-dist-gentoo at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=CPANPLUS-Dist-Gentoo>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo
+The module is to some extend cargo-culted from L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb> and L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv>.
+Copyright 2008 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+1; # End of CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo