-use Carp ();
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Leaner::TestImport;
-use Test::Leaner ();
-use Test::More ();
-sub get_subroutine {
- my ($stash, $name) = @_;
- my $glob = $stash->{$name};
- return undef unless $glob;
- return *$glob{CODE};
-sub has_module_version {
- my ($module, $version) = @_;
- local $@;
- eval qq{
- require $module;
- "$module"->VERSION(\$version);
- 1;
- }
-sub has_test_more_version { has_module_version 'Test::More', @_ }
-sub has_exporter_version { has_module_version 'Exporter', @_ }
-my $this_stash = \%main::;
-my @default_exports = qw<
- plan
- skip
- done_testing
- pass
- fail
- ok
- is
- isnt
- like
- unlike
- cmp_ok
- is_deeply
- diag
- note
-sub check_imports {
- my %imported = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $_[0] || [] };
- my @not_imported = @{ $_[1] || [] };
- {
- local $Test::Builder::Level = ($Test::Builder::Level || 0) + 1;
- Test::More::skip($_[2] => @not_imported + @default_exports) if defined $_[2];
- for (@not_imported, grep !$imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
- Test::More::ok(!exists $this_stash->{$_}, "$_ was not imported");
- }
- for (grep $imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
- my $code = get_subroutine($this_stash, $_);
- Test::More::ok($code, "$_ was imported");
- }
- }
- delete $this_stash->{$_} for @default_exports, keys %imported, @not_imported;
-Test::More::plan(tests => 9 * @default_exports + 8 + 3);
-check_imports([ ], [ ], has_test_more_version('0.51') ? undef : 'Test::More::plan exports stuff on Test::More <= 0.51');
-local *Carp::carp = sub {
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = ($Carp::CarpLevel || 0) + 1;
- Carp::croak(@_);
-} unless has_exporter_version('5.565');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'empty import does not croak');
- check_imports(\@default_exports);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'nonexistent' ]);
- };
- Test::More::like($@, qr/^"nonexistent" is not exported by the Test::Leaner module/, 'import "nonexistent" croaks');
- check_imports([ ], [ 'nonexistent' ]);
- delete $this_stash->{use_ok} unless has_test_more_version('0.51');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'use_ok' ]);
- };
- Test::More::like($@, qr/^"use_ok" is not exported by the Test::Leaner module/, 'import "use_ok" croaks');
- check_imports([ ], [ 'use_ok' ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'ok' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "ok" does not croak');
- check_imports([ 'ok' ], [ ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(
- import => [ qw<like unlike> ],
- import => [ qw<diag note> ],
- );
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "like", "unlike", "diag" and "note" does not croak');
- check_imports([ qw<like unlike diag note> ], [ ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports([ grep $_ ne 'fail', @default_exports ], [ 'fail' ]);
- Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
- => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'pass' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "pass", "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports([ 'pass' ], [ ]);
- Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
- => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'fail' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "fail", "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports();
-use Carp ();
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::Leaner::TestImport;
-use Test::Leaner ();
-use Test::More ();
-sub get_subroutine {
- my ($stash, $name) = @_;
- my $glob = $stash->{$name};
- return undef unless $glob;
- return *$glob{CODE};
-sub has_module_version {
- my ($module, $version) = @_;
- local $@;
- eval qq{
- require $module;
- "$module"->VERSION(\$version);
- 1;
- }
-sub has_test_more_version { has_module_version 'Test::More', @_ }
-sub has_exporter_version { has_module_version 'Exporter', @_ }
-my $this_stash = \%main::;
-my @default_exports = qw<
- plan
- skip
- done_testing
- pass
- fail
- ok
- is
- isnt
- like
- unlike
- cmp_ok
- is_deeply
- diag
- note
-sub check_imports {
- my %imported = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $_[0] || [] };
- my @not_imported = @{ $_[1] || [] };
- {
- local $Test::Builder::Level = ($Test::Builder::Level || 0) + 1;
- Test::More::skip($_[2] => @not_imported + @default_exports) if defined $_[2];
- for (@not_imported, grep !$imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
- Test::More::ok(!exists $this_stash->{$_}, "$_ was not imported");
- }
- for (grep $imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
- my $code = get_subroutine($this_stash, $_);
- Test::More::ok($code, "$_ was imported");
- }
- }
- delete $this_stash->{$_} for @default_exports, keys %imported, @not_imported;
-if ($^V ge v5.8.4 and $^V le v5.8.5) {
- Test::More::plan(skip_all
- => 'goto may segfault randomly on perl 5.8.4 and 5.8.5');
-} else {
- Test::More::plan(tests => 9 * @default_exports + 8 + 3);
-check_imports([ ], [ ], has_test_more_version('0.51') ? undef : 'Test::More::plan exports stuff on Test::More <= 0.51');
-local *Carp::carp = sub {
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = ($Carp::CarpLevel || 0) + 1;
- Carp::croak(@_);
-} unless has_exporter_version('5.565');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'empty import does not croak');
- check_imports(\@default_exports);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'nonexistent' ]);
- };
- Test::More::like($@, qr/^"nonexistent" is not exported by the Test::More module/, 'import "nonexistent" croaks');
- check_imports([ ], [ 'nonexistent' ]);
- delete $this_stash->{use_ok} unless has_test_more_version('0.51');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'use_ok' ]);
- };
- Test::More::like($@, qr/^"use_ok" is not exported by the Test::Leaner module/, 'import "use_ok" croaks');
- check_imports([ ], [ 'use_ok' ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'ok' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "ok" does not croak');
- check_imports([ 'ok' ], [ ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(
- import => [ qw<like unlike> ],
- import => [ qw<diag note> ],
- );
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "like", "unlike", "diag" and "note" does not croak');
- check_imports([ qw<like unlike diag note> ], [ ]);
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports([ grep $_ ne 'fail', @default_exports ], [ 'fail' ]);
- Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
- => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'pass' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "pass", "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports([ 'pass' ], [ ]);
- Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
- => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
- local $@;
- eval {
- Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'fail' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
- };
- Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "fail", "!fail" does not croak');
- check_imports();
--- /dev/null
+package Test::Leaner::TestImport;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp ();
+use Test::Leaner ();
+use Test::More ();
+sub get_subroutine {
+ my ($stash, $name) = @_;
+ my $glob = $stash->{$name};
+ return undef unless $glob;
+ return *$glob{CODE};
+sub has_module_version {
+ my ($module, $version) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ eval qq{
+ require $module;
+ "$module"->VERSION(\$version);
+ 1;
+ }
+sub has_test_more_version { has_module_version 'Test::More', @_ }
+sub has_exporter_version { has_module_version 'Exporter', @_ }
+my $this_stash = \%Test::Leaner::TestImport::;
+my @default_exports = qw<
+ plan
+ skip
+ done_testing
+ pass
+ fail
+ ok
+ is
+ isnt
+ like
+ unlike
+ cmp_ok
+ is_deeply
+ diag
+ note
+sub check_imports {
+ my %imported = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $_[0] || [] };
+ my @not_imported = @{ $_[1] || [] };
+ {
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = ($Test::Builder::Level || 0) + 1;
+ Test::More::skip($_[2] => @not_imported + @default_exports) if defined $_[2];
+ for (@not_imported, grep !$imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
+ Test::More::ok(!exists $this_stash->{$_}, "$_ was not imported");
+ }
+ for (grep $imported{$_}, @default_exports) {
+ my $code = get_subroutine($this_stash, $_);
+ Test::More::ok($code, "$_ was imported");
+ }
+ }
+ delete $this_stash->{$_} for @default_exports, keys %imported, @not_imported;
+sub test_import_arg {
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = ($Test::Builder::Level || 0) + 1;
+ my $use_fallback = $ENV{PERL_TEST_LEANER_USES_TEST_MORE};
+ if ($use_fallback and $^V ge v5.8.4 and $^V le v5.8.5) {
+ Test::More::plan(skip_all
+ => 'goto may segfault randomly on perl 5.8.4 and 5.8.5');
+ } else {
+ Test::More::plan(tests => 9 * @default_exports + 8 + 3);
+ }
+ check_imports(
+ [ ], [ ], has_test_more_version('0.51')
+ ? undef
+ : 'Test::More::plan exports stuff on Test::More <= 0.51'
+ );
+ local *Carp::carp = sub {
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = ($Carp::CarpLevel || 0) + 1;
+ Carp::croak(@_);
+ } unless has_exporter_version('5.565');
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '', 'empty import does not croak');
+ check_imports(\@default_exports);
+ }
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'nonexistent' ]);
+ };
+ my $class = $use_fallback ? 'Test::More' : 'Test::Leaner';
+ Test::More::like(
+ $@, qr/^"nonexistent" is not exported by the $class module/,
+ 'import "nonexistent" croaks'
+ );
+ check_imports([ ], [ 'nonexistent' ]);
+ }
+ {
+ delete $this_stash->{use_ok} unless has_test_more_version('0.51');
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'use_ok' ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::like(
+ $@, qr/^"use_ok" is not exported by the Test::Leaner module/,
+ 'import "use_ok" croaks'
+ );
+ check_imports([ ], [ 'use_ok' ]);
+ }
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'ok' ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "ok" does not croak');
+ check_imports([ 'ok' ], [ ]);
+ }
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(
+ import => [ qw<like unlike> ],
+ import => [ qw<diag note> ],
+ );
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '',
+ 'import "like", "unlike", "diag" and "note" does not croak');
+ check_imports([ qw<like unlike diag note> ], [ ]);
+ }
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ '!fail' ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "!fail" does not croak');
+ check_imports([ grep $_ ne 'fail', @default_exports ], [ 'fail' ]);
+ }
+ {
+ Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
+ => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'pass' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "pass", "!fail" does not croak');
+ check_imports([ 'pass' ], [ ]);
+ }
+ {
+ Test::More::skip('Exporter 5.58 required to test negative imports'
+ => 1 + @default_exports) unless has_exporter_version('5.58');
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ Test::Leaner->import(import => [ 'fail' ], import => [ '!fail' ]);
+ };
+ Test::More::is($@, '', 'import "fail", "!fail" does not croak');
+ check_imports();
+ }
+our @EXPORT = qw<
+ test_import_arg
+use Exporter ();
+sub import { goto &Exporter::import }