use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 52 * 6 + 2;
+my ($tests, $reports);
+ $tests = 52;
+ $reports = 53;
+use Test::More tests => 3 * (4 * $tests + $reports) + 2;
my ($obj, $x);
our ($y, $bloop);
sub expect {
- my ($pkg) = @_;
- qr/^warn:Indirect\s+call\s+of\s+method\s+
- "(?:new|meh|feh|$pkg$pkg)"
- \s+on\s+object\s+
- "(?:$pkg|newnew|feh|\$(?:[xyz_\$]|(?:sploosh::)?sploosh|(?:main::)?bloop))"
- \s+at\s+\(eval\s+\d+\)\s+line\s+\d+
- /x
+ my ($expected) = @_;
+ die unless $expected;
+ map {
+ my ($meth, $obj, $file, $line) = @$_;
+ $_ = quotemeta for $meth, $obj;
+ $file = '\(eval \d+\)' unless defined $file;
+ $line = '\d+' unless defined $line;
+ qr/^Indirect call of method "$meth" on object "$obj" at $file line $line/
+ } eval $expected;
+my @warns;
+sub try {
+ my ($code) = @_;
+ @warns = ();
+ {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warns, join(' ', @_) };
+ eval $code;
+ }
- skip "$_: $skip" => 6 if eval $skip;
+ my ($code, $expected) = split /^-{4,}$/m, $_, 2;
+ my @expected = expect($expected);
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die 'warn:' . join(' ', @_) };
+ skip "$_: $skip" => 3 * (4 + @expected) if eval $skip;
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; $prefix; use indirect; $_";
- is($@, "ok\n", "use indirect: $_");
+ {
+ try "return; $prefix; use indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "use indirect: $code";
+ is @warns, 0, 'correct number of reports';
- eval "die qq{the code compiled but it shouldn't have\n}; $prefix; no indirect; $_";
- like($@, expect('Hlagh'), "no indirect: $_");
+ try "return; $prefix; no indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "no indirect: $code";
+ is @warns, @expected, 'correct number of reports';
+ for my $i (0 .. $#expected) {
+ like $warns[$i], $expected[$i], "report $i is correct";
+ }
+ }
- s/Hlagh/Dongs/g;
+ {
+ local $_ = $_;
+ s/Hlagh/Dongs/g;
+ my ($code, $expected) = split /^-{4,}$/m, $_, 2;
+ my @expected = expect($expected);
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; $prefix; use indirect; $_";
- is($@, "ok\n", "use indirect, defined: $_");
+ try "return; $prefix; use indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "use indirect, defined: $code";
+ is @warns, 0, 'correct number of reports';
- eval "die qq{the code compiled but it shouldn't have\n}; $prefix; no indirect; $_";
- like($@, expect('Dongs'), "no indirect, defined: $_");
+ try "return; $prefix; no indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "no indirect, defined: $code";
+ is @warns, @expected, 'correct number of reports';
+ for my $i (0 .. $#expected) {
+ like $warns[$i], $expected[$i], "report $i is correct";
+ }
+ }
- s/\$/\$ \n\t /g;
- s/Dongs/Hlagh/g;
+ {
+ my $code = $code;
+ $code =~ s/\$/\$ \n\t /g;
- eval "die qq{ok\\n}; $prefix; use indirect; $_";
- is($@, "ok\n", "use indirect, spaces: $_");
+ try "return; $prefix; use indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "use indirect, spaces: $code";
+ is @warns, 0, 'correct number of reports';
- eval "die qq{the code compiled but it shouldn't have\n}; $prefix; no indirect; $_";
- like($@, expect('Hlagh'), "no indirect, spaces: $_");
+ try "return; $prefix; no indirect; $code";
+ is $@, '', "no indirect, spaces: $code";
+ is @warns, @expected, 'correct number of reports';
+ for my $i (0 .. $#expected) {
+ like $warns[$i], $expected[$i], "report $i is correct";
+ }
+ }
$obj = new Hlagh;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh();
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh(1);
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh(1, 2);
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh ( ) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh ( 1 ) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new Hlagh ( 1 , 2 ) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new
Hlagh (
) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj =
Hlagh ( 1
) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj =
( 1 ,
2 ) ;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new $x;
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new $x();
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new $x('foo');
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new $x qq{foo}, 1;
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new $x qr{foo\s+bar}, 1 .. 1;
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new $x(qw/bar baz/);
+[ 'new', '$x' ]
$obj = new
+[ 'new', '$_' ]
$obj = new
$_ ( );
+[ 'new', '$_' ]
$obj = new $_ qr/foo/ ;
+[ 'new', '$_' ]
$obj = new $_ qq(bar baz);
+[ 'new', '$_' ]
meh $_;
+[ 'meh', '$_' ]
meh $_ 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$_' ]
meh $$;
+[ 'meh', '$$' ]
meh $$ 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$$' ]
meh $x;
+[ 'meh', '$x' ]
meh $x 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$x' ]
meh $x, 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$x' ]
meh $y;
+[ 'meh', '$y' ]
meh $y 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$y' ]
meh $y, 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$y' ]
#### $] < 5.010 # use feature 'state'; state $z
meh $z;
+[ 'meh', '$z' ]
#### $] < 5.010 # use feature 'state'; state $z
meh $z 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$z' ]
#### $] < 5.010 # use feature 'state'; state $z
meh $z, 1, 2;
+[ 'meh', '$z' ]
package sploosh;
our $sploosh;
meh $sploosh::sploosh;
+[ 'meh', '$sploosh::sploosh' ]
package sploosh;
our $sploosh;
meh $sploosh;
+[ 'meh', '$sploosh' ]
package sploosh;
meh $main::bloop;
+[ 'meh', '$main::bloop' ]
package sploosh;
meh $bloop;
+[ 'meh', '$bloop' ]
package ma;
meh $bloop;
+[ 'meh', '$bloop' ]
package sploosh;
our $sploosh;
package main;
meh $sploosh::sploosh;
+[ 'meh', '$sploosh::sploosh' ]
new Hlagh->wut;
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
new Hlagh->wut();
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
new Hlagh->wut, "Wut";
+[ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = HlaghHlagh Hlagh;
+[ 'HlaghHlagh', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = HlaghHlagh Hlagh; # HlaghHlagh Hlagh
+[ 'HlaghHlagh', 'Hlagh' ]
$obj = new newnew;
+[ 'new', 'newnew' ]
$obj = new newnew; # new newnew
+[ 'new', 'newnew' ]
$obj = feh feh;
+[ 'feh', 'feh' ]
$obj = feh feh; # feh feh
+[ 'feh', 'feh' ]
new Hlagh (meh $x)
+[ 'meh', '$x' ], [ 'new', 'Hlagh' ]
Hlagh->new(meh $x)
+[ 'meh', '$x' ]