NAME CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo - CPANPLUS backend generating Gentoo ebuilds. VERSION Version 0.08 SYNOPSIS cpan2dist --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo \ --dist-opts overlay=/usr/local/portage \ --dist-opts distdir=/usr/portage/distfiles \ --dist-opts manifest=yes \ --dist-opts keywords=x86 \ --dist-opts header="# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation" \ --dist-opts footer="# End" \ Any::Module You::Like DESCRPITON This module is a CPANPLUS backend that recursively generates Gentoo ebuilds for a given package in the specified overlay (defaults to /usr/local/portage), updates the manifest, and even emerges it (together with its dependencies) if the user requires it. You need write permissions on the directory where Gentoo fetches its source files (usually /usr/portage/distfiles). The valid "KEYWORDS" for the generated ebuilds are by default those given in "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", but you can specify your own with the "keywords" dist-option. The generated ebuilds are placed into the "perl-gcpanp" category. They favour depending on a "virtual", on "perl-core", "dev-perl" or "perl-gcpan" (in that order) rather than "perl-gcpanp". INSTALLATION After installing this module, you should append "perl-gcpanp" to your /etc/portage/categories file. METHODS This module inherits all the methods from CPANPLUS::Dist::Base. Please refer to its documentation for precise information on what's done at each step. "intuit_license" Returns an array reference to a list of Gentoo licences identifiers under which the current distribution is released. "update_manifest" Updates the Manifest file for the ebuild associated to the current dist object. "ebuild_source" Returns the source of the ebuild for the current dist object, or "undef" when one of the dependencies couldn't be mapped to an existing ebuild. DEPENDENCIES Gentoo (). CPANPLUS, IPC::Cmd (core modules since 5.9.5), Parse::CPAN::Meta (since 5.10.1). Cwd, Carp (since perl 5), File::Path (5.001), File::Copy (5.002), File::Spec (5.00405), List::Util (5.007003). SEE ALSO cpan2dist. CPANPLUS::Dist::Base, CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb, CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv. AUTHOR Vincent Pit, "", . You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent). BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cpanplus-dist-gentoo at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The module was inspired by CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb and CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv. Kent Fredric, for testing and suggesting improvements. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008-2009 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.