NAME re::engine::Hooks - Hookable variant of the Perl core regular expression engine. VERSION Version 0.03 SYNOPSIS In your XS file : #include "re_engine_hooks.h" STATIC void dri_comp_node_hook(pTHX_ regexp *rx, regnode *node) { ... } STATIC void dri_exec_node_hook(pTHX_ regexp *rx, regnode *node, regmatch_info *info, regmatch_state *state) { ... } MODULE = Devel::Regexp::Instrument PACKAGE = Devel::Regexp::Instrument BOOT: { reh_config cfg; cfg.comp_node = dri_comp_node_hook; cfg.exec_node = dri_exec_node_hook; reh_register("Devel::Regexp::Instrument", &cfg); } In your Perl module file : package Devel::Regexp::Instrument; use strict; use warnings; our ($VERSION, @ISA); use re::engine::Hooks; # Before loading our own shared library BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.01'; require DynaLoader; push @ISA, 'DynaLoader'; __PACKAGE__->bootstrap($VERSION); } sub import { re::engine::Hooks::enable(__PACKAGE__) } sub unimport { re::engine::Hooks::disable(__PACKAGE__) } 1; In your Makefile.PL use ExtUtils::Depends; my $ed = ExtUtils::Depends->new( 'Devel::Regexp::Instrument' => 're::engine::Hooks', ); WriteMakefile( $ed->get_makefile_vars, ... ); DESCRIPTION This module provides a version of the perl regexp engine that can call user-defined XS callbacks at the compilation and at the execution of each regexp node. C API The C API is made available through the re_engine_hooks.h header file. "reh_comp_node_hook" The typedef for the regexp node compilation phase hook. Currently evaluates to : typedef void (*reh_comp_node_hook)(pTHX_ regexp *, regnode *); "reh_exec_node_hook" The typedef for the regexp node_execution phase hook. Currently evaluates to : typedef void (*reh_exec_node_hook)(pTHX_ regexp *, regnode *, regmatch_info *, regmatch_state *); "reh_config" A typedef'd struct that holds a set of all the different callbacks publicized by this module. It has the following members : * "comp_node" A function pointer of type "reh_comp_node_hook" that will be called each time a regnode is compiled. Allowed to be "NULL" if you don't want to call anything for this phase. * "exec_node" A function pointer of type "reh_exec_node_hook" that will be called each time a regnode is executed. Allowed to be "NULL" if you don't want to call anything for this phase. "reh_register" void reh_register(pTHX_ const char *key, reh_config *cfg); Registers the callbacks specified by the "reh_config *" object "cfg" under the given name "key". "cfg" can be a pointer to a static object of type "reh_config". "key" is expected to be a nul-terminated string and should match the argument passed to "enable" and "disable" in Perl land. An exception will be thrown if "key" has already been used to register callbacks. PERL API "enable" enable $key; Lexically enables the hooks associated with the key $key. "disable" disable $key; Lexically disables the hooks associated with the key $key. EXAMPLES Please refer to the t/re-engine-Hooks-TestDist/ directory in the distribution. It implements a couple of simple examples. DEPENDENCIES perl 5.10.1. ExtUtils::Depends. SEE ALSO perlreguts. AUTHOR Vincent Pit, "", . You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent). BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-re-engine-hooks at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command : perldoc re::engine::Hooks COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2012 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.