NAME Test::Leaner - A slimmer Test::More for when you favor performance over completeness. VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Test::Leaner tests => 10_000; for (1 .. 10_000) { ... is $one, 1, "checking situation $_"; } DESCRIPTION When profiling some Test::More-based test script that contained about 10 000 unit tests, I realized that 60% of the time was spent in Test::Builder itself, even though every single test actually involved a costly "eval STRING". This module aims to be a partial replacement to Test::More in those situations where you want to run a large number of simple tests. Its functions behave the same as their Test::More counterparts, except for the following differences : * Stringification isn't forced on the test operands. However, "ok" honors 'bool' overloading, "is" and "is_deeply" honor 'eq' overloading (and just that one) and "cmp_ok" honors whichever overloading category corresponds to the specified operator. * "pass", "fail", "ok", "is", "isnt", "like", "unlike" and "cmp_ok" are all guaranteed to return the truth value of the test. * "cmp_ok" throws an exception if the given operator isn't a valid Perl binary operator (except '=' and variants). It also tests in scalar context, so '..' will be treated as the flip-flop operator and not the range operator. * The tests don't output any kind of default diagnostic in case of failure ; the rationale being that if you have a large number of tests and a lot of them are failing, then you don't want to be flooded by diagnostics. * "use_ok", "require_ok", "can_ok", "isa_ok", "new_ok", "subtest", "explain", "TODO" blocks and "todo_skip" are not implemented. * Test::Leaner depends on Scalar::Util, while Test::More does not. FUNCTIONS The following functions from Test::More are implemented and exported by default. "plan [ tests => $count | 'no_plan' | skip_all => $reason ]" "skip $reason => $count" "done_testing [ $count ]" "ok $ok [, $desc ]" "pass [ $desc ]" "fail [ $desc ]" "is $got, $expected [, $desc ]" "isnt $got, $expected [, $desc ]" "like $got, $regexp_expected [, $desc ]" "unlike $got, $regexp_expected, [, $desc ]" "cmp_ok $got, $op, $expected [, $desc ]" "is_deeply $got, $expected [, $desc ]" "diag @text" "note @text" "BAIL_OUT [ $desc ]" Test::Leaner also provides some functions of its own, which are never exported. "tap_stream [ $fh ]" Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the tests are outputted. On write, it also turns autoflush on onto $fh. Note that it can only be used as a write accessor before you start any thread, as threads::shared cannot reliably share filehandles. Defaults to "STDOUT". "diag_stream [ $fh ]" Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the diagnostics are printed. On write, it also turns autoflush on onto $fh. Just like "tap_stream", it can only be used as a write accessor before you start any thread, as threads::shared cannot reliably share filehandles. Defaults to "STDERR". "THREADSAFE" This constant evaluates to true if and only if Test::Leaner is thread-safe, i.e. when this version of "perl" is at least 5.8, has been compiled with "useithreads" defined, and threads has been loaded before Test::Leaner. In that case, it also needs a working threads::shared. DEPENDENCIES perl 5.6. Exporter, Scalar::Util, Test::More. AUTHOR Vincent Pit, "", . You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent). BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-test-leaner at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Test::Leaner COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.