9 Test::More::plan(skip_all => $msg);
12 use Config qw/%Config/;
17 skipall 'This perl wasn\'t built to support threads'
18 unless $Config{useithreads};
19 skipall "threads $t_v required to test thread safety"
20 unless eval "use threads $t_v; 1";
21 skipall "threads::shared $ts_v required to test thread safety"
22 unless eval "use threads::shared $ts_v; 1";
25 use Test::More; # after threads
27 use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast dispell getdata getsig VMG_THREADSAFE VMG_OP_INFO_NAME VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT/;
30 skipall 'This Variable::Magic isn\'t thread safe' unless VMG_THREADSAFE;
31 plan tests => 2 * 3 + 4 * (2 * 10 + 2) + 4 * (2 * 7 + 2);
32 my $v = $threads::VERSION;
33 diag "Using threads $v" if defined $v;
34 $v = $threads::shared::VERSION;
35 diag "Using threads::shared $v" if defined $v;
38 my $destroyed : shared = 0;
45 wizard data => sub { $_[1] + threads->tid() },
46 get => sub { lock $c; ++$c; 0 },
49 my $tid = threads->tid();
50 if ($op_info == VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT) {
51 is_deeply { class => ref($op), name => $op->name },
52 { class => 'B::BINOP', name => 'sassign' },
53 "op object in thread $tid is correct";
55 is $op, 'sassign', "op name in thread $tid is correct";
59 free => sub { lock $destroyed; ++$destroyed; 0 },
62 is($@, '', "wizard with op_info $op_info in main thread doesn't croak");
63 isnt($wiz, undef, "wizard with op_info $op_info in main thread is defined");
64 is($c, 0, "wizard with op_info $op_info in main thread doesn't trigger magic");
70 my ($dispell, $sig) = @_;
71 my $tid = threads->tid();
73 my $res = eval { cast $a, $sig, sub { 5 }->() };
74 is($@, '', "cast in thread $tid doesn't croak");
77 is($@, '', "get in thread $tid doesn't croak");
78 is($b, 3, "get in thread $tid returns the right thing");
79 my $d = eval { getdata $a, $sig };
80 is($@, '', "getdata in thread $tid doesn't croak");
81 is($d, 5 + $tid, "getdata in thread $tid returns the right thing");
83 is($@, '', "set in thread $tid (check opname) doesn't croak");
85 $res = eval { dispell $a, $sig };
86 is($@, '', "dispell in thread $tid doesn't croak");
89 is($@, '', "get in thread $tid after dispell doesn't croak");
90 is($b, 9, "get in thread $tid after dispell returns the right thing");
92 return; # Ugly if not here
95 my $wiz_name = spawn_wiz VMG_OP_INFO_NAME;
96 my $wiz_obj = spawn_wiz VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT;
98 for my $dispell (1, 0) {
99 for my $sig ($wiz_name, getsig($wiz_name), $wiz_obj, getsig($wiz_obj)) {
109 my @t = map { threads->create(\&try, $dispell, $sig) } 1 .. 2;
114 is $c, 2, "get triggered twice";
118 is $destroyed, (1 - $dispell) * 2, 'destructors';